Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ky's Modeling Debut!

Here is a poorly scanned picture (It is too big for my scanner--that's why it is discolored and cut off) of Kylan in his modeling debut. (See previous blog.) You can see the real thing at my house or at JCPenney's on Madison's East side--I also signed paper work releasing it to be shown at other stores (but I doubt that will happen.)

Soon I will update with San Diego (I hope before christmas--but that is doubtful!) BTW--Christmas cards are being sent out late--due to our trip and slow turnaround of pics--expect them soon!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Visiting the Great Ones, Thanksgiving & Jared + Deb

First of all I need to share with you that my baby's portrait is going to be displayed in the JCPenney Portrait Studio at East Town Mall here in Madison. I took Ky for his 18 month pics--and the little booger would not smile (we have never had this issue before!) He would give a half smile--but that was about it. I saw a teddy bear laying near by and asked the photograper if I could give it to him. I was hoping the Bear might work some magic. Well--Ky started to do his normal stuff with the Bear. He hugged it, then he kissed it, then he examined it....Well she took lots of pics with him and this Bear and then turn it into a very nice collage portrait. She was so in love with it--that she asked me if she could make an extra copy to display in the store--and of course I said "sure". Hey--I know my kid is cute--and I want others to know and see it too....

So of course I also ordered the same portrait (i'm a sucker). When I get it, i will see if I can scan it in the computer and blog it. It is a cute series--and you probably don't see and capture babies being so affectionate with stuff animals very often. Which reminds me--I keep wanting to get him a baby doll--I should remember to do so.

Also before I forget--I took Ky for his 18 month appointment--get this. He is 25 lbs 9 oz which is 46% and then 34.25" which puts him in the 96%!!! Holy smokes! I knew that he was growing a lot lately, but I didn't realize his growth spurts were that huge! Oh yeah and his head is also average---like the 56% (for those interested in that stuff.)

THe weekend before Thanksgiving we drove to Chicago to visit Ky's Great Grandparents. They really enjoyed seeing them. Great Aunt Linda was also there--she kept the humor going. Ky gave lots of hugs and kisses. He is a good boy like that---like I said before--very affectionate kid. I know Grandma was melting with his hugs. We had a nice lunch together and then went to a local drugstore where Grandma showed Kylan off to all of her friends. Ky also discovered G'ma/G'pa's piano. He had a lot of fun banging --I mean creating beautiful melodies.
For Thanksgiving, we spent the morning and afternoon with Nana and Grandma Jan. Ky has formed quite a relationship with Nana so he was very happy to see her. (He calls her at least 50 times a day on his pretend phone!) We went over to Jan's mom's house (Carol) and had a yummy T-giving day lunch. Afterwards we were off to T-giving at Grandpa and Grandma Debi's house.
T'giving was the normal and loud bunch. G'ma Bucky was the belle of the ball though--I think she often is. SHe told lots of stories and was first to give her opinion on all topics. Richard has definitely found a soft spot in her heart. It was neat to see him make her laugh. THose two have a special connection. Richard always asks her if she has pushed any old ladies down and robbed them recently (He phrases it a bit differently with her.) She then laughs and gives a sly no...I think the idea intrigues her. You really have to be there to experience this humor to truly appreciate it.
G'pa spent some time with the boys and played with them on the floor. Ky really connected with g'pa on this visit. In fact ever since Thanksgiving, Ky asks for G'pa multiple times a day.
Sidenote---Ky has also become very connected to my coworker Stacey at the Y--He asks for her often. And when he sees her, he runs to her and says "Up-Please!" (aka Hold me!)
So that was T'giving.
The following weekend we were blessed to have Jared and his girlfriend Deb stop by. It was great seeing Jared again and meeting the lady of his life. We caught up on each other's lives as well as other alumni. Ky spent a lot of time getting Jared and Deb to read to him. He also had fun when Deb showed him her camera.
So new facts about Ky--he snaps his fingers now--or I should say he attempts to. IT is so cute. When music comes on he will start flicking his fingers. I need to snap pic of that....

When I give him turkey to eat--he says TEE TEE - Gobble Gobble. He also says "Go Pack" often and will spit it out randomly. The other day he was sleeping and woke up yelling "Go Pack!" Makes you wonder what he was dreaming. Did I mention he loves cheese? He is definitly a Wisconsin boy.
Well that's all for now. Stay tuned for "San Diego." We are packing right now--and it is hard to pack with a kid. Right now we have 3 suitcases, pack n' play, carseat, backpack, and a diaper bag. That is ALOT of stuff to be lugging around, not to mention a squirrely 18month old that moves like a 2 year old.