Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Baby!

This is the sad Ky blog--no happy baby the last couple of weeks...So Ky has had a rough last couple of weeks. On Mother's day weekend, he was running a high temperature and was just pretty miserable. So we cancelled all of our plans. That is Rob and me on the couch with him. We all did not get very much sleep. When Ky can't sleep, nobody sleeps. Then the following weekend--we tried to reschedule our mother's day festivities--just to cancel again. Ear infection #5 in 5 months. ARGH--once again we got very little sleep and spent our Saturday morning in Urgent Care. At least we have the tubes scheduled. He gets them put in on June 3rd. I am a little nervous about it--but I know it is for the best. I am afraid Ky is going to cry when they wheel him away and put the anesthesia mask on him---Cousin Paul where are you? I know you could do this and comfort him....They also told me to expect him to cry alot when he wakes up because he will be disoriented and scared. My baby...This means I am going to be crying too---with this pregnancy there is no holding back the tears. ARGH...I hope I don't make things worse for him. Good thing I have Rob there to take care of both of us. So Ky's birthday present will be the ability to hear out of both ears. Happy b'day Ky. It has been 5 months since you have really gotten much use out of that left ear.

Ky is turning into just the brightest kid you ever imagined. If you ask him how old he is, he says "I be two in June." He can count to 13 now (My goal is to get him to 20 by his second birthday.) He has perfected the alphabet. He will also sing "5 little monkey's jumping on the bed, itsy bitsy spider, Old MacDonald, and Jesus Loves Me." Sometimes he will start singing along to the radio---he is really catching on to songs. He loves to count things. He says "Kylan count" and then point at things and count (though rarely accurately.) He loves Dr. Suess books. In fact, he says "I read Dr. Suess" He also says words that I had no idea he knew! Today, I was changing the batteries in his music box and he told me "mommy has screwdriver." Who taught him what a screwdriver was and when?!

He has also started a difficult pushing and hitting phase. At the Y, he will just walk up to any baby smaller than him and shove them or hit them---for no reason. He has also started hitting myself and Rob. I guess I knew this time would come eventually--but it is very frustrating. He has been on ALOT of time outs. Let's hope he gets this out of his system soon.
Ky is also starting to put things together--that is what he knows with what he doesn't know. This is making for some very funny comments! For example, today we ran into the store and some guy had his music blaring in his car with bass--and of course his stereo system/car is a piece of junk so with the bass you hear the car just vibrating. Well Ky told me that the car was "farting." I felt that was a very good analogy---and hey it puts a smile on my face every time I think about it. On that note--my boy is really becoming a boy. Now when he farts he thinks it is funny. He still says excuse me--but he announces to everyone that he farted and laughs. Ahh...boys..

Baby #2 is growing by leaps and bounds as well. There had been some concern with my little weight gain--but in the past four weeks i gained 8 pounds (wow!) and now I look pregnant. The doc said that this weight jump is fine, but she doesn't want to see it at my next appointment too (and neither do I!) I have had two bouts of nausea since my last blog---but not so severe (thank goodness!) I am much hungrier as well--but have yet to gain that "love" of food. I crave junk--which is not good. At least with Ky I craved somewhat healthy stuff. At week 19 Rob felt the baby kicking for the first time. He/She is getting much stronger as now I am often feeling good punts.

We had the ultrasound this past Friday and received good ultrasound pics (YEAH!) The baby really cooperated and we got some great views. The baby spent most of his/her time with their ankles crossed and a hand behind the head (just lounging!) We saw fingers and toes, and the mouth open and close. This was a much more thorough ultrasound than the one we had of Kylan. I have to say I have fallen in love all over again. What a beautiful kid! And I swear this one looks like Ky too (last Ultrasound pic)-Robby doesn't see it, but from the facial ultrasound I saw similarities (I swear!) So we do know the gender, and we are pretty sure as the technician got very good views. The technician wrote it down and sealed it in an envelope for us--then we went out to dinner and celebrated and opened it. What a fun memory!

Adventures in Kylan--We were at the Y--and I look over at Ky and he has something sticking out of his mouth, I approached him and that is when he said "Mommy Help ME!" Turns out he got a little girl's barrette stuck in between his two bottom teeth--and it was sticking out. My first concern was if it was cutting his gum or his lip--but it wasn't. Then I tried to get it out. It didn't budge. I tried again--nope, nothing....At this point I am thinking--am I really going to have to take this child to Urgent Care like this? And worse, am I going to have to make an appointment to get him into Urgent Care--and have to wait hours to get in over a stupid hair clip? (I am not sure this should have been my reaction, but that is what I was thinking--I knew he wasn't hurt.) At this point my coworkers began to notice and started pointing and saying "what's wrong with him?" Well this scared Ky and he began crying. Poor kid. I couldn't really hug him for fear that it would push the barrette into his gum or something. I ran him over to the desk where I sat him down and then tried to continue prying this hairclip out of my screaming boy's mouth. After multiple attempts a coworker pulled out a Vaseline lip balm and squeezed some of it on my hand. I spread it on Ky's teeth--and presto--it came out. All was good. Thank goodness! And sadly enough I was even more relieved I didn't have to take him to urgent care. And that is my goofy story.

Alright--my other story is about the Illinois IPASS tollway system. The other day I receive a notice of violations in the mail from a trip we took WELL over a year ago. So I am angry. Why am I getting a violation notice when I bought the stupid IPASS transmitter that should be working correctly. I should also mention, that not only do they want you to pay the toll --they also want you to pay 20.00 per violation--and I had 3--so a whopping 60.00! Anyways, I call them up and they say "oops, it wasn't working right"--or something like that--and anyways they remove 2 of the violations, but say the 3rd is valid. First of all--I am angry! And now you are telling me your system was wrong with 2 of the violations and not the 3rd?!! (BTW--all these violations were on the same day. Secondly--they would never be able to charge me with "VIOLATIONS" if I hadn't bought the dumb transmitter in the first place. I know this for a fact because when I went to visit a friend in Chicago (years ago), I missed 2 tolls and went through the IPASS (and this was due to bad construction---I did not intend to miss these tolls at all!) and these have never been an issue. So anyways--I am "fighting" this violation via mail--if you can call it that. I honestly don't think they will take the violation off. And I am going to say right now that I refuse to pay it. It says in their "fancy schmancy" lingo that they don't come after you until you have 5 violations anyway---so why would I pay for this one?! So I just needed to whine about Illinois a little. Their toll system makes me mad. And I should also add their prices are outrageous!
Alright--time for my garage sale blurb....Why buy new clothes? So over the past weekend, I went garage saling around 2:30 on Saturday--end of the day sales. And let me say I hit the jackpot! I spent maybe $14 and walked away with at least 40 items of clothing--and I am talking nice clothing. I got a winter coat by Gymboree for $2, and the cool thing about this coat is that it is 3 coats in one! You can zip the coat apart and the inside coat is a spring coat--and if you are in a different kind of mood--it's reversible! SWEET! So the key is, end of the day sales--people will tell you half price, otherwise you offer half price! At this point they know they aren't getting much more sales and well they just want to get rid of the crap! I got some really nice stuff---very surprising it was not picked through! So remember, garage sale on Saturday afternoons and make a killing---did I also mention that last year when I did this--one lady just told me---"Just take it all---don't pay me anything"--I went home with a garbage bag full of clothes.
That's all for now--stay tuned for the Mother's day redo redo....