Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Secret Part 3

12 + weeks now!

Yeah--and I am feeling much better. I am only nauseous a couple times a week--and am not needing as much sleep. I am also beginning to feel the little one move. It is funny to think that I didn't feel Ky move until 20 weeks--but I guess that is what normally happens when you don't know what if feels like.

I remember sitting at the computer at work after lunch and all these little punches in my stomach--it was like popcorn was popping. That was when I realize that Ky was moving. (Go figure that it was after a meal.)

This one I don't feel very often. It is very light, since the baby is only 3.5" long. Usually when I am lying in bed or reading a story to Ky, I may feel a little movement or almost a twitch.

I am also starting to show now. That is good because I had lost weight. Now I appear to be gaining it back.

We told Nana (Rob's mom) yesterday. Our "present" didn't go as plan--so we had to make do.

We had bought her a digital frame and were planning to give it to her as a present. We were going to preload it with pics of Kylan and then at the end and Ultrasound that we had written on the bottom "Happy Birthday Nana --Grandchild #2"). Well it turns out that the digital frame we bought was broke. So we then tried to transfer it on a CD. That turned into a big issue--however we finally got it loaded.

So we explained her broken gift and told her that we did have this CD with pics of Ky in its place. So we went to play it for her and well Jan's computer was an Apple. We couldn't get the slideshow to work. We had to go through it manually. Then our video camera batteries died and so we didn't even get her reaction on tape--did I mention that a moment before the ultrasound picture I also dropped our digital camera and "temporarily" broke it (I fixed it later) so I couldn't get a picture either. Well--as with Kylan--her reaction was priceless. Hopefully with Grandma Debi and Grandpa we get their reactions on camera.

As for my mom, we sent her a card in the mail with 5 bunnies on the front (Rob, me, Ky, the new baby, and Bear) and signed it respectively. I will let you kow in the blog how that went.

Well that is all for now...soon all will be revealed!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

February flus and blues


This is always the worst time of year for me. I know the nice weather isn't coming yet, but I have the spring itch. We NEED nice weather. The flu has become really bad. I have had two bouts of it now. And Ky is currently on his third ear infection of the year. By the way--I have to comment that Ky only ever had one ear infection before I stopped nursing him. Since then, he has had three!!! All in a row!!! And since I am mentioning this, (boys fast forward if this is too *much* for you) I really miss nursing Ky. We stopped after 18 months. I weened him, other wise he would have kept nursing. And let me say he was a good nurser. He didn't go around pulling up my shirt or anything--we just nursed once a day for the last several months in the morning. It was wonderful snuggle and bonding time with my son. And now that he is weened, we really don't have the snuggle time any more. I miss that. Just another benefit to nursing your child.

So three ear infections--and they are miserable. Here are signs your child has an ear infection--they keep falling--literally. They cry when you put them to bed. They may have a fever. Their ear may actually turn red. They may pull on their ear--or they may do the "Shrug" alot--this is what Ky does. Oh and the crying. Yesterday Ky cried almost all day. He was miserable. I gave him tylenol and motrin--but it would only work for like 30 minutes and then he would begin crying again. Poor guy. I tried to coddle him and make him feel better, but there is only so much you can do until the antibiotics kick in.

Lucky for me, the antibiotics kicked in last night and he is a whole new kid today. Phew! It has been a rough winter for all of us.

So this past Sunday we went to the children's museum. Ky had a blast--of course. At one point he had put on 6 aprons in the "farm room". He then kept taking them off and putting them on. Silly boy! Ky's favorite thing at the museum was the green car. I think it reminded him of Uncle Adam's green car :) It was great just to get out on State street. We let him walk on the sidewalk--and then he would start to run and we would have to catch up with him. We had some wonderful ice cream at ColdStone Creamery--and Kylan turned to me and said "Mommy, I need more ice cream". A kid after my own heart. I am amazed by what he says and what he picks up. Last night he told Daddy to "kiss mommy cheek". So Daddy did. Then he pointed to my other cheek and said "kiss other side." I had now idea he knew the words "other side" let alone knew what other side meant.

His counting is also coming along. If I say the odd numbers, he will count the even numbers to ten. His favorite number is now 6. He gets really excited when I say 5, because he wants to yell "SIX!" (sometimes he starts yelling it when I say 4)

One of his favorite books is Dr. Suess's "Marvin K Mooney, will you please go now" He will sit in his chair and recite passages from the book as he is looking at it. "PLEASE GO NOW!" If you haven't read this book, you should---it is really funny when he reads it because he shouts out the phrases. "I said GO GO GO@!"

So we have been using timeouts pretty regularly with Kylan now. I don't know how effective they are. Sometimes after he sits on a time out he will go do whatever he just did (i.e. hit the dog) and then say "I go on timeout" and sit in his spot. I am not sure if he is just trying to figure out the cause and effect or if he is testing us (limits) or if he finds timeouts amusing. When you put him on timeouts he usually will start yelling "Sorry! I be nice!" I think he kind of gets it. I don't know.

He also will answer "no" now whenever you ask him a yes/no question. I think I have figured out that he does not know what it means. For example I asked him if he wanted banana. He said no, I started putting it away and he got really upset.

Ky has also learned to open door knobs--this is a problem. Open shut open shut...this is what I listen to all day now. ARGH!!! I am also a little concerned that one of these days he is going to lock himself in the bathroom--but didn't we all do that at one time or another? I guess that will just be another learning experience.
So Pics are mostly from the children's museum. We have a few of him in his highchair. One emphasizes his NEED to eat with a fork "Mommy I NEED a fork." You give the boy a fork and he will eat just about anything. The other--he was posing or something. It was funny. The two bottom ones are when our friend Wendy came over. He loves Wendy. She taught him to say "Peace Out!" He also ended up falling asleep on the couch near her with his feet propped up. He wasn't ready to go to bed. He wanted to watch the basketball game with Wendy (Basketball is also his other obsession.) Forks and interesting mix!

Well that is all for now. THINK SPRING!