Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Granola Bars

Rob makes these. He changes up the fruit on different batches and has been known to add chocolate chips! YUM!


Jan's Peanut Butter Balls

This is a healthy snack when you have serious cookie cravings. Put in the freezer and eat as needed and they will last for a long time. Also sometimes when I make this the dough is too wet to form into balls--if that happens I add more powdered milk or I refrigerate and form into balls later.

3/4 C Peanut Butter
1/2 C Honey
1 tsp Vanilla
3/4 C Powdered Milk
1 C. Oatmeal
2 Tbsp Boiling water
1/4 C Sesame Seeds
Nut or chocolate chip for topping

Mix 1st 3 ingredients. Add Rest. Mix & Form into balls. Top with nut or Chip. Freeze or Refrigerate.

Wake-Up Breakfast Bars

We eat these for snack--they are pretty sweet. We also make it with generic raisin bran and omit the cranberries.


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