Monday, October 31, 2022


A goddess, Sophie Elizabeth Foster ( from Keeper of the Lost Cities), and a turkey (not shown) after a friend's parent did not like Kys trash costume. 
The kids had a great time and collected WAY TOO MUCH candy.  But it was a warm Autumn day and they had fun!


Sunday, October 30, 2022


 The before pic 

No after pic because my body was done.  I had been training for my half marathon....and was almost ready.  Then school started.  Daylight was shorter restricting my long runs to the weekend.  Weekends filled up with kids activities.  Then I got sick and couldn't run for 10 days due to my cough.  Well.  I knew I just had to do it so I did.  It was pathetic.  My legs ached  and they were tight.  But I did it.  13.1 miles.  I will do it again and be better prepared and run it more to my planned expectations.  But that will have to be next year.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pumpkins & Haunted Woods & soccer

It was a busy Saturday before Halloween.  Talia had her last soccer game of the season.  Then we carved pumpkins.   Then went to the Haunted Woods and visited with neighbors.  Talia slept over at her friends.  (Do you see how much she packed?  Four books are in one of those bags   why?!)  And Rob and I harassed Ky at work ---which an employee was concerned about until Ky explained that we were his parents.  😂. Oh and Lucy ate Talia's little pumpkin. 


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Moths and memories

 Kids do the strangest things.  Found this guy trapped under a medicine cup in the bathroom.  Who?  Why?  What are the future plans for this guy?🤷🤦

Here it is --end of October and we have a daisy.  Ms. Jenine's Daisies started growing in my strawberry patch, so I decided to plant it by the house to remember her by (now that she has moved).  There was no flowers, just a small clump of leaves.  One month later, I have a bloom.  Farewell Ms. Jenine!  It was a good 16 years!

Muffin injuries

Yesterday one of the kids made muffins.  They overfilled the pan and had a topping.  Well...the topping oozed over the pan making quite a mess. We had to cut the muffins out with a plastic knife. Then spent a lot of time trying to remove the hardened topping.  It was an amusing ordeal as topping pieces flew.  It was even more funny as Dad and child somehow cut their fingers on muffin topping.  I don't think we will be letting this one bake again for a while.  😂

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Soccer Banquet and stolen camera

Last night was the end of season soccer banquet.  I am proud of this young man and all the hard work he put in despite not getting on the team he originally wanted on.  Even with the end of the season, he has a plan to continue to improve and be better for next season.  That is resilience and dedication.  I noticed these other pics on my phone from this weekend, so apparently he enjoyed taking mom's phone as well.  Ha!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Friday, October 21, 2022

Streaked hair and bonfires

Talia had 4 friends over today and I put streaks in all their hair   then they enjoyed a good bonfire dinner with the beautiful October weather.


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Beautiful wisconsin

Due to "too much to do", I didn't get my annual autumn hike in devil's lake so I had to settle for Gibraltar's Rock.  The weather was perfect for hiking.  Rob, Lucy and Talia and I enjoyed our time.  (Though Talia was ready to be done halfway through.). Next weekend will be the peak of fall colors, but Talia has a tournament, so no hiking....