Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My (not so) little brother is MARRIED!!!

NO! I did not pose him for that top picture. I went into his room to check on him and there he was snuggling with "Baseball Bob" (Kylan named him.) So of course I took a picture.

So the week of the continuing floods--we needed to get out. So we went to Olbrich gardens in a short period of drought (about 1/2 hour). Kylan loved running around and touching the flowers. He especially loved the fountains and trying to drink from them. He is one brave little boy that loves water. He would get the water up his nose and shake his head and then got right back to drinking. We didn't get very far in the gardens when it started pouring--and of course we were pretty far from the main building. Kylan enjoyed the mad dash back to the building though. If only it had been warmer we would have let him play in the rain. Lately when it has rained, it has been too cold to play in. There was one brief down pour that I let him play outside in. The neighbor kids were also out and floating sticks and leaves down the street curb river. HE really enjoyed that. --but ever since that rain it has been too cold.

So after the flood of '07 we spent the next weekend in Indiana for my brother Jeff's wedding. We stayed at my brother Joel's house this time in order to stay out of the hustle and bustle at my mom's. We had a really good time talking and playing games. My brother Joel has turned into a wonderful man and he has picked himself a wonderful bride. IT is funny to think that after all these years we are becoming close again. Him and I were best friends when we were little--and then he hit those teenage years and things have never been quite the same. Spending that weekend with him showed me that after all these years we are still very much alike as far as personality and personal tastes. We also get along very well and enjoy each other's company. I look forward to future visits and growing closer to my brother and his new wife Jamie. Speaking of Jamie--Kylan LOVES her. He wanted her to hold him all the time. And then shortly after we came back from our second visit with her (I will explain later) he learned her name. Ky now says "Jamie."

Onto the good stuff. I have to say that Jeff's wedding was the most beautiful and romantic wedding I have ever been to. First of all, Sarah walked down the aisle to a song Jeffrey wrote for her. (This song is the one he sang to her when he proposed.) You know she was floating on cloud-9. Then before she joined him on stage she danced for him and had three flower girls dancing with her. IT was very cool! They also wrote their own vows and read them to each other. At the end, after they were introduced, Irish jig music came on and Jeff scooped Sarah up in his arms and carried her down the aisle. And then each grooms' man did the same (including my bro John)--they scooped up the brides' maids and carried them down. It was funny.

And just so you know--that hunk of a man (fourth picture down) is my youngest brother John. I cannot believe what a handsome young man he hast turned into. I can say the same of Jeff too.

At this wedding Ky was not on his best behavior. In fact at one point during the service he was eating my shoe. HE was also trying to grab Aunt Jamie's jewelry and was determined to make his way down the aisle. He did not like the confines of the pew. It also didn't help that he was tired and fell asleep as soon as we left. The kid was tuckered.

While we were in Indiana we also visited my Uncle Rick who passed the following week. We saw him both Friday and Sunday. In fact Kylan learned a new word when we were visiting. He learned to say "BABY". I know Uncle Ricky enjoyed that. On Sunday's visit I also played for U. Rick Jeff's song to Sarah. He was amazed by Jeff's talents---but you know it runs in the family. Both U. Rick and my Dad had a knack for the guitar-and Joel does as well. I also got the chance to meet my mom's cousin Jeanette. She told us some good stories of my mom and U. Rick when they were younger.

So what did I learn from my Uncle--a WHOLE LOT. But I think I may put that in my next blog entry--the return to Indiana.

To leave on a happy note--Ky loves my mom's cats (she just got them.) HE was screaming and dancing around and running from them. IT was hilarious. The little kitten would chase Ky and try to grab his diaper. I must agree that some of the cutest things in the world are babies, puppies and kitten.

Alright milestone time.

New words: Jamie, Hot, Duck, Baby, Bubble, "I got one", Eye, Belly button (sounds like eh-utton); Elmo (sounds like Melmo)

I have to explain "I got one"--So the mosquitoes around here are terrible --especially with all the rain. You can go into a store and still get bit (I got bit at Walmart twice the other day). So everyone is always smacking their hands together and saying "I got one". Well--when we are outside, Ky will smack his hands together and then look at his palms and say "I got one." It is pretty funny.

Gotta explain Elmo too. He has never really seen Elmo. The other day we were in a doc's office and there was an Elmo book and I kept pointing at Elmo and saying Elmo. Well now he thinks that anything red is Elmo.

The boy is addicted to books. His books are looking really ragged--he looks at them all the time! It's his favorite activity.

He is starting to sort shapes. He has a shape sorter and can figure out a couple of the shapes successfully.

He has started what I like to call "Intro to potty training". I put his little potty in the family room and I will tell him to go sit on the potty--and he will lift the lid and sit down. He really likes his new chair. I also have been encouraging him to not go in his diaper as time permits. I will put him in underwear and then when it is about time for him to go I will sit him on the potty and encourage him. This has kind of worked. Ky is still too young to have bladder control--so he doesn't go all at once. Usually it is too long of a period of time for him to go on the potty. However--I have been pretty successful getting him to go in the sink. Sounds weird I know--but one of the first steps to potty training is getting him to realize what "peeing" is (which i can do when he is able to see, hear and feel himself pee as I am telling him that he is peeing) and then that there are other places for him to pee in--besides his pants.

I think that is all for now...