Thursday, January 17, 2008

San Diego--the final part

Sunday we were up early and stopped in La Jolla to check out the beach and the sunbathing seals. (This was after the mystifying and angering night/morning of parking our car---I don’t think I need to write about it—just something for Rob and I to remember.) So back to La Jolla. It was beautiful. Ky played in the sand a little and we checked out the cliffs. We then went to Children’s beach in La Jolla and watched the seals. They didn’t do much, but it was pretty cool to just watch them in their own element. We did this all in like an hour—because of course we had a wedding to get to.

After La Jolla, we went to see Debi’s cousin’s house in Vista. His house is really neat! (Yup the wedding is coming—just wait.) He is an architect, so of course it was fabulous. The floors matched the counters and everything! Very cool! And wow you should have seen the views from his house---you can get an idea from our family pic with us all dressed up. It was amazing. He also had an orchard of tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, avocados, lemons, and limes. We got to take some freshly picked produce home with us. YUMMY!

After the brief pit stop—and a change of clothes, we were off to Orange,, California for Anne, Rob’s cousin’s wedding—told you it was coming. We were happy that we arrived with plenty of time to spare. We caught up with the family stories and sat down and waited for the bride. Anne was beautiful and gleaming. The wedding went well without a hitch. (Unfortunately, due to poor lighting, most of our pics did not come out very well.) The bride and groom—who were teachers at the same school—had invited their students and even had a special reception for them after the wedding. That was very neat!

Afterwards, we were off to check into the hotel, and then to the reception. We had a good time. Rob and I enjoyed dancing—okay I enjoyed dancing, Ky enjoyed playing with Grandma’s toes and harassing Ryan. Towards the end, we knew we had to get Ky home and to bed. The boy was running like a mad man. He was definitely overtired from the day. We went back to the hotel and Ky had crashed in the car. We laid him on the bed and he wouldn’t wake up. Rob broke a glass, the housekeeper came and vacuumed, and Ky still would not wake up. He was out. However, around 2 AM Ky decided it was time to get up. We really struggled to get him to go back to sleep. It wasn’t until an hour or two later that we finally got him to go back to sleep.

The next day we were not really feeling refreshed, but we had to get moving to get to Disney Land. We met up with Pops, Debi, and Ryan for a quick breakfast at Denny’s—however at the time it seemed like a very slow breakfast. We wanted to get to the park on time since cousin Paul was waiting for us (he had our tix—thanks to the military discount.) So we left Denny’s a few minutes late, but what really hurt us was Disney Land’s parking. Okay—time to complain. You pay to park at Disney Land and then you pass the parking lot which of course says it is full—and are sent out on a highway with no idea of where to go. Next thing you know you are being forced to get back on the interstate---but wait if you make a u-turn at the light where the interstate begins, you can get to extra Disney parking—sound confusing? Well it was! It was very annoying—we were lucky we even got in the left turn lane (or u-turn lane) and then only 3 -4 cars could turn per light—so it took forever! It was RIDICULOUS!!!!

We were very angry by the time we were parked.

So—now time to get happy. We are at Disney Land! WOO-HOO! We met up with Paul and his friend Lisa and we were off to the park. Paul was supposed to meet his nieces at “It’s a Small World” so we all headed that way for the ride. And when we didn’t see them, we decided to go ahead and jump on the ride since the line was so short. Ky was bewildered. His face was just in awe of all the characters and music. There is a picture above of him on the ride—and that was pretty much the look he had the whole time. It was neat. He really had a lot of fun.

The cool thing about Disney Land was that Ky could go on pretty much every single ride. After Small World, we went on Pinochio, Toad’s wild adventure, and the carousel. The boy had a great time. I honestly don’t remember all the rides we took him on, but it was a lot. We did Pirates of the Carribean and then met up, or attempted to meet up with Pops and Debi. However, Pops and Debi got stuck on a ride so we ended up waiting for them for a while. Then we did the big Ky switch off---we gave them Ky, they gave us Ryan. That was great! We took off and did all the big rides that we couldn’t do with Ky—Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, ---argh I can’t think of the rest…but you know what I am talking about.

Meanwhile Pops and Debi were meeting and greeting Goofy. There were some pics taken of Ky in Goofy’s lap, but he is just staring up Goofy’s big old nose-so we didn’t purchase them. We should get some from Debi’s camera later.

When we got Ky back, he quickly crashed. We went on a couple of more rides and then called it a night at Disney. We didn’t stay for the last parade or the snow—yes they make it snow! Perhaps next time. It was getting cold and we were getting hungry and I was excited about meeting up with my old best friend—Christi. And I mean OLD best friend. We are talking elementary and middle school. Christi is in the last picture---it was dark, so it didn’t come out too well…

Christi lives in Newport Beach, so we met up with her for dinner. It was great seeing her again and catching up on what she has been up to. She is now a teacher (how ironic) and does a lot of mission work. She took us to a local Mexican restaurant which served yummy food and then took us for a walk on the pier. We enjoyed the ocean via moonlight.

I could put a lot more in this blog entry, but I am so behind that I think I am going to call it quits….

The plane ride back went fine. However, we did have problems getting our tickets—the computer was down, and going through security (the line literally wrapped around.) We were there 2 hours early, but due to these delays we barely had enough time to get a lunch—and we ended up eating it on the plane. We also got stuck in Kansas City for a bit as our plane got delayed. That made for some good time to get a few drinks. We left Ky with Uncle Ryan and attempted to relax.

Back in Milwaukee—IT WAS COLD!!! Not really that cold, but coming from San Diego it sure felt cold.

So all in all the vacation was fantastic. We crammed just about everything we wanted to do in our short time there—and we made a lot of memories.

Stay tuned to Ky at Xmas—the next blog entry….

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