Monday, January 07, 2008

San Diego- Friday & Saturday

Friday we were up bright and early with the anticipation of going to Balboa park. Balboa park is actually outside of the zoo and has a wide assortment of museums and parks. We took the bus (now that we were good with the metro transit) to the park and first began our exploration of the rose gardens. They were beautiful. They had just about every color imaginable. Kylan quickly learned that they were pokey when he fell into a rose bush! No worries he was fine. However his smelling of the roses had to be monitored, because he kept forgetting about the thorns.

Next to the rose garden was the desert. Pretty cool! They had all sorts of interesting trees and cacti. My favorite was the hairy cactus---yes that is a picture of it above. I just think everyone should have a hairy cactus!

It was hard to decide what to do after those two gardens. We went to a “tropical rain forest garden” where we discovered the tape worm plant (pictured above) as well as the carnivorous eating plants. Kylan put his hand in the carnivorous plants water (where it specifically says “DO NOT TOUCH DUE TO FLESH EATING EMZYMES”) --okay it didn’t really say that, but it was something sort of like that. We had to wash his hands off right away—and yes he still has both hands and 10 fingers.

We then walked through a Japanese garden which actually charged admission—word of advice---don’t bother. It was only a small sum of money, but I think I would have preferred to spend my money on something else. Ky did enjoy watching the Koi—or “fEEsh, bubble bubble” in the pond.

After that we were off to the Corvette Diner for lunch. We had read about it in a local magazine and I wanted to go to the old 50’s diner. The inside was very cool. Some of the waitresses were even on skates. When our waitress came she threw straws at us and loudly chewed gum. It was great. Ky especially enjoyed her. They also served great food for good prices. And we completed our meal with an Oreo malt. YUMMY! And—with the check came a whole lot of BAZOOKA bubble gum—which of course was thrown at us! I love Bazooka gum—especially the dumb little comics inside. This restaurant is definitely one I will want to return to someday.

So back to Balboa park. We went to the train museum. Ky LOVED the trains. He had so much fun. We felt bad because he had fallen asleep on our walk back to Balboa Park and we ended up waking him up so he could see the trains. But it was well worth it. He was fascinated to watch the trains travel around, when they would disappear he would ask “Where go Choo choo” or “Where’d it go?” (I told you he is speaking in sentences.) He was so excited he literally peed his pants (good thing I had a change of clothes! J After the train museum, we did stop at the museum shop and bought him a train hat—now he has the whole “little boy conductor” outfit.

After the train museum, we visited the Museum of Man. Not the most exciting museum for me, but Rob enjoyed looking at the imitation Mayan artifacts. There were two cool parts of the museum; one was the real mummies that they had. The second was the children’s area. We got to dress Ky up like an Egyptian. I think we had more fun than Ky did. He makes such a cute little Egyptian prince though.

That was pretty much the end of our day. It was dark out and most things were closing. So we headed back to the hotel, ate dinner, and walked around a bit. Ky was tired though, so we quickly went back to the hotel—where we were woken up at 2 AM to an alarm of some sort. There was a speaker suddenly in our room that said “There is an emergency in the hotel, please vacate immediately—DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS!” All these people were running down the hall. It was chaos. I told Rob to call the front desk, because I was NOT wakening the child unless something was going on. Sure enough—false alarm.

The next morning Rob left to get our rental car and I cruised the mall a bit. It is so cool—it is all out in the open and life 5 stories high! Then we were off to Legoland!

So I am going to keep my entry for Lego land short. It was a waste of money. We should have just spent 2 days in Disney instead. Most of their “attractions” were look at our legos or come build with our legos. In their flyers they claim to have all these cool things for 2 and under---yeah—it’s build a lego castle, build a lego car, go down a lego slide. Not cool. Not to mention Ky is over 34” and there are multiple rides that are for 34” and up. Well when we stood him next to the pole he was like 3” too short. So I think that they purposely raised the heights of the poles, probably to further protect against lawsuits or something.

We do have a lot of cool pictures of Ky next to lego built types of things (they had lego-built cities, superheroes, animals, a real sized Volvo)—it was pretty cool to see those, but not worth the money. They did have one neat playground (which Ky was technically too young to play on) that was fun. He went down these GIANT slides by himself, and I have a picture of him climbing one of those net walls---he climbed it all by himself! Very impressive!

We left legoland early—went home and explored Coronado Island—which is very cool. We went over the Coronado bridge (seen in a pic from the entry below). I think it must also be known as suicide bridge—because as we drove over it there were signs everywhere “Depressed? At the end of you rope? Call 1800-don’t drive off the bridge?”—okay the signs didn’t really say that, but that is how they are interpreted. We visited the Coronado Hotel which was so cool, built in the late 1800’s, it is beautiful. Then we had dinner outside at Miguel’s Cocina. Very good food! I would go back. You know what else is cool? It’s like 50 degrees outside, but you can sit outside comfortably, because there are giant space heaters everywhere (most restaurants we see have these). I told Rob that it is a great concept, and we should try using the heaters to eat outside in the cold! Heh Heh!

So that was pretty much the rest of that day. Stay tuned to Sunday/Monday—the wedding and Disneyland!

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