Friday, March 13, 2009

Eat, (Pray for) Sleep, and Love

Alaina kissing her brother

Food! Alright I love food!
Ummm...What is this?
You don't really expect me to swallow this?!


I found this bug in my cabinet--and next to it--the guilty party...

Kylan's idea of putting away the silverware...

Yes I am sitting now--just not too long!

Bad nights of sleep..I miss good wholesome sleep. It has been one thing after another between the two kids—speaking of which, Alaina is screaming right now after napping 10 minutes…

I’m back—days later of course. As I was saying we have had some bad nights of sleep. Turns out Alaina was sick one of those nights. She started vomiting all over. This was the first time I have ever been around a vomiting infant. We called the doc at 3 AM. She didn’t seem to think it was a big deal. However—since this was the first time I had a vomiting infant, I did not feel the same way. Alaina was better by morning. We had given her some avocado for the first time the day before, so we wonder if maybe it was a reaction to that? We haven’t given her any since.

Shortly after that Alaina started running a mild fever. We thought that she was teething—but it would be early if she was. She is always chomping on something and drooling. She seems fine now though--and no teeth...I don't know. The big thing is “SLEEP.” We need some good sleep with some quiet babies who don’t wake up until morning. Alas—some day my dream will come true. To sleep the night through.

One of those many sleepless nights, I woke up to Kylan crying. I went in his room and promptly told him to go back to sleep. He then complained to me about his thumb. He said it was bleeding and needed a bandaid. I looked at it (best I could it in the dark room) and told him it was fine and to go back to sleep. Ten minutes later he was calling because he needed to go to the bathroom. I take him to the restroom when I notice the finger he was complaining about was large and swollen and filled with white stuff, so I knew it was infected. I had taught the day before so Rob had stayed home. I had to wait until morning to ask him what happened to his finger—plus try to get him into the doctor’s right away to take care of it.

That morning I talked to Rob about Ky’s finger. Rob said he thought he had hurt it when Ky “claimed” to be fighting with Alaina. I guess Ky was banging his chair into her exersaucer. Anyway, I called the doc and they wanted to see him right away. We got to the doctor's office as quick as we could and at this point I was very thankful that Alaina decided to nap in her carseat (which she still hates), so that I could concentrate on Kylan and what the doc was going to do. Turns out the doc had to pop the “blister” to drain out all the infection. And she did this with a needle. Ky was a very brave boy and did well. His thumb bled for a little while, but it looked much better. He was then put on a week’s worth of antibiotics to fight off the remaining infection and make sure it didn’t spread. On the bright side, I don’t think Ky will be “fighting” with his sister anymore.

Feb 28, Alaina rolled over from back to front for the first time. She was chasing the spooky cow toy on wheels. I call it spooky because it moos when no one touches it. (It is only supposed to make noise when you roll it.) In fact when Ky was younger we used to wake up in the middle of the night to loud “MOO’s”. No kidding—that is why we think it is spooky. (Have you ever woken up to a cow mooing?) Since then, she has rolled over back to front several more times.

We started Alaina on rice cereal and have since tried avocado (which after her vomiting episode we haven’t tried again) and carrots---which as you can see from the pics—she doesn’t like. Next will be sweet potato, hopefully that will go over better. Ky loved carrots---how bizarre that she doesn’t seem to care for them. You would think that she would be excited to eat anything different.

Random Kylan quote—the other day Ky came up to Rob and I and said, “I need a tv in my room!”—I have no idea where this came from—but yeah, he will not be getting one…

The first weekend of March we traveled to Milwaukee to watch our nephew, Jordan, play bball in a tournament. We were relying on the kids to get us up in time to easily get out the door—but surprisingly they slept in! So then getting out the door turned into a rush—and I forgot the camera! ARGH! They were many photogenic moments that I missed!

Sadly, Jordan was sick and his team lost their game. Poor kid. He was also entered in a 3 point shoot-out competition and didn’t do so well at that either. Darn flu season!

Ky and his cousin Dominic were as cute as ever—running and playing! ARGH! The camera! I will be mad about this for many days to come. Alaina cried every time the buzzer at the game went off—she hates loud noises. In fact it was really funny during the 3 – point shoot out. The buzzer went off every 30 seconds or so---needless to say—we had to leave early—she was not a happy camper.

Time to sum up the pics….The first ones were of a very warm day outside. Alaina has not been outside very often so this was quite an experience for her. I think she was actually jealous of her brother and wanted to move around and play too…Lots of bath time pics. Alaina loves to splash in the bath and suck on her rag. She’s got so many cute rolls of chub too! It is hard to resist taking too many pics! The last one is a picture of our friend Wendy. She just loves the kids and they adore her. That’s all for now….
Boy my writings have gotten very sketchy since the arrival of Alaina--I guess it just shows how scatterbrained and sleep deprived I am right now. Sorry if you have trouble reading this---it will get better soon--the sleep that is---I can't promise anything about the writing :)