Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fear of large rodents

Feed Me!
Alaina's first bite of food

Alaina getting ready to go outside--I told you she has grown!
Alaina shoveling the driveway.

Boy—I was just rereading this before posting—and you can tell that I write at different sittings. Funny how your mood changes the way you write things….On to the blog…

Ky was invited to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. It was his first time ever there and boy, did he have fun---that is until the mouse came out…

So cute—so they feed the kids pizza & juice and then they start a five minute count down until Chuck E comes out. The kids are out of their seats and dancing next to the stage. Ky was having a blast—and then out came that mouse and headed right towards Ky. You should have seen how quickly Ky’s happy face turned to utter terror. He let out a scream and then ran crying to me. I tell you—there is something scary about people dressed up as oversized animals. Even Ky felt it. The boy would not go near Chuck E after that—though now he talks about Chuck E like he is his best friend.

The rest of the time he spent playing games. He loved this bee like game—where he had to catch the bees in a net. He also enjoyed the rides. Yeah—he was pretty well tuckered by the time we left. ?Fortunately? The candy he won helped keep him awake until we got home. Speaking of sugar---

Ky has been on an “anti-food” kick. The only thing he wants to eat is sugar—and well since we don’t really feed him sugar, he has pretty much been going hungry. He used to be such a good eater! I am very glad to know that this is only a phase. After some advice though, we have decided to go with the “Peanut butter or eat what we are having” diet. And let’s just say Ky has been eating A LOT of peanut butter lately. Before this advice we were just letting him not eat anything, if he wasn’t having what we were having. Then we started having sleeping problems. The last straw was Saturday night when he was up pretty much until 3:30 AM crying. Oh what a night. That one will go down in the record books…It was quite miserable for all of us—especially since Rob and I knew that Alaina would have us up by 7 or possibly 8.

My angel is just growing so fast. Today I nuzzled with her and stared into her brown eyes encased by dark blue. She is changing and getting bigger. The outfit I put her in today is too short in the legs. I have already pulled out the next size up wardrobe—and have been dreading moving into it. She plays with strings on my sweater and giggles at me waiting expectantly for me to say something to her. I begin to sing and her eyes light up, the nuk moves faster and faster between her lips with excited gulps, and then beneath her pacifier a smile sneaks out of the sides. She so expertly holds that nuk in her mouth as she smiles and gurgles. Just months ago, it would have fallen out if she had tried to talk. She has so quickly learned. I know that if she wanted to she could now pull that nuk out of her mouth and put it back in.

My friend Rachel had her baby several weeks ago, and this past week I saw him for the first time—all 6 lbs 14 oz of him. He was so tiny…Here I can’t say I ever saw my little girl much less than 8 lbs. However, when we brought Ky home from the hospital he was 6 lb 7 oz—however I don’t remember him ever being that small. The time is so short and it just shows how important it is to savor every moment. *SIGH* My kids are growing up.

Two kids are difficult. You can’t possibly keep your eye on them all the time—and you need to get things done around the house. And no matter how much you trust your child—they are still children and forget what you tell them. Case and point—I was downstairs putting laundry in the washing machine. Alaina was in the swing. Ky was upstairs playing with his Thomas flashcards. Suddenly, I hear Alaina scream—and it was a pain scream. All these images begin to flash in my head---the swing is by the fireplace, what if Ky knocked the swing over into the fireplace—but wait I didn’t hear any thud. I run upstairs to see Kylan with his doctor stethoscope in his ears, the tongues suppressor and then doctor scissors in both hands and leaning over Alaina in the swing. He looked like Dr. Jekyll. She was just screaming her head off. I pushed him aside and pulled her out of the swing. I couldn’t visibly see what was wrong with her—so now here comes the interrogation of the two year old. “What did you do to her?” Ky, such a sensitive soul, yet at that moment my Dr. Jekyll, began to sob uncontrollably. He knew he hurt her and felt bad. I felt bad for him, but I needed an answer. “What did you do?” More tears. I sat him on a time out. After several minutes of calming her down and getting him to calm down he then told me he stuck the tongue suppressor in her mouth—while she was swinging in the swing. I asked her if she started coughing and gagging. He said yes. My poor girl was her little brother’s unsuspecting patient. I fed her right away and she seemed to swallow fine, which was a good sign that no damage was done. But what a scary moment. I am sure I will have many more of these. Ky knows better than to touch her in the swing—yet his doctor--self was calling. least we made it through that okay.

We have started Alaina on rice cereal. She was starting to smack her lips every time I was eating—that and trying to grab the food off our plates, so we figured it was time. So far so good. I hope to try out avocado with her later this week. Pics above of her first rice cereal experience…

Ky went to a train show with Grandpa and Dad here in Madison. He had a blast. We were a little worried about the weather—we got like 8” of snow in 24 hours, but it all worked out. Alaina and I, however, were snowed in. BLAH! Soon it will be warm again. The pics above are what Rob took of the train show.

I introduced Ky to “Stranger Danger.” It is very hard to have a conversation with a two year old on this—and I have been thinking about it for a while now. The last straw came when a scary hairy man (there is something about that scraggly-wash-me-please hair that just doesn’t seem right!) offered to rock Alaina while I picked out books at the library. She was crying because she was in her car seat (of course). I was just ignoring her—something I have to do when I take her anywhere in her car seat. Anyway—I am sure the man had good intentions, but ummm…”no” you aren’t rocking my baby. I guess Alaina was really disturbing the peace—because a librarian came over several minutes later and asked me if she could help me pick out my materials. Yeah---didn’t need that either. Hey—but I have yet to get kicked out of a library---and if it happens, I will be sure to blog about it!

Back to my story…so a few minutes later the man comes back over to me with his daughter “Cicada”—…hmmmm…So this of course does make him a little less scary—he has a child named after a bug, he can’t be too bad…but then he makes a comment that Cicada is the only daughter he knows he has—unless he has other kids that he wasn’t told about—so hairy man with bug daughter now becomes scary again. Then he starts up a conversation with Kylan—asking his name and such. Then he wants to know my name & Alaina’s—he probably had good intentions, but it just didn’t feel right. Was he trying to hit on me? Was he just trying to forget about his bad hair day? I think everyone has probably been in one of those conversations where it just didn’t feel quite right. So we then politely told the man we had to get on our way and left.

Anyway, after that encounter I decided it was imperative to have the “Stranger danger” conversation. I started out by explaining to Kylan that people we don’t know are strangers. And when he is approached by a stranger, he should not talk to them unless I say it is okay. Then, he wanted to know why. I told him that some strangers are bad people and could hurt him, but most are good. Mom just wants to make sure he is okay and that is why he shouldn’t talk to strangers. I also told him he should never go with a stranger or take anything from a stranger unless I say it is okay.

I felt the conversation with him went alright, at the same time I wonder how he is going to interpret this talk. I could just see him yelling out “stranger—you could hurt me!” next time someone he doesn’t know talks to him. I will let you know how this turns out….Until next blog!