Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Secret Part 3

12 + weeks now!

Yeah--and I am feeling much better. I am only nauseous a couple times a week--and am not needing as much sleep. I am also beginning to feel the little one move. It is funny to think that I didn't feel Ky move until 20 weeks--but I guess that is what normally happens when you don't know what if feels like.

I remember sitting at the computer at work after lunch and all these little punches in my stomach--it was like popcorn was popping. That was when I realize that Ky was moving. (Go figure that it was after a meal.)

This one I don't feel very often. It is very light, since the baby is only 3.5" long. Usually when I am lying in bed or reading a story to Ky, I may feel a little movement or almost a twitch.

I am also starting to show now. That is good because I had lost weight. Now I appear to be gaining it back.

We told Nana (Rob's mom) yesterday. Our "present" didn't go as plan--so we had to make do.

We had bought her a digital frame and were planning to give it to her as a present. We were going to preload it with pics of Kylan and then at the end and Ultrasound that we had written on the bottom "Happy Birthday Nana --Grandchild #2"). Well it turns out that the digital frame we bought was broke. So we then tried to transfer it on a CD. That turned into a big issue--however we finally got it loaded.

So we explained her broken gift and told her that we did have this CD with pics of Ky in its place. So we went to play it for her and well Jan's computer was an Apple. We couldn't get the slideshow to work. We had to go through it manually. Then our video camera batteries died and so we didn't even get her reaction on tape--did I mention that a moment before the ultrasound picture I also dropped our digital camera and "temporarily" broke it (I fixed it later) so I couldn't get a picture either. Well--as with Kylan--her reaction was priceless. Hopefully with Grandma Debi and Grandpa we get their reactions on camera.

As for my mom, we sent her a card in the mail with 5 bunnies on the front (Rob, me, Ky, the new baby, and Bear) and signed it respectively. I will let you kow in the blog how that went.

Well that is all for now...soon all will be revealed!

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