Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christmas 2007

Whew! I am going to catch up on these entries soon! So we get back from San Diego, Rob works on Weds & Thurs and Friday he took off---which was good!

So Friday we began our annual cookie baking. Like last year, the amount of cookies we made was small (we have a little guy after all.) The big difference this year was that we had an extra helper (or deterrent) in the kitchen. Ky LOVED making cookies. I tried to get him to help me cut out ginger bread cookies, but he wanted to eat the dough instead. Then I let him watch me make bon bons---this was going pretty well. I put the pans just out of his reach, and he would point to the cookie and say "What's that?" and I would say "bon bon." He would then reach for the cookies and I would say "no" and he would pull his hand back. This went on for a while and then Ky broke the pattern. He must have been scheming---somehow he was able to extend his arm and extra inch and quickly (and I mean he was fast!) he grabbed a raw cookie and stuffed it in his mouth. I was shocked---and then overcome with laughter. This little boy had a huge blob of dough in his mouth. It was funny he could hardly chew! And juice from the cherry inside started dripping out of his mouth. Yeah--we grabbed the video camera at this point. Silly boy! He was a mess at the end of our baking but he had tons of fun! I can't wait until next year with him!

Saturday we finished up our baking and rang bells for the salvation army. This year, with Ky being older I knew I could not ring alone with him, so Rob and I signed up together and played tag team with Ky while we rang the bell. For the first hour we actually had a band playing behind us. It was loud--but we made a killing. Bands and babies---what a combo. Ky did really well (better than I thought) with ringing the bell and actually rang the entire shift. We will have to see how next year goes.

Sunday we were off to Milwaukee. We dropped Ky off at G'pa and G'mas and then were off to see the Christmas Carol with Rob's mom and Jan. We used to do this every year, but we had missed the last year with Kylan. It was nice to go again. The only bad thing was the roads. We ended up getting to MKE a little later than planned and just made the show on time.
Afterwards we picked up Ky and went back to Nana & G'ma Jan's for the afternoon. Kylan had a blast of course! He loves spending time with Nana. She read him lots of books and they wrestled some on the floor ---yeah--he is such a boy! Then he played the "Everybody smell my stinky feet game." Which is really cute--at first--and then you kind of get tired of him shoving his toes in your face.

He also enjoyed opening up his presents. He got some books, a puzzle, and Elmo slippers. The boy was in heaven--books--you can't go wrong. We also ate yummy pasta! Oh yeah and Rob and I took all of mom's and Jan's quarters in a dice game. That was fun.

Monday was a nice and relaxing day. We enjoyed just being with each other and went to service that night--and don't let me forget--Ky slept in. I think that was his christmas present to us. He woke up at 6:30 we brought him into bed with us and then I --yes I woke up at 10 and got the boys up. Christmas eve was a very nice day at home in front of the fireplace just being with each other.
On Christmas, Ky woke us up as usual. We went downstairs and I had his new train table (which I built--and isn't quite completed yet) set up and running. The boy was ecstatic. He loves trains. CHOO CHOO!--that's what Ky calls them.

He played with that table for the longest time. We set out both tracks--one from his birthday and the other I picked up at a garage sale. He had a hard time determining what to play with. We also picked up some assorted cars & planes as well.

It was a little hard to get him to open the rest of his presents. A couple of favorites included the drag racing set (seen above) and his dog towel or as Ky says "ABOO ABOO" (baby for woof woof). Let me say Christmas is so much more fun with little ones. Ky doesn't understand about Jesus yet--but it is neat that Jesus has made it into his vocabulary. I set up my nativity in early December and he would say to me "Please Jesus"--which meant--"will you pick me up and let me see baby Jesus?"--we had the nativity on a high shelf out of his reach. Ky also thinks that any large book must be a bible.

We put Kylan in his train outfit for the day and topped it off with his new train hat from San Diego's Train museum (see pic above). He was pretty darn cute. And he knows the hat is a "choo choo hat." By the time we were dressed and enjoyed our annual baked fruity french toast, we had to get on the road to Milwaukee. Debi wasn't feeling well, so the girls were responsible fro getting the dinner done--but lets be honest--Debi is always in charge so she directed us watching closely that everything was done right.

Dinner was good--pasta was yummy! And then the mounds of presents were opened. Ky wanted to help Auntie Steph open her gifts. Poor Dominic slept through the event. A good time was had by all--and G'ma Bucky left a memory for Pops by clogging up the toilet (not the first time she has done this.) We all went home full and happy..
So that was Christmas. WHEW!!! And I still haven't caught up on my blog entries. My mom got married a few weeks ago so I still have to get to that one. SOON!
In the meantime--Ky is mentally a 2 year old. He knows what he wants and he wants it now. He will tell you what he wants, but when you can't decipher it, then he gets mad. He is a polite boy though--he does say "Thank you" or "TEE TOO" when you give him something--and he always says "Excuse me" after he farts or burps (CU ME). In fact now he farts on purpose just so he can say excuse me, and if he can't fart then he will make the noise with his mouth. Crazy kid! Definitely all boy! He also has a thing for eyes. Poor Bear has been poked in the eyes way too often lately--and today he poked a baby in the eye. We are telling him no and that it hurts, but he doesn't seem to get it. Ah well...Well until the next post...C-YA!

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