Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Giovannina Patrina Omdahl aka "Grandma Bucky", May 10, 1931 - May 25, 2009

I am disappointed by the fact that I do not have more pictures of Grandma Bucky-- she wasn't one to pose for pictures, but she tolerated them. I think that says a lot about the kind of person Bucky was. She had an opinion on pretty much everything, yet if something/someone differed from her opinion, she would tell them so--and then accept them for who they were. If you took the time to talk to her, she would always have something to tell you, thus begins my memoir of "Bucky."
Grandma Bucky will always be remembered by her family and friends—and even those who did not know her, but heard her stories. I will always have a smile on my face when I reminisce about this wonderful woman that I learned to love as my own grandma.

I first met Grandma Bucky at a family Christmas gathering. If you have ever been to one of Debi’s shin-digs, you know that she puts a lot of effort into these parties and wants to make sure every guest feels important and leaves filled to the brim with her fine cooking. I was immediately introduced to Grandma Bucky and she looked me up and down and was very pleased with my dark hair. She then asked “Are you Italian?” “No.” You could see the disappointment in her face. Then a slight look of panic “Are you Sicilian?” “No.” Some relief washed upon her face. (Italians don’t like Sicilians!) “Well what are you then?” This was Grandma Bucky, not afraid to ask questions of any kind. Later, at the end of that night, she sternly told Rob and me that “we don’t need any more babies in this family!”

I quickly learned that Grandma Bucky was a “No Nonsense, Right to the Point” kind of lady. She didn’t play games, she just told you straight forward how she felt about things and she expected the same from you. I greatly admire her for that. Too often we spend time playing around or not being honest with others, let alone ourselves. I always knew what Grandma Bucky thought of me, good or bad (as well as everyone else J) She was not the easiest lady to impress either. She had high standards which she especially held all of her children too. She may have been quick to voice her displeasures with her kids, but listening to her talk to others about her children, she was always beaming with pride.

Her family was her life. She had pics of her grandkids in her purse and at her home her walls were lined with one photograph after another. She was truly dedicated to them. She would always be telling me the happenings of one child or another. She was always in the know and if she felt out of touch, she would quickly call you, ask what you are doing, ask you to come take out her trash and bring her some food and then hang up without saying good-bye. (Grandma Bucky did not say good-bye’s—perhaps she did not like the finality of them—or she was trying to always keep the conversation open so that you would feel obligated to call back.) She would always have a reason for us to come and visit her (food or trash were the main ones she would give). She loved the company.

A couple of “unbelievably” true stories of Bucky: One day one of Ryan’s high school friends was driving in a rough area of Milwaukee to discover Grandma Bucky hitchhiking! Turns out she would often hitchhike to get to the Walgreen’s on that side of town. She said that Walgreens was cheaper than the fancy ones. Ryan’s friend was nice enough to take her home, but wow! Do you see how much she trusted others?!

At my wedding shower she sat in front of a group of friends and was passing gas. She accused the girls of doing it (something she would often do—pass the blame on to someone else.) Grandma was a lady after all and would never confess to such a dirty deed! J

Turns out that Grandma Bucky actually had—and still has friends in the mafia. Occasionally she runs into them—(and yes I have been there at a time when she ran into these mafia men.) They are such gentlemen with her and show her such respect and I know she LOVED it!

My best memories of Bucky will be her occasional outbursts which were off the wall and at times just unbelievable—most due to Richard’s prodding. “Richard—I would never “off” my roommate!” “Yeah—I got some bling!” “I lost 200 lbs last month, just look at me!” “I can bench 150 lbs, I did it yesterday.” “I have a wire in my chin.” (She was convinced—again I believe from Richard’s doing—that she had a wire growing out of her chin. She even persuaded cousin/Dr. Paul to look at it.)

One of Grandma Bucky’s most common quotes was “Everybody loves me!” Well Grandma—that is definitely true. People who did not even know you, have been touched by the joy in your stories and your life. Your presence, spontaneity and honesty will be missed. Your life on this Earth was TOO short, but we now know that you are having an eternity in heaven. I love you Grandma.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and the loss of Bucky

Alaina's first taste of ice cream

The biking gang....

Ky and his buddy Jayquan

This phase is over...thank goodness! You should see the incredible things she does with her tongue!

Dog food found in the car's air filter....hmmm...I don't think Bear put it there...

Total coincidence to be on the same bus as Pops & Ryan

Alaina's first Brewer game

After a while...she got tired of sitting

Ky all dressed up for G'ma Bucky's funeral...complete with playdoh on his shoes.

Ky loving Aunt Linda!

Ky snuggling with Aunt Janice

Moments before the dessert swiping...

The guilty party afterwards...

A rare moment...which is happening more often...Alaina asleep in someone's arms!

The Playgroup gang ready to Bounce!

The cupcake recovery! Sugar makes everything better!

Cousin Rachel & Alaina

After the "incident"

Good lookin' kids!

One good lookin' family!

The Uncles...

Rare moment...take 2!

The happy couple! Paul & Lisa

Dancing with Daddy

Schnake family extended!

Bath Time!

This blog covers Memorial Day weekend to Ky's birthday. A LOT happened over this time frame--the biggest being the sudden loss of Grandma Bucky. Next blog published will be a memoir for her.

Saturday of Memorial day weekend Rob and I purchased a swing set for Ky's birthday. we were very excited. It was a basic 4 station swingset that we got for a good deal. We bought it with the condition that we would take it a part and transport it---NO PROBLEM. Gotta love the van! So we arranged with the lady that we would take the swingset apart after church (it was on that side of town.) and then we would bring it home on Monday since Nana was coming and Rob and I were going to have a date on that side of town anyway--our plans were perfect! (And I was ecstatic about this swingset. I wanted a basic swingset because I have plans to attach it to the playhouse above the shed. I'm going to build a platform between the swingset and playset that will be accessible via a rock wall and ladder. It will be really neat when I am done!

On Sunday, we left from church and headed to the lady's house with our tools when we received a phone call from Debi. She had been informed by a nurse at the home that Grandma Bucky would most likely pass in the next couple of hours. Debi was pretty upset. She was in Shawano several hours North of Milwaukee and worried that she would not make it on time. We also were over an hour away--but immediately hit the road for the home.

This took everyone by surprise. We had been told on Friday that Bucky was having a hard time, and was placed in hospice--but if you know Bucky, she always makes a comeback. We drove fast and were actually blessed by the fact that we had been planning to take apart the swing set--I had packed a lunch for Ky to eat, so he was able to eat in the car and then both kids slept since it was close to naptime. When we got there reality hit us. Grandma was struggling to breathe and not conscious. Turns out she has fallen out of her bed the night before and been in the hospital. They then transported her back to the home and she took a turn for the worse.

We held Grandma Bucky's hand and let her know that we were there. I think the hardest part for me was watching her children. I can't imagine losing my mom. I can only imagine the emotional turmoil they must have been going through. It was hard to watch her children deal with this loss as well as be put in this awkward situation. The siblings have not been getting along for several years now. In fact one of Grandma Bucky's greatest desires was for her children to be together again.

At one point, I told Grandma Bucky that all her kids were with her --and together, just for her--just as she wanted. She moved and made some noise. I know she was responding to me--and I know she was happy her kids were together again. I told her EXACTLY what she wanted to hear.

I doubt any of the siblings will read this blog--but if they do--your mother wants you guys to be a family again--NOW more than ever. What would Jesus Do? Put it all in the past and move on. Your mother would want this--and God would want this. I know that several of the siblings are willing to move on, we just need the last few of you to say "I love you brother/sister, let's leave what's in the past, and start again."

We stayed with Grandma Bucky for several hours and then took the kids to Nana's house. Once again, God created a perfect situation for us. Nana was supposed to come and babysit anyway at our house, so we were able to just drop the kids off at her house which was a mile from the home.

I need to step back for a minute and replay what was going on in my mind on the car drive to Milwaukee. I was in disbelief. I cried. I love Grandma Bucky. She has brought so much joy to my life. I could not imagine family dinners without her. She always kept things lively and exciting. She also valued me. She needed me. It's nice to be needed. Today, so many people do not want to ask others for help or do things--many believe it is a sign of weakness--but to those who are able to give it is a blessing. I love to help others. Grandma Bucky gave me that opportunity.....Okay this should go in her memoir...back to the events...

We returned to the home without the kids and stayed there for a little longer. There was one point where I think we all thought she was going to pass as her breathing faltered. I remember this moment so vividly as all the siblings and grandchildren began to cry out "mama, grandma, we are here, it's okay." Wow--what a moment. Something I will never forget. How loved she must have felt at that moment. I only hope that when I am on my death bed I am also surrounded by so many who love and support me.

It was getting late and Rob and I knew we needed to get back to the kids and back to Madison. We left saying our goodbye's to Grandma Bucky, knowing they were our last. I honestly don't remember what I said to her as I was too overcome with emotion, but I know that I told her that I loved her and that Jesus was waiting for her and would hold and love her like no other could.

Grandma Bucky passed on Memorial day around 7:45 Am. I find it fitting that such a wonderful woman could pass on a day that would always be remembered. She would have liked it that way :) More to come on the life of Grandma Bucky in the next blog...

Memorial Day morning we then ran out to the lady's house, dismantled the swing set and loaded it in the van. We had a tight time frame since we were going to bike around Lake Monona with some of our friends from our church's Life Group. Well--we couldn't do it. We were running late. We have wonderful friends though that chose to wait for us. Thanks guys!

So biking around Lake Monona was awesome. I think it is like 13 miles and was Alaina's first bike ride. We had a good time. Towards the end of the ride we stopped for some local ice cream (see first pics.) This was also Alaina's first taste of ice cream--and probably our big mistake as parents. The girl is hooked. She LOVES ice cream--and what a sweet tooth! She would cry until you gave her the next bite. Yeah, she is definitely my child---and I am my mother's child. Love for ice cream runs in the blood.

The kids had fun running through the field near the ice cream place. Ky and his little friend Jayquan are just too cute! They both like Thomas the Train so they had an instant friendship from the start. And Jayquan is SO polite. I have heard him correct Ky more than once on his manners.

Meanwhile Alaina was growling at everyone and sticking her tongue out--I loved that I caught her & dad sticking their tongues out at the same time. I am so glad she is done with that phase. It was really weird walking around with a growling child and her long tongue hanging out....Really weird...

After we returned from the bike ride, Rob decided to change his oil & air filters in his car. That is when he made a shocking discovery! Where the air filter was--there was cups and cups of dog food! We know a mouse put it there--we actually caught the mouse in the garage about a month prior--but boy was that little guy busy. Rob had to vaccuum out the dog food because it was in so many cracks and crevices of the air filter area. CRAZY!

I believe it was the day after Memorial Day that we had tix to a Brewer Game. We were excited--it was Alaina's first game and our first game of the year. We were running a little late so we decided we would go to one of the local bars and grab a shuttle bus to the game. Oddly enough who else was on that shuttle--Pops & Ry! Total coincidence! Now isn't it a small world! We had no idea that they were going to the game, let alone they were also taking the same shuttle to the game. How funny!

Okay I got to start putting things in a nutshell--this entry is taking FOREVER! so here is the gist of things (until I get to some good stories that is...)

The baseball game sucked---they lost by a lot, I don't want to see Suppan pitch again. Alaina enjoyed the game for about 5 innings, but then was done. Who could blame her, after watching Suppan blow the game. Daddy then had to stand and hold her in order to make it to the 8th inning, we then left--in rain (how fitting) for home.

G'ma Bucky's visitation was Friday night. We drove straight there. It was weird for the kids. I purposely didn't want Ky to see G'ma Bucky in the casket because I didn't want to have to try to explain things to him. He knew that G'ma Bucky was sick and he knew that she was in heaven with Jesus happy and healthy. That was all I wanted him to know. It worked out pretty well. I don't think he really noticed the casket. During the Eulogy, Ky was playing with stickers and put them ALL over Uncle Ry's back. It was really hard not to laugh. Kids are so darn distracting...

Pops gave a wonderful Eulogy. Lisa put together a fabulous slideshow, and the funeral home was decked out in G'ma Bucky's hats--she had hundreds of them!

We spent the night at Pops & Debi's and then went to the funeral. The kids were really great, though Ky was getting really impatient at the burial--and who can blame him. It must have been really hard for him to be around all these sad people and contain himself for 2 days. The dinner afterwards was also rough for him. IT was a very long time before the food was served and he was hungry, needed a nap, and needed to get energy out. Poor kid.

We also felt sorry for Uncle Ry who's jaw was wired shut after he broke it in football practice. There he was trying to shove little pieces of meat between his teeth. He was so sick of drinking protein shakes and soup--but I have to say it made the weekend a lot more humorous for us all.

That night we went home and the next day we went to Arlington Heights to visit Grandpa Herbst who is also in a home. He was sleeping and didn't want to get up. Aunt Linda was there and taught Ky how to say "Grandpa is sleeping like a log." The nurse eventually got Grandpa up--but I think he was just too tired to really talk to. We ended up leaving shortly after that. We will visit again soon and hopefully he will be more up to visitors then.

We then had dinner with Aunt Janice and Aunt Linda--and let me say, the food was WONDERFUL! Aunt Janice really knows how to put together a great meal. She made these pea pod boats that were stuffed with tuna--YUMMY! and I don't like tuna--that says a lot!

We had a great time visiting. Ky was playing games with Aunt Linda, and Alaina was rolling around on the floor. At one point, Ky wanted Aunt Janice to snuggle with him. Too cute! Oh I am so glad he had this special time with his aunts. I could just see Grandma Herbst smiling down on us, happy to see us all together.

For dessert we had this wonderful dish--and let's say Alaina's sweet tooth was out of control. She was sitting so nicely with Aunt Linda sucking on her nuk. She then waited for the perfect moment when everyone was distracted with conversation. She grabbed a giant handful of food, spit out her nuk, and shoved the food in. HILARIOUS! We were all laughing with tears in our eyes. Alaina loves to eat--and she LOVES sweets!
Later that week, Ky attended a b'day party at Bounce U. Basically it is a giant building with all sorts of inflatable things this kids can jump on/climb on/slide down. He had a blast...until he didn't wait his turn on the slide and slid into a little girl. He made her cry. And then he started to cry. After that he just couldn't get it together. For like the next 20 minutes he cried that he wanted to go home. The kids were having so much fun and there he was pouting...Get over it kid! But that is my sensitive boy. Very similar to me at that age. Sorry mom--I understand now!
On Friday of that week we attended cousin Paul's wedding in Milwaukee. It was great to see family again as well as Paul, who attended school in Milwaukee while we lived there. We drove straight to the wedding from Madison and attended the ceremony. That went pretty well, considering we had 2 little ones with us. It was after the ceremony when things got a bit icky. I took Alaina into the restroom with me and set her down. It was then that she exploded. All up the back of her dress and down her legs. This is why I HATE using disposables. Cloth keeps it all in. I honestly didn't know what to do with her. I took her to the changing table and tried taking her dress off. Yeah--not good. It was all up her back, in her belly button,...ugh. I tried cleaning her up with wipes, but since she already got it all over the changing table it was pointless. So I picked up my wee lass and put her in the sink where I gave her a bath. I probably looked pretty ridiculous to those coming in, but what else was I to do. I never had an incident this bad with Ky. Cousin Elizabeth stepped in--took one look--and stated "I don't miss those days." (Oddly enough she is due soon with her 3rd child and will soon be reliving "those days".) After putting a diaper back on Alaina and sending her out with Dad, I then had to clean up the bathroom and salvage her dress--which oddly enough had very little poop on it. So I gave the dress a quick scrubbing in the sink and we set it out to dry and put it back on her for the reception. WHEW! What a mess!
Between the Ceremony and Reception we had some time so we walked through a nearby park with U. Ry & U. Rick. It was nice, I also got some good pics of the family & kids all dressed up.
At the reception, Rob and I quickly realized that we should have ditched the kids at Nana (but we hadn't thought about it ahead of time.) Kids at wedding receptions are only fun for a short amount of time...Then they get tired and crabby or want to play with things they shouldn't. Not to mention we got seated at the table with all the Uncles & Cousins still in college (and Rachel still in HS--but she was way more mature than the boys.) But of course Ky was fascinated by the boys and got a bit too riled up. By the end of the night he was on a sugar high from Ice Cream Cake (YES THEY HAD ICE CREAM CAKE for their wedding-SWEET!) and had coffee spilled down the front of him--which we believe happened by one of the boys. We were all to glad to go back to G'ma Debi's and G'pa's to sleep.
The next day we had a small Schnake family reunion lunch and then we drove home to prepare for Ky's b'day....Yes the busyness never ends....You probably noticed I am behind on my blogs....This summer has just been so BUSY I am having difficulty keeping up---but don't worry I have been taking pics and I do plan to catch stay tuned--next blog will be in memory of G'ma Bucky, then Ky's b'day, and then our vacation...but oh yes--I have about 2 more blogs after that coming.....I will catch up..I will! Happy Day!