Sunday, January 30, 2022

Gibraltar Rock

 A beautiful hike on a winter day with my best friend and best dog.

 Ice skating with the girls was fun!  Reminds me how thankful I am to have learned to skate and to be able to do it with them.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Posi "+" ively Fun

On Sunday Alaina had a sore throat so we took the family to get tested.  Monday night the 3 girls had tested positive.  Shortly after, Ky did as well.  With 4 if us attending school, we had figured it was going to happen sooner or later.  We had also all been boosted, which I know is why it was so mild.  Omnicron was running rampant and many of our vaccinated friends were also testing positive.  The week off was essentially a vacation.  ( Except for Ky who was upset to miss swimming.  This did end up ending his season, since he was ineligible until after 10 days had passed.). I baked a lot of bread.  We had some good home-cooked meals.  We went on "covid" hikes.  

Other highlights of the week included Talia and I finished a puzzle and our package of Yumyums from (Liz and Adam) arrives.  We enjoyed some Danish sweets.

Friday, January 07, 2022

Swim meet in Middleton

 I continue to be so proud of kylan for trying out a new sport. Swimming has to be one of the hardest sports. I was exhausted on this day, but I wasn't going to miss another swim meet. He swam really well. So proud!

Saturday, January 01, 2022

I'm back

 I have had so many troubles with blogger. And I've lost so many pictures in my past posts which has made me sad. But I am back! I discovered they finally made themselves phone friendly. So now I can easily update my blogs with pictures, not through apps, and use voice to text to create my blog posts.  So for 2022 I'm going to try again. I may even go back and create past posts.  We will see.  Though now I have to be careful, I don't post any pics the kids will be embarrassed from.  ha!  

 Happy New Year!