Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday Daddy!

It was bound to happen....Daddy/Rob got old. Rob had a lot of days of b'day celebration at least. His celebration began on Easter at Pops and Debi (see prior log). He then had a special day with his mom & Jan and Ky. I did not accompany--because--as you probably can figure--I was not feeling well (surprise surprise). They had a nice time from what I was told and the pics that they took. They went to eat at Bluephies--a local Madison diner which was serving brunch. They all had good food and Rob topped his meal with their infamous cookie dough egg rolls. They then walked the streets a bit and fed ducks at the lake. I know Ky had a fabulous time. He loves it when Nana and G'ma Jan come to visit. My favorite part of the day was when they came to the house and gave Rob a cane and a nursing home bag. Ah yes....the humor of turning 30!

So that was Rob's 2nd day of b'day celebration.

The third day was my planned day....And I am going to share the whole story of this day--THE WHOLE STORY...because it took a LOT of work....
So Rob has always wanted to go to an opening day Brewers game. And if you don't know, the tix sell out the moment they go on sale. So back in December I went to find out when the tix went on sale. Turns out they were already sold out! BUMMER! And also ironically, opening day was on Rob's birthday--making it a perfect gift. So then I began the searching. I looked online and people were charging $35-$40 for standing room only tix, and $60+ for nosebleed, outfield seats. INCREDIBLE!!! I wanted something good for my man--yet I didn't want to pay an arm and a leg. So through December I kept looking--and it worked out well. At the end of December I found a guy in New Jersey selling opening day tix on Craigslist. The tix were in the third level, just below the box seats. The seats were extra wide, cushioned, and had waiter service. Did I mention that the seats were in the second row over home plate? How perfect. So I start exchanging emails with him. He wanted half down now and the rest when he got the tix. I did not feel comfortable with such a transaction--since he's in New Jersey, and I was just sending him decent sums of money without any guarantee of the tix. He was a great guy though--and we ended up doing the transaction on EBAY. He put them up as a "Buy Now" item and then called me right before they went on sale (so nobody else could snatch them). And let me say--that for the price I bought them at, somebody else would have snatched them. Anyways I bought him and then waited patiently for the tix to arrive in March.
So March 20th comes and I have heard from NJ boy about the tix. So I send him an email. (Let me also say I was very sick at this time.) He says--they will be there by the end of the week. I wait until the end of the week--no tix. I waited until the following Tuesday and then sent an email. He tells me he has been really busy--he is an accountant, he will get them to me before the weekend. I wait a week and a half. No tix. I email again--seven days before the game. He says, oops--too busy He is putting them in the mail that night and he will send me the Fed Ex tracking number. Sunday--he sends me the tracking number and I check Fed Ex, no such parcel exists. I wait and check again on Monday thinking--perhaps they don't enter the numbers over the weekend. Monday--no parcel exists. I email NJ boy again. He admits that he didn't put the parcel in the box until Sunday night, it won't be picked up by Fed Ex until Monday night--but I should receive by Weds.
Okay now realize, Rob has the day off work. I have been building up this "big" surprise for him for a while now--and now this guy who has my money is really playing with my head---and I am a sick pregnant woman. ARGH! What a rough time! I did get the tix on Weds---Thank goodness...I hugged and kissed them. Boy would that have been a ruined 30th birthday...
So back to the big day.
So Ky and I made homemade cinnamon rolls the day before and we got up early on Dad's b'day to bake them and make cream cheese frosting. I placed the tix under his plate and we woke daddy up. Ky said "Happy Birthday Daddy"--he sings Happy Birthday now too! Anyway we come down to the yummy spread on the table and enjoy a very nice breakfast. Finally I couldn't wait any longer. I said to Rob "Would you like to know what is on your b'day agenda--pick up your plate!" He does--and is a VERY happy 30 year old boy.
So the next hour was rush to get ready and pack what we need. The game is at 1:00 and we need to get there early enough to find parking--and we have no idea what traffic is going to be like.
We end up parking about 15 blocks from the stadium. Traffic wasn't bad until we got near the park. We stopped for subs to carry in as lunch and then also stopped at the nearby playground to let Ky get out some of his wigglies before getting tucked in for the game. Let me say the seats were beautiful. Considering a lot of people go to these games and get plastered--we sat in a season ticket holder section. The people were responsible (not drunks) and loved Kylan. We had a great time. The Brewers won--of course. Ky fell asleep in the 8th inning--I think he felt comfortable enough with the lead--he knew the Brewers couldn't blow it. As always--Ky was great during the game. He sat nicely with us and enjoyed the atmosphere. He especially loved the fireworks.
So after the game we walked very briefly (it was cold) along the lakefront and then went to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. This restaurant had rave reviews---and we will say that the food was good--but the restaurant surprisingly empty for a Friday night. I especially enjoyed their guacamole. Ohh...I forgot. Prior to the lake we went to Grand Avenue mall, which is really a dying mall--the worse we have seen yet, and enjoyed chocolate shoppe ice cream. Kylan was especially pumped to have his own cup of ice cream.
So after all that we went back home. That was a very full day. And there was still another day of birthday to go....
So Saturday we decided to relive Friday. Pops and Debi had gotten Rob tickets on to the next Brewer's game--and these tix included free food! So we got up and had cinnamon rolls--I told him that we were going to see a Brewer's game, we quickly packed--and off we went. (This really was like the movie Groundhog day.) So I knew that Pops and Debi had secretly gotten extra tix and were planning to surprise Rob at the game. However, we had to get "our" tix from Pops first. So we met up outside a local pub, and Pops gave a great story about how they were shopping for the rest of the day and had errands to run. I have to say--Pops pulled this off well. I was confused as I thought they were joining us then for the game.
So we are walking in to the gate and Rob notices that the two tickets they gave us are in different rows. How confusing? So I told Rob to call Pops --and sort of ruined the surprise at this point. Oh well. A few minutes later we ran into the whole gang at the front gate.
So we enjoyed game 2 with the Schnake clan and good food. The most interesting part of the game was when two fools ran onto the field and we watched security pounce on them. I hope the guys were intoxicated--because they got pretty roughed up--including some knees to the groin. You can see a pic of all the security guards on them (in red) in one of the above pics.
After that we enjoyed some drinks at a local pub with Pops and the crew.--and then returned home on a long drive.
The next day---oh yes there is still more birthday, we did a special Sunday, after church, birthday brunch. It was very good food! I wish I had been in full pregnancy because I didn't eat as much as I would have liked.
So that was Robby's very long, yet deserving birthday.
On to other things....Ky can now sing the ABC's. He sings all the letters except "k". He is very impressive and very cute. He also likes to sing the "Monkeys jumping in the bed"song. And we just figured out that he is trying to sing the "Signing Time" theme song. Signing Time is the sign language video that he likes to watch, yet rarely watches. We had no idea what he was singing for a long time. It was like "chop chop chop, higher" or something when it should have "Signing time with Alex and Leah". He was also trying to sign with the song---though the signs were far from correct. I do have to say--he has a great memory for sign language. He may not be able to sign everything--but he recognizes a lot more than he can sign. He will also surprise you by trying out a new sign days after he last saw it.
It also looks like Ky is getting tubes put in his ears. Four infections now in four months---and the antibiotics aren't appearing to clearing things up. He appears to be becoming immune to them. His evaluation isn't for several weeks. We are worried he may get another one in that time. And if that happens, the doc mentioned that the next drug we will have to try will be intravenous and very painful. We are praying that things won't come to that.
Baby # 2 is doing well--moving a lot more--especially when I eat cheese. I am visiting the toilet a lot less frequently--yet still a lot more than I feel I should at this point. Our next ultrasound is set up on May 9th. We are excited. I haven't told hardly anyone at work. And funny enough no one has said anything to me. I think they all think I must be getting fat and are trying to be polite. I should tell--but it is kind of fun waiting for someone to say something. I won't be able to fit in my work shirts too much longer so someone better say something soon!
Well I think that is all for now. Stay tuned for next blog! SPRING HAS SPRUNG!

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