Thursday, April 10, 2008

Easter & other good stuff!

I'm bad...I haven't blogged in a while, but if you look back through the blogs over the last several months you will actually see that I have blogged---I just haven't published.
Hmmm...Why is that?--you ask. Well, if I haven't already told you--baby number 2 is on their way.

The last four months have been rough as I have been often ill--not just from pregnancy, but from bugs that were going around. The end of March I had a really rough week where I was struggling to eat and even get out of bed. Right now--thank goodness--I am just battling with allergies.

So the plan was to tell the family around Easter.

We told Nana (rob's mom) on her birthday. We made it a part of her b'day present--you can read the details of that in the previous blog.--Note there are few pics because I broke the camera. BAD JESS!

We told my mom via a card (you can also read about in the previous card.) Unfortunately--but not surprisingly, my mom didn't understand the card--so I ended up explaining it to her on the phone. She was very happy and her and Terry decided to make a special stop in their truck to visit.

Terry is a trucker and my mom often goes with him now for his trips. It was great that they were able to stop--even for an hour. Ky got to see them--and boy does he love his Grandma. And Grandpa Terry let him sit in his truck. You should have seen how happy he was. Ky loves "big trucks." He is always looking for them on the road. And there he was sitting in the drivers seat. Then Terry had him honk the horn---I think that scared him. It was pretty funny.

We grabbed a quick bite to eat and enjoyed each others company. Ky ate most of Grandma's fruit. Then they were off on the road again.

The day before Easter we decided to let Ky try to dye some eggs---yeah--bad idea. He has begun throwing tantrums--and kicking and screaming toddler around dye is a bad thing. However in the end it worked out to let him put stickers on the eggs---and then he began to bash them on the table---yeah--toddlers and eggs--not a good thing--at least they were hard boiled.

On Easter, I struggled finding something to wear. I needed to look nice, yet most of my pants no longer fit--and I was just starting to get a baby bulge. The plan was to keep it secret until after dinner. Argh--it was a struggle to get dressed. We went to church and enjoyed a nice Easter breakfast and then went home to cram in Ky's nap (and my nap) before we were off to Mlwaukee.

Of course, I then woke up feeling very nauseous--and really hoping to pull this whole thing off. By the time we got to Milwaukee, I was perked up enough to keep good spirits. Debi made a delicious meal--as always and I tried to cleverly avoid the wine, though it appears Debi noticed.
We opened up the resurrection eggs and enjoyed each others company. Ky and Dominic were enjoying playing with each other and getting love and food from everyone. Then came the surprise birthday celebration for Rob and Mike and we ate a yummy three layer chocolate stout (yes--1 can of guinness) that Rob and I had made. It was good--but boy was that sucker heavy!
After dessert--I didn't get quite the forewarning I had hoped for--but Rob handed Pops an Easter Egg. Inside the egg we had written a note saying "A new chick will hatch in September-Grandpa". I didn't get the forewarning I had hope for because I had to get the camera and stuff---and I think I started recording a bit late and yes--no digital camera reaction because of all of that...

I hope this child isn't going to have "Second child syndrome". First we screwed up and broke the camera at Nana's--so we didn't get her reaction. We couldn't get my mom's reaction due to distance. And now we screwed up Pop's and Debi's reaction too. Not to mention we don't get the wide variety of ultrasound pics that we did with Ky and we won't have ultrasound video like we did with Ky (our new healthcare provider doesn't provide it.) And yeah--the ultrasound pic is very hard to scan because they give us the "x-ray" version--not a nice printed picture. What can I say--we try....sorry kid--we love you, luck just hasn't been on our side.

So Pops of course was very happy--but then said something to Debi about her being right. So obviously she had suspected before the reveal. Argh--so much for trying to be sly.

The rest of the night went well--though I will add that Ky was bit by Cinnamon--and I know Pops feels awful about it. But it was a shallow bite and almost invisible now. I think it shook him up (Pops that is). Ky is not afraid of Cinnamon. In fact he keeps asking for him. Silly boy. I think in the future, though, we will need to keep him away from Cinnamon.

So Ky updates---his left ear is still clogged. We went back to the doc and she said that he is probably almost deaf out of his left ear. It actually isn't infected though--which is good. She has mentioned several times now putting tubes in if his ears get infected again. Hopefully they will clear up over time. She said he might be louder since he is deaf in that ear---but he is always loud to us :)

A funny story---So I often ask Ky if he pooped and then check his diaper. Well today he asked me if I had pooped and then attempted to "check" my "diaper." A tad embarassing--but no doubt a memorable story.
So the first pic on this blog is Ky's boogered hair style. Yes, you too can look like that if you wipe snot in your hair. second pic is of Ky and daddy vacuuming. Ky always likes to help out. In fact he always says "baby help mommy" --meaning he wants to do what I am doing. This can be hard as he can't always let him do what we are doing, but we try to find creative ways for him to help out. He really likes cooking--though his helping is eating whatever we are making. As far as speech--Ky always uses words now. There is no gibberish--though sometimes it is hard to make out what he is saying. Most of the time he also uses sentences. He is also getting good with opposites- up vs. down, on vs. off, etc....though pronunciation of on vs. off is sometimes difficult.
So second baby---I am feeling much better. I was really getting worried for a bit because I kept gaining and then losing weight. At 16 weeks now I have gained a solid 5 lbs. YEAH! Because at 14 weeks I had gained maybe 2 lbs. Eating had been a struggle--but now I am hungry again. Also interestingly I have lost my interest in chocolate. Very bizarre. I will eat it--but I prefer vanilla.

It was funny--at the dinner table last night all Ky wanted was MEAT. He kept saying "more meat" and "brussel sprouts". I ate a lot of brussel sprouts and meat when I was pregnant with him. Now--with this kid I wonder if he/she will not care much for chocolate. That will be odd since we are all chocolate lovers. We will have to wait and see. Well that is all for now. Stay tuned for Daddy's big 30th b'day birthday blog! (and be sure to catch up on the last few months you missed!)

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