Monday, April 09, 2007

10 months & First Easter

Well it is definite. Kylan does not like large crowds of people who "Coo" over him. It makes him cry and just want to be held by Mom & Dad. Easter was good, but Ky spent too much time crying over other people wanting to hold him. He is either a mama's boy, or gets nervous in crowds--just like his mom (either way--though I would have been a mama's girl). Ky enjoyed showing off his weight lifting abilities though as well as walking. He took some pics with his cousins before he began balling.

So what is the little man up to these days? Well, he loves to make messes. He will go to cabinets and empty them out, or just toss all the toys from his toybox. The more the merrier. We are still working on trying to get him to put them back away.

He has also become a serious wood eater. He made a MESS of his LIFETIME CONVERTIBLE CRIB (See pics above.) Yeah--we paid not too much (we did get it on clearance after all), but we did pay a decent sum of money for Kylan's crib that converts into a toddler bed, then a full size bed. Well, Ky was not sleeping so well one night, so Rob and I did the usual--let him cry. The next morning I went in to wake him and the crib was a mess. He has not limited himself to his bed either. There are several side tables he has started working on, as well as a just newly noticed bite out of the entertainment center. So what do you do with a wood eating baby, besides say no and move him somewhere else (which you can't really do when he is in a crib)?
Well I thought about it and pulled out the bitter apple. For those who don't have pets--bitter apple is a spray that tastes awful. You put it on your furniture to keep your pets from chewing on it (when they are puppies.) Oddly enough, Bear never damaged any of our furniture, so we really didn't hardly ever use it.

So I sprayed the tables and watched for Kylan when he went to take his next bite. I believe his exact words were "YUM" and then he continued. (Okay so I exaggerate a little--but the boy does say yum--and it was pretty obvious by the look on his face he liked the bitter apple.)

Ky is a pretty regular walker now. However he walks the most at home. He will walk one length of the room and then turn and walk the other. His push toys are still his favorite though because he can move faster than his slow toddle.

He's had a pretty constant runny nose for the last couple of weeks and I am smeared with his boogers by the end of the day (YUK!) I can't wait for the weather to get warmer.