Thursday, March 01, 2012

February 2012


Well it was warm--oddly warm...sadly warm.  Yeah...We did have one good snow and the kids played outside in the morning and made a snowman, but it was mostly melted by the afternoon.  What a WEIRD Winter!?  Right now I am hoping that we get a snow tomorrow so I can take the kids sledding on Saturday.  We still need a good sledding day!

Starting with pictures--I don't know why Flickr doesn't let me put captions in--or maybe I just haven't figured it out...anyway--first I am sure you notice Alaina in her car seat with tiara and princess dolls.  We were driving to Milwaukee and I turn around and that is EXACTLY what I see.  That girl cracks me up.  Sometimes--wait what am I saying--oftentimes that girl is just SO girly! 

We were headed to Milwaukee because Lisa and Ryan and Debi all have birthdays within two weeks of each other.  So we celebrated with them in Mequon the second weekend of February.  (It was supposed to be in January--but then we had the stomach flu epidemic-ICK!)

It was a fun time with the family and cousin Rachel as well.  It turns out that her birthday is then too!  We had a good time as usual.  Talia and Grandpa shared baby toys and Ryan wrestled with Ky & Alaina.  Dominic and Kylan had fun running around.  (It is so neat that Ky has a cousin his age to play with.)  We all had a great time.

The next day I took Ky and Alaina to "Fired Up" for their friend Cece's 5th birthday.  Fired Up is a pottery store where the kids can paint stoneware.  They had a lot of fun, and I have to say--I am pretty impressed with the kids and how pretty their work came back.  I think I will have to take them again sometime and let them pick something out.

The following weekend, Grandpa came to our house for the Madison Train Show. Ky and Alaina had a great time with Grandpa.  Kylan loves trains--but also cars now as well.  Rob says that Ky kept veering off to look at some car displays.  I would have pictures of this--but Rob forgot the camera.  Well it wouldn't be the first year he is forgotten--and THAT is why I am the family photographer.  (That's good---I kind of like being in control of the camera! :) )

That night we had some extra kiddos to watch --which the kids loved!  The past several months we have started a "child" swap with another family so we can get a date night.  It has really been working out well.  Our friends Lyn & John have  a boy that is one year older than Ky--a girl that is one year older than Alaina and then a baby boy that is 6 month older than Talia.  So everyone has someone to play with!  I have to say Eli (their baby boy) is so cute with Talia.  They babble at each other and smile and make each other laugh.  I really have to capture it on camera!  It is TOO cute!  Anyway--I highly recommend that all families find another family to child swap with--SAVE THE MONEY ON BABYSITTERS!  (They charge outrageous rates these days--teens expect like $8-$10/hr!  I still remember when I made $1-$2 an hour and it wasn't that long ago!  GEESH!)  Anyway--if you are a Madison friend and would like to do child swapping with us--I would LOVE to!  Just talk to me--I wouldn't mind finding one more family to do it with.

Sunday after that ALaina had a special visitor--Nana.  Because Alaina was too sick in January to go with Nana on the overnighter and have special Nana time--Nana came to Madison and took her out for an afternoon.  Alaina LOVED it!  They went to the Children's Museum and had ice cream.  Ky however was very sad.  I guess it is hard to have Nana come and then not stay to play with him.  Oh well--he got his special Nana time in January.  Thankfully our neighbor Daniel asked for him to come over and play and that really helped to distract from her leaving without him.

Feb 24th was supposed to be a fabulous day.  Ky had the day off of school so I was planning on taking the kiddos to the Rockford Children's Museum.  However, Talia was running a fever and then it snowed--so we chose to stay home.  But HEY--it SNOWED!  That morning after I got Talia down for a nap we ran outside and made a quick snowman.  And then he fell down.  No worries though--snowmen are mendable.  So we picked him back up and glued him back together with more snow and enjoyed him for a good day before he melted and fell to pieces.  When Talia woke up, I went in to be with her while Ky & Laina played.  She was so sad that they were outside without her.  (You can see it in her face in the one picture.)  Poor girl.  That afternoon the kids and I made some crafts and powerbites that I found on Pinterest.  BTW--if you don't do Pinterest--you need to!  I am HOOKED!  I have come up with so many neat recipes and things to do with this site.  LOVE it!  No matter what you are interested in--you will find neat stuff for you!  So sign up--follow me--and I will follow you!

Saturday after that we took the kids to see the Pooh movie that came out recently.  We even took Talia.  Thank goodness it was a short movie (63 minutes).  She was good--but boy she was sure wiggly.  The older 2 liked the movie a lot.  It was cute.  When we came home we were making all sorts of jokes about the "Baksin"--and even Rob got into it.  He threw a bunch of clothes on his head (see picture) and chased the kids around yelling he was a Baksin.  BTW--now when anything bad happens, we just simply blame the Baksin.  It makes things so much easier.  (So now you know you have to see the movie to understand my referencing.)

After the movie we took the kiddos to McD's where they played with their friends Angela & Katherine.  From there it was on home, for our annual date at the Olbrich Garden's Wine & Chocolate show.  YUM!  Nana came to watch the kids (all 3 for the first time!)  and we went out and had a lovely time.  I LOVE this show--so many chocolates to taste and the wine! YUM!  And this year there was a place with Mead tasting and a few distilleries.  Rob and I had a wonderful time and we were happy that things went well for Nana too.  (It was her first time with all 3 kids.)

Kiddo Milestones--

Ky continues with swimming--he finally jumped in the pool.  He does swim without a float belt--but he does not like the idea of jumping in the pool.  I am a bit bummed that I didn't sign him up for the next class.  It is already full.  I guess we will have to wait for the summer to continue.  At school he is doing awesome.  His behavior continues to be great and I he just seems happier overall.  I am glad he has figured out that it is so much easier to obey.

Alaina is doing beautiful in ballet.  I got to watch her the other day. (They don't normally allow parents.)  She is my beautiful ballerina.  (Honestly, I think the kids at this age get a bigger kick out of being able to wear the attire than actually dance.)  We have been battling some middle child "behaviors" from her.  She wakes Talia up at naptime and she just seems to "crush" Talia sometimes.  I know she loves her sister and at times means well and is just not gentle enough.  Other times, I think she is a bit bitter about the baby who "stole" her spotlight.  The other day she "peed" twice in her bed at naptime.  (in just over an hour and she went right before naptime.)  I am assuming this is her cry for help--and well--I am trying though MAN it makes me ANGRY!  twice the bedding to wash--bedding to change--a peepee girl to wash.  And all I wanted to accomplish at that naptime was to wash the floors.  I continue to pray that God will help me in these situations and that he comforts Alaina as well.  (I would appreciate any prayers you could send my way as well.)  I LOVE that girl and there is no way she would ever be my "third" favorite---after all "You're All My Favorites!"  (Love that book!)

Talia continues to impress us.  She is a tiny little peanut compared to Alaina & Ky at this age.  At her 9 month check up she was in the 40% for weight at 18 lbs 11oz. and 67% for height.  (I think she was 28".)  Considering Ky and Alaina were always above 80% and even in 90% for weight at this age I am amazed by how little she continues to be.  (And somewhat glad I get to keep her in the infant car seat for a while longer---it is so much easier in the winter than having to worry about lugging along a coat for her and putting it on and off when we put her in and out of the car seat.)  Talia says "hi" to pretty much everyone and continues with her other words.  (Her vocab is getting more noticeable by even strangers!)  She will also stand for a few seconds on her own--though has yet to venture to take a step--and I am okay with that.  She loves getting into things as well.  Rob and I spent a weekend re-baby-proofing cabinets and doors and stuff.  *Hopefully for the last time!*

ooh...I almost forgot...The 2 food pictures are of homemade pretzels--so DELICIOUS and Duggar Rolls---YUMMY!  They are both SO easy to make. Check them out in my recipe box under breads.  You won't regret it! :)

Also I took Talia for her 9 month pictures and they turned out BEAUTIFUL.  (of course :) )  Here is a link if you want to take a look.

Well I think that is all for this blog!  I am so proud of myself for getting on this.  The next few entries will be backdated ones.  I will catch up!  I will catch up!

Be sure to enjoy the few movie clips of ballerina Alaina below.