Sunday, December 26, 2010


For Labor day weekend we drove up to Shawano to spend part of the weekend with Pops. It was his 60th b'day and his request that we join him. It was a nice time. That afternoon we traveled up to the campground that Ryan was staying at with some friends (Whispering Pines) and visited him briefly.  Grandpa had fun showing Ky the camp area.  Later, Ky managed to fall into the channel.  HE was pretty upset by the whole ordeal, but Rob and Grandpa found it amusing.  I was a bit concerned since I didn't have extra shoes for him and of course his shoes were not dry by the next day. (BTW--how cute are those pics of Alaina reading the paper with Grandma Debi.  She did that herself--grabbed a paper and crawled into the chair next to her.  She will even do this at home when Rob and I are reading the paper.--Our Cute little mimic!)
So the next day, Debi, Ryan, and I went shopping Saturday morning.  I found Ky some second hand shoes that were actually pretty nice dress shoes that he wears now (they were the only pair in his size that I could find!)  When we came back to the house we were greeted by a sleeping house of boys.  Even Ky was sleeping! 

Shortly after that we understood why Ky was sleeping.  The boy got some sort of bug and began vomiting.  It was not a pretty afternoon.  Poor kid.  We were still able to leave that afternoon (Ky's stomach relaxed).  On our way out we saw a porcupine (the dark picture).  This is the first wild porcupine I have ever seen.  We were able to walk up to him really close.  It is a good thing they have quills for self-defense because when he did run, he was VERY slow.  Pretty cool encounter.

On Monday (Labor Day) we got up early and got ready for our annual bike ride around the lake.  We bike around most of lake Mendota (we do avoid a majority of County Road M since it is not very bike friendly.)  The kids did have a good time, however, I do think this will be the last year Ky will ride in the bike trailer (he is getting a bit big!)  Next year we will need to invest in a a Trail-a-bike.  I did not take a lot of pics on our ride.  It was actually pretty chilly and we were concerned about beating the rain.  We stopped at a local park near Maple Bluff for lunch.  We then came upon an elderly man skinny dipping...hmmm...not something you would expect to encounter in Maple Bluff--let alone during the day.  After that, we quickly got on our way, hoping the children didn't see too much. :)

The ride went smoothly.  We ended at the Middleton Splash Park where we left the van.  We let the kids play in the water, but they didn't really want to get very wet because it was chilly.  (Not the best Labor Day weather.)

After that we went home and unloaded the bikes.  Our timing was quite perfect!  It then began to pour and so we played out in the rain with the kids.  We had a lot of fun playing in the gutters and splashing each other.  It's been a while since I have done that! :)

In the fall we signed Ky up for soccer again at his request.  He did GREAT!  In fact there were multiple times he ran down the field with the ball!  He even scored a goal (though it was the wrong goal--but let's not get caught up with minor technicalities :) )  He has really taken to soccer well and I am looking forward to signing him up for more classes. 

Ky also took swimming classes.  He can now swim by himself with a floatation device.  We are getting there.  For this winter, he asked to take swimming again and karate (he took a camp over the summer which he loved.)  Unfortunately, we are on the waiting list for swimming right now (ARGH!) and I quit my job at the Y (LONG STORY!)--which means that I am not a member of the Y so Karate classes are now VERY expensive.  I am trying to look into other options.  There is one place near us, but they have classes for 5 year olds and up--so maybe he can wait until summer.

I am bummed that right now I don't have him signed up for any classes, but I will see if I can figure out something until spring--if not--now that I am no longer working at the Y, I figure this is God's gift for me to spend more time with him until the new little one arrives AND before Ky heads off to kindergarten in the fall.  (Can you believe he will be going to school soon!?)

Anyway--back to September....

So with September comes Apple Picking! YUM!  And I think we picked around 80lbs!  Yes we did!--and don't you worry because we used them all!  Apple pie, apple butter, apple jelly, apple bread, apple crisp, mmm-hmmm....It was wonderful! 

Alaina was humorous as always on our apple picking trips.  She would eat the apples seeds and all--there was NO stopping her!  Ky was more into the sheep this year than the apples. 

Mid-September, Debi threw a surprise birthday party for Pops.  It was really neat--he honestly had NO idea.  I took some pictures, unfortunately they are blurry, but his reaction was priceless.  All his siblings had come from afar to see him and celebrate.  Alaina of course was Grandpa's girl.  I think she knows she is the only granddaughter and likes to take advantage of it.  She was also quite the dancer on the dance floor and even pulled Ky, Mom, and Dad in to dance with her (as well as a few other people.)  She can be quite the charmer.  (I guess that happens when you are almost 2 and are as cute as a button!)

The day before Alaina's 2nd birthday we went with our playgroup to a farm.  She loved it.  She fed the baby goats milk, petted the kitties, chased the chickens, and raced on the tractor bikes.  If Rob and I ever get our piece of land--I think she will fit right in! :)

Whew...Okay so now I am up to Alaina's birthday...I will catch up...I will catch up...  And now for a little dancing....