Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I've got Teeth!

Kylan has had an adventurous last couple of weeks. Two of his bottom teeth have popped through. I am figuring this is why he had a crabby spell earlier in the month. They aren't out enough to be visible in pics, but I am sure they will be soon. His food choices have also rapidly expanded with these sharp incisors poking through. MMMMM Teething crackers....

Ky is still rapidly learning about the world around him. He played in the snow and made his first snow angel. He also ate snow--we made sure it was not yellow. He really likes snow. YUM YUM!!! By the way this was the first snow that stuck on the ground since the day we moved. So this is really the very first opportunity Ky has had to see what snow is.

Kylan has mastered waving "HI/BYE" now. He will often accompany the wave with "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" (No h's or b's) And another favorite past time is eating his feet, whenever they are not socked. YUM! No crawling is really frustrating for us as parents to have him crawl all over us, but refuse to crawl on the floor by himself. Perhaps he is more of a mountain climber. We are always putting him on the floor on his tummy, but he just rolls over. Occasionally he will even get up on all fours and sometimes he will actually be on his hands and feet (no knees), but that will soon be followed by him rolling over or reaching over to one of us so he can crawl (literally) into our laps.

So I should probably explain a few of the pics. Kylan has been wanting us to dress him up like "Skeletor" for months. --NO--I am not lying...he is always grabbing the outfit in his closet...We finally gave in. He had a lot of fun in his glow-in-the-dark costume. And yes, he did go "ROAR".

Kylan also does get occasionally tired of all the attention he receives when he goes out for a night on the town. The "Cabbage Patch Doll" comments can be a bit much. So he chose to go "incognito" for one of his nights out. Unfortunately, it appeared that he actually received more attention, and people recognized him as the "Cabbage Patch Doll" he is anyway.

And lastly, Ky got to meet his second cousing Desmond at his Aunt Lisa's and Uncle Ryan's birthday party. They really had a good time playing with blocks. Ky was quite intrigued by Desmond's mobility, yet had no desire to venture out on his own.

Stay tuned for next week's posting...a weekend with Uncle Adam and Aunt Liz...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Ky's New Year pics

Pics to come...

KY's new year

Well Ky got off to a great start with the new year. We went over to a friend's to celebrate--and Ky refused to go to sleep. He insisted on celebrating the new year as well. So he went to bed about 1:30 in the morning on the drive back home.

We are still expecting Ky to start crawling or something any day now. If in a seated position, he will try to grab onto something to pull himself up....He also is now starting to "cruise" when he is standing (walking on his own while hanging onto things.) Often times his attempts to stand turn into lunges where he is on his hands and knees. If he can just figure to move his hands and knees alternately he will crawl. Usually he does one or the other and just ends up sprawled on the floor and then he rolls to his back.

Shortly after the new year Ky came down with a cold. He was very cranky! Life was rough. Thank goodness my mom came and visited us for the new year. It was great to have her. Kylan really took to her quickly and seemed to forget his crabbiness. (It had been 4 months since he last saw her.) Kylan showed Grandma all the many noises he can make with his mouth. And Grandma showed Kylan that she could bark like Bear. Ky loved it and would laugh each time she barked (the things people do to get babies to laugh.) Ky also smothered grandma in kisses...

Once Grandma left Ky went back into his cranky spell. He is frustrated, now that he can pull himself up, he always wants to be standing and moving---but I don't want him doing it unless I am there to make sure he doesn't fall into something (he will forget to hold on at times and fall.) So after talking to some mom's I invested in a exersaucer. I spent a whole $2.50 at the Salvation Army for one (I love the salvation army!) This exersaucer is so cool! Granted it was a bit dirty when I got it (must have been sitting in someone's garage)--but a little soap and some lysol, a laundered seat-- and it looks as good as new. The exersaucer allows him to stand and jump--it has little springs in the legs...also it is not overwhelmed with toys--like a lot of exersaucers are these days. I can put various toys in the little compartments for him--and it seems to do the trick--for a short while anyways...and then Ky wants out and he wants to cruise on his own....Please God let him crawl soon!

Lately Kylan has discovered his tongue. I find him sticking it out. Man--he has a long tongue. I am going to get a picture of him doing it soon.

Dad is having a lot of fun with Ky too. Especially now that he says "DA DA" on a regular basis. Of course Ky has no idea what he is saying, but his father enjoys responding to him whenever he says "Da da da da..."

On Jan 8th Ky went in for his 6 month physical (even though he is 7 months now). We are no longer allowed to make fun of his weight. Ky weighed 20 lbs on the dot, which puts him in the 74th percentile.....20% less than before. The doc said that based on rob and my heights, Ky should be somewhere around the 70% so now he is on track. He is also 28" (80%) and doing extremely well....she was surprised to find that he could already pull himself to standing.

Over this weekend we had an incident with my car. I am not going to go into detail right now..but at some point in the future I do want the opportunity to look back at these pics and laugh (probably will be several years.) So for now, we cannot close the driver's side door. The tow truck comes for it tomorrow...and I am sure it will be a pricey repair.

Monday, January 01, 2007

First Christmas

First Christmas

Kylan had a great first Christmas. The week prior to Christmas Kylan volunteered 8 hours ringing bells for the salvation army. He made a LOT of money! People can not resist a cute baby...not to mention one with a read set of antlers. it was fun. Kylan would stare people down until they noticed him and then he would flash them a big smile. Suckers!! It was all for good though..

So Kylan likes presents alot. He especially likes the paper that presents are wrapped in. He would pull the paper off the present and then eat it.

I think his favorite present was from Nana. She got him this cloth book that was packaged in a plastic pouch. He loves the plastic pouch. What a great present!

On Christmas day, Kylan met his newest cousin--Dominic. He seemed very intrigued by this little person that was actually smaller than him.

Kylan is definitley the best present we have received this year. He is so much fun.---moody at times, but fun! (Of course we had to wake him up christmas morning...) --Oh yeah that is another thing--over Christmas Kylan slept several nights in a row straight through...I am talking 10 + hours. What a great present for us!

He just continues to grow by leaps and bounds. He is babbling so much now. He says "DA DA" though not purposefully. He moved around a lot by rolling and is still getting on his knees--though has yet to crawl. The biggest thing that Kylan is doing is pulling up to stand. He has been doing that with our hands for the last month or so, but now he has something that is the perfect height so he can do it all on his own--his toy box. So at the top of this entry, you can see some action pics of him pulling himself up. After he gets up, he does a little dance of celebration and then plays with his toys. He is growing so fast! He is going to be mobil in no time. I hope we are ready for that.

Boy--I know there is more to add, but I can't think of it right now. The sad thing is I had already typed this blog up once and then blogger crashed and I lost it all. Well, if I remember anything else, I will be sure to add it later.

Thanks to everyone who sent Christmas cards. I apologize that we were unable to get Christmas cards out to everyone--it was a bit hectic with the move. Next year we will get it done for sure. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!