Friday, October 17, 2008

First Weeks Home....Stories

As I was uploading photos I realized that so much more has happened than what I put in my previous post. I think the lack of sleep and such has really affected my memory.
Anyway we have some fun stories we don't want to forget so here they are...they should pretty much match up with the pictures...

The top pics are from that crazy October day where it got 83 degrees! Alaina is 2.5 weeks old. We went to the park and she got to put her feet in the grass for the first time. We got a lot of great pictures! It was a GORGEOUS day! However I think Alaina got heat rash from it. She was all speckled for the next several days.

The Thursday before the "83 degree day" we went to the farm. My playgroup was going there, but we got there a little late and ended up doing some things on our own. Ky had a blast. I am so glad--he needed to get some 'norm' back in his life. He had fun petting the goats (his favorite animal.) He got to hold kitty cats (though I feel sorry for those cats--and I am glad they are good natured.) He also got to pet a donkey and a miniature pony. And in the pic above with the donkey--the donkey tried to bite his butt! That was funny! We had lunch at the farm and then were off to the doc for mine and Alaina's appointment.

(cake pics)
Shortly before baby Alaina was born (by the way if I refer to Alaina as baby Alaina and Ky as Big Kid Ky that is because we have been trying to help Ky see the importance and differences of being a big kid vs. a baby. I think it has helped him not to back track too much nor envy her status.) Ky was asking when the next b'day was. He LOVES b'days because he LOVES cake. Just ask Kelly! Anyway, I told him that his baby sister would be the next b'day. So he got excited and was asking about cake. It was then that we decided that we should make baby Alaina a special b'day cake when she was born--and since she was a baby (not a big kid) Ky would get to blow out her candle and eat her cake. Of course Ky loved this idea. So you will see pics above of Ky helping (eating) the cake batter, and then of him helping celebrate her b'day. I could only find a "2" candle--and hey it is somewhat appropriate--2 kids --or something...The important thing is Ky got a kick out of the special day and it gave him more reason to appreciate having a baby sister.

We also have pics of Grandma Maureen. She came and stayed with us for 4 days which was a great help! Rob got to go back to work for a few days, and I got a little more sleep. Not to mention nooks and crannies of my house were cleaned. I just discovered that she cleaned out the inside of my microwave. I was wondering what was wrong with it. It looked so different. WOW! --not to say I don't clean out my microwave, it just doesn't happen very often. My mom also was my chauffeur and helped get us out of the house. We had an exciting library adventure where both kids peed/pooed out of there underwear/diaper and on there clothes. Thank goodness she was there to take one kid while I took the other. Oh the fun days of being a mommy!
The other pics is of the sling I made for Alaina. It is FABULOUS! It is a fleece sling and very comfy cozy! And Alaina agrees, she sleeps in it all the time. It took maybe 30 minutes to sew and I spent maybe $3 on the material. Here is the link to the pattern if anyone is interested.
And finally the last pics was of Alaina's first bath at home (it really should be on the top as a time reference, but I liked the park pics better.) Anyway--the first bath always has a good story to tell--and I am sorry Alaina but Ky stole your limelight!
So Rob and I have all the cameras out (video and digital) and are really enjoying watching our little bundle get her first bath (and she of course is screaming mad!--Have I mentioned her temper before? This little girl can really get herself worked up over things.) Anyway, Ky wants to be involved so we move the stool over to the counter so he can watch. Well he must have gotten jealous because next thing we know he is peeing all over--and oh yeah Ky--we have this on video camera. At the time it wasn't funny--but now I find it VERY funny...especially the fact that we have this on camera. Yeah--embarrassing moment for you--but that was your choice. Sorry Alaina we didn't get as much bath video as we would have liked!

Here's a Ky funny....the other day Ky was dealing with the hiccups and he told me that he was "Hicking - up". Another Ky funny, the other day Ky asked me if Thomas the Train had a penis. My answer--go ask your father...
Well that is all the stories for now. Stay tuned for the balding Alaina who is going to be blonde like her brother, I can already see the blonde fuzz coming in--and the much bigger girl! (I no longer have to roll her sleeves up--which you may have noticed in previous pics!)

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