Friday, April 25, 2008

Warm April Days

Alright--I would like to say this entry is so late because 1) Robby left the camera up North for his boy's weekend (not to mention he didn't even take ONE picture!) and 2) the camera or my computer has issues....

My play group went to the zoo in mid April on a beautiful day. We had a great time--though Ky and I couldn't stay very long because he had ANOTHER ear infection and I had to take him to the doc. At this point we have a consultation scheduled to get tubes put in. The doc said he is becoming immune to the antibiotics, so if he gets another ear infection they will have to administer a painful IV drug to help clear it up. Let's pray it doesn't get to that point.
Rob also got 6th row Brewer tix (last minute) from his boss at work. That was a fun game. You could practically smell the sweaty players. And the usher got Ky a game ball from the bat boy. That was pretty exciting too (Rob was a bit more excited than Ky.) It pays to have a cute child!

Rob and Ky also had their first boys' weekend. They went up to Shawano and met Grandpa, cousins Devan & Jordan for a train show in Green Bay. It was my first weekend without Ky--which was really weird. I had a good time though. I hit 10 stores on Saturday (didn't spend much though.) It is really hard to shop with a toddler and really I was just doing some exploratory shopping for a double stroller and a new crib. I found the baby's new crib at Burlington Coat Factory--click on the link to see it. I haven't bought it yet, but I have the husband's approval. Ky's bed is also a 4-1, and I think they are well worth the money, if you figure I don' t have to buy a crib, and a toddler bed, and then a full size bed. They are also very nice and look good. I was also getting a couple of other errands done. I ate chinese Saturday night (YUM!) and considered it a good bonding weekend with the new one. And I watched Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea---yes about 400 minutes of video. It was wonderful! I love such optimistic videos and imagination.

The weekend after the "Boy's weekend", we went to Illinois to visit the Great-grandparents and great Uncle & Aunts. We had a very nice time. The weather was great and we spent a fair amount of time watching Ky run in and out of the grandparent's garage door. He would run in and close it, then open it and say "HEllo, Goodbye" then close it. Silly little guy. He did this for a very long time and enjoyed it way more than I ever would have. He also worked on his piano skills with Uncle Tom. He is getting pretty good. He doesn't bang on it, like you would think most toddlers would. Instead he plays one note at a time. My musical little boy...

I guess my other bit of news, is that I have been working with the Mall to build a children's play area. I approached them a month or so ago and they asked me to start a petition to see what kind of interest I would get. Well, within 5 days I had over 500 signatures and the local news calling me. I now have almost 1000 signatures! This is very exciting. Things are looking good to get this children's play area. For those who don't know a play area in the mall is really a place for parents to take their little ones (about 7 yrs and younger) to play and get the wigglies out. It is a benefit for everyone. On extremely hot days, or during winter, or rainy days--it gives parents a free place to take their kids to get some exercise and to interact with other kids. This also benefits the mall as it brings in more shoppers. Everyone wins. So the press did get a hold of this and they did a nice story. The funny thing is--several days after it aired, a local talk radio show trashed me and my "campaign." (Put yourself out there to do something good and you know someone is going to put you down.) Anyways they took a small piece of the story and added a bunch of lies and got people to call in and trash me. They said I wanted the retail stores to pay for an area for parents to drop off their kids so they could shop. This would be free to parents and the stores would have to pay for the childcare. What a bunch of crap! Anyway--I got over that pretty quick. So if you live in South Central Madison, feel free to sign my petition if you support it (I would love to break 1000 signatures), otherwise you can look at it for fun. And I also included the link of my news story. I believe you can see the actual video that aired on the news as well...

18 weeks at this point of time and feeling pretty good. Last week I had another bad episode with this one. I actually ended up breaking blood vessels all over my face. Rob said "It just looks like acne." At least he was honest. They disappeared in a few days though. Right now I am feeling lots of stretching and pulling. 8" from toe to head and not even a half pound now. I am starting to notice wake/sleep periods of the little one too. It is amazing how they develop. In 2 weeks we get our ultrasound. I am excited. It is so neat being able to peek in at your little one.

So everyone wants to know--are you finding out the gender. We didn't with Kylan. With the due date being the end of September, we have decided that financially it will be better for us to find out (can hit the garage sales). And honestly it does reduce a little stress (don't have to find a boy and a girl's name--remember we didn't have a name for Ky when he came.) However, we are not planning on telling anyone--so don't ask. And I will tell you--we are very happy with whatever we find out --girl or boy. Both have great benefits. Ky would have a best friend and more likely to have common interests if it were a boy--and frankly I am a tom boy so it may be easier for me to deal with a boy. However, a girl would even out the family numbers and give us a whole new perspective on just about everything.

What can I say, but we are blessed. Here is a little tid bit of something I have added to my life--perhaps you can add it to. I call it "three in three". When I am driving (which is daily) I take three minutes to pray for three people. The first person is someone I know. The second is someone of influence (which may or may not be someone I know--let's be honest though we are all people of influence from time to time.) The third is someone I don't know. I like to find a victim driving next to me. It's fun--and Ky has really gotten into it too---he especially likes to help out with the "AMEN!" That's all for now--lots more in the next post...

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