Thursday, November 29, 2007

Double trips to Indiana

To Indiana we go...
So a long long time ago, we had planned to visit Liz & Adam in Indy. We had set a date in September, but that didn't work out. We traveled too much in September between weddings and funerals. So we replanned in November. So off we went to Indy. The drive was pretty good. Ky did well and slept for a few hours of the drive, which is about all we can ask for. We stopped in Lafayette at Bob Evans for dinner and let him run around a bit. He was so glad to be out of the car. We arrived at Liz & Adam's Friday evening and spent the time catching up and letting Ky get the wiggles out.

The next day we were off to the jewelry store (where Adam works) and we got a behind the scenes tours. We got to see how they make the molds for original jewelry and stuff and free ring cleanings (compliments of Adam). It was pretty cool. After the jewelry store we stopped at a small local cajun restaurant. The food was delicious. Liz quickly learned to keep her food out of arm's reach as Kylan kept grabbing for her beans.

Then we were off to the zoo. Ky had a great time! He especially loves the fish. To quote him "FEESH--Bubble bubble." (I know--he's so darn cute!)
The zoo was also a very confusing time. Ky has learned the basic animals and their sounds. However when we watched a polar bear swimming under water--we now had a bear/fish. Or how about a penguin--bird/fish and there was one other animal he couldn't understand. Boy why are things so complicated! He got to pet the sharks again! He loved that. He loved how they would swim up to him. There was also one very disturbing shark in the tank that KY wanted to pet--but I think there was something mentally wrong with him (He was swimming in circles.) We stayed away from him.
We also went to the dolphin show which was pretty neat. The dark pic above shows the dolphin jumping through a hoop. After that we went to the terrarium (?) . Where we saw Liz's meerkats and lizards. One lizard really scared Ky--second pic down. The lizard was just looking at him and kind of scratching at the side of the wall. Ky just started crying. Really bizarre. We then looked at all the rest of the animals you would normally see at the zoo. Ky definitely liked the fish the best though.
After the zoo we went to get icecream at a local organic creamery. It was pretty cool to be at the actual farm and look at the cows that helped make your icecream. It was very yummy and rich stuff. (Argh--can't remember the name of it...Liz tell me the name.)
Then we were off to the liquor store where Ky got kicked out for being underaged. Rob wanted to pick up some local brews--and Indiana is weird where NO ONE under 21 can be in a liquor store. So the poor guy got kicked out. Our little felon.
After that it was back to the Folkert's for good old family fun. And the next day we left...
THEN....back to Indiana on Tuesday to see my mom. It was just Ky and me--and Ky was not feeling well--which was actually a good thing, since he slept a majority of the car ride there and back. It was nice to see my mom, brothers, and wives. My mom is getting married (did I mention that in my last blog?) so I was there dress shopping with her. Ky had fun torturing the cats (he was carrying the kitten--poor thing) and dog.
Alright--gotta wrap up this blog so I can publish it..>Too many other blog entries that I am behind on....Stay tuned for Thanksgiving and then a week in CALIFORNIA!
Until then--milestones for Ky...
He says just about anything. He will make small incomplete sentences like "Dada go work". He says "go Pack!" He prefers to call animals by the sounds they make. The best animal sound he makes is the dog "Baboo Baboo" (that's baby for woof woof). Ky is also starting to climb now. I have been so blessed to have a baby that has not climbed...but now he is figuring out how to get on top of things. EEKS! I think we have aways to go for crawling out of the crib though. When Ky wakes up the first thing he does is turn on his music box and then he starts calling our names. He doesn't bother to stand--sometimes he will sit up, but he is lazy and just waits for us to get him. (and I am glad about that.) As far as potty training. Ky does go on the potty every now and then---but it has been hard to consistently train him when we have been so constantly on the road. If you remind him, he will usually tell you that he wants to go --and then after 5-10 minutes of dawdling on the toilet he will go. I am hoping that after Christmas we can do some real formal potty training. Well that's all for now.....

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pee Pee!

He did it! He understands. After 4 or so months he finally understands. Yesterday on his 17 month birthday and Grandma's birthday. Kylan looked at me and said "pee pee". I set him on the toilet and he then emptied his bladder. YEAH! What a breakthrough. He now recognizes what it is! And --to back up this new victory---later that night he once again said "pee pee" and then peed on the floor (we weren't fast enough)! But he understands! HE UNDERSTANDS!!! YIPPEE!!!! NOt enough time for a big blog entry---but I just had to share!! Enjoy the pics!