Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Keep everything out of arm's reach!

At the end of January Ky had a great time visiting his Uncle Adam & Aunt Liz in Indy. It was a long car ride, but Ky did pretty well. On the way there & back he slept most of the time,while mom and dad tried to navigate the crazy new toll system in Illinois. (We only missed one.)
Ky had fun showing Uncle Adam and Aunt Liz how much he had grown. He demonstrated his ability to eat lots and lots of food, with no signs of getting full. He also showed them how he could stand holding onto furniture, and how he can get in the crawling position but will not stay there. He also received some great new toys. Slobber/chew proof blocks and a hippo from his great Godparents (aka Mama & Papa) Vander Heyden. Ky did have issues when Adam wore his baseball cap. (see above photo)--good thing he removed it. Aunt Liz was good to him and let him play and even eat the newspaper. Their new house is really nice. We enjoyed seeing it and all the things they have done to make it home--kudo's Adam and Liz on the Master Bedroom walls, I am inspired...If i had taken a pic, I would have blogged it.
During our time in Indy we were also happy that we had the chance to see Tori (my college roommate) her husband and her new baby-Wesley. Wesley is 5 months (in the pic) and as tall as Kylan--but much thinner. He also has alot more hair than Ky. Speaking of which, the debate is still out on what color hair Ky has. There really still is not enough to tell. Sometimes it looks blonde, sometimes red, and sometimes light brown. I think it is going to be like his dad's, but only time will tell.
So after the trip to Indy we celebrated Debi's B'day at our house. We had a very nice time when Pop's and her drove up for the day. We had brunch and just enjoyed chatting. The next day we watched the superbowl with our friend Mark. The picture of Ky in the Red hoody is from that day. Ky decided he wanted to be cool and sag his pants like all the other cool boys do. We tried to explain to Ky that most of the cool boys don't wear vinyl pants under their jeans--but he just wouldn't listen.
The biggest event after the superbowl was Ky's new discovery that he can use almost anything to pull up and stand. He is now a very serious cruiser. As long as he sitting close to something, he will pull up and walk around. So now we are seriously moving things around and out of his reach at his height level. Boy--sometimes it is hard to keep up with him. It is amazing the things he finds!
That should wrap up this entry...I know I am behind on blog entries--but I am already working on the next to catch up. Stay tuned to the next blog entry which will reveal Ky's expanding vocabulary.

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