Sunday, November 08, 2009

Visit with the Herbst's and Autumn Leaves

Kylan loves playing in the leaves....


not so much!

She was so angry that this leaf was on her head.

more leaves...really mom...I don't like this.

I'd much rather mow the driveway...

What's wrong with this bike?

A. Janice with Ky...I think she was trying to persuade him to eat...a constant battle at the dinner table.

Ky with A. Janice & A. Linda. He was sad they were leaving.

Alaina likes the boys. She really enjoyed hanging out with U. Tom

And what family get together doesn't have DANCING!

Alaina demonstrating to U. Tom and A. Sue how you hold a baby.

October seemed like a month that just dragged and dragged. It rained WAY too much! In fact we struggled to get outdoor stuff done--but thankfully by the end of October all the leaves were raked, the garden turned over, and the wood in the sun porch was painted (We get new siding in 2 months!) I think the kids actually got outside to play a total of twice--and of course the pics are from those 2 occasions.
In my mom's club, my friend Ann had this great idea to start an annual "Leaf-apalooza". This means we take the kids to a park with lots of leaves. We rake them up in a pile and have them jump in. Well it was a hit--for everyone except Alaina, who clearly does not appreciate being in leaves. I think my friends thought I was a little mean when I put her in the pile and then snapped pics of her when she started to cry--Silly girl! Hopefully next year we can try again and she will appreciate them.
During one of the later October weekends we were blessed to have the Herbst's come and share a day with us in Madison. It actually turned out to be a pretty nice day. It was chilly, but sunny. We took them to the Farmer's market and they really enjoyed seeing/tasting the variety of vegetables and cheeses. I stocked up on green peppers--at 25 cents each, you can't go wrong. They work great if you freeze them and then use them as needed when cooking (and you don't have to blanch them!)
After the Farmer's Market, we returned home and had a big meal. While waiting for things to finish cooking, Ky lured A. Janice and A. Linda in the family room for some dancing. Isn't it amazing what you will do for kids? He gets me to dance with him at least once every day--and it is especially cute to see Alaina try to dance as she bounces up and down just by bending her knees.
We had a wonderful time all together, and I have really enjoyed the continued blessings of knowing and becoming closer with my relatives. It makes me especially happy to see the close bond Ky is forming with them. (He was very sad when they left.) I know Grandma Herbst wanted us to all be closer, so I can only imagine that she is smiling down on us when we are together.
So my blogging is still behind. One of these days I will catch up. But to keep the updates going, I have repainted the family room (you can see the new colors in the last pic). Before it was dark wood paneling, and I painted it green. I have to say I really like it--except I don't like how it looks in pictures. For some reason in pictures it looks a lot more yellowy...Hmmm....Anyway, we are very happy with it and it really lightens the room up. As winter gets here, I will start my sewing and then sew curtains for the room as well (I already have my fabric bought! I am excited!)
We have also since redone the downstairs bathroom. In one of these blogs I will have to do before and after pics of our house....Anyway, the bathroom had green wallpaper and a green sink. BLEH! I painted it a dark red and cream. Unfortunately I had to paint over the wallpaper, because they GLUED the wood trim to the wall, and when I tried to remove the wood trim, it put a hole in the wall. I hate when people don't use proper methods! We also put another big hole in the wall by the sink because the old owners GLUED the backsplash to the wall. Okay....seriously people...what were you thinking!?
Anyways we put a really nice new sink in. We found a quartz sink top on sale with an undermount sink. It is really beautiful. We were just going to reuse the old faucet, but since Quartz is a thicker countertop, we had to buy a new faucet. We got one to match the kitchen faucet (oil rubbed bronze.) It looks really nice. Like I said I will have to post pics soon. Anyway...let's get to the good stuff. Kid funnies, milestones, and memories...
Kylan loves to lead the dinner prayer and he does a wonderful job with it. But this is the first prayer that I have ever laughed in....Here was Ky's prayer one night.

"Thank you God for the beautiful day. Thank you God for the whole world. Thank you God for the food. Thank you God for giving us our sins. And thank you god for Jesus dying on the cross. "
And if you read that too fast...relook at the second to last sentence. TOO FUNNY!
Kylan has been obsessed with 101 Dalmatians. He has the book on tape. At the end is the song "Dalmatian Plantation." Anyways I got him a book from the library on cooperation. We really talked through the book and what it means to cooperate. Later that night when Dad came home, Ky told him "Daddy, I learned that Plantation is working together."
Since Ky loved the book so much, we rented the video and had a family picnic night in the family room. We spread out a blanket and ate dinner on the floor while we watched the movie. It was kind of disappointing. Ky just didn't seem to like it as much as we had hoped.
I was rubbing Ky's head the other day--in an endearing manner, you know mother loving her son. Ky grabbed my hand and said "Don't mess up my hair!" Wow! He went from 3 to 15 real quick!
I was explaining to Ky one day how you have to plug your nose when you go under water. He then laughed at me and said "You don't have a plug for your nose!"
Ky informed some family friends that Alaina's last name was not Schnake, it was "Baina". (Rob and I will call her Alaina Baina sometimes for fun.)
One of Ky's favorite song is "Happy and your Nose" (aka If you're Happy and You Know It)
Kylan still calls blankets "blanquits".
Shortly before Alaina turned 13 months, I was getting her ready for a bath. I tossed her clothes in the hallway and then turned my attention to getting the water in the tub. Suddenly I heard a door closing. I looked out in the hallway to find Alaina putting all of her clothes down the laundry chute! WOW! Since then, we will now ask her to put things down the laundry chute and she will. Of course we also find other things from time to time at the bottom of the toys and books and nuks....but it is SO CUTE to see her being responsible!
Alaina has a fear of hair dryers. She will run when I turn one on. Very funny! I don't know which is worse hair dryers or leaves.
To wrap things up, Ky is continuing to progress in his math. He now adds numbers larger than 5. I bought him a first grade Addition Math Workbook and he can do almost all of it. We have just started working on subtraction. Once again I do worry that my boy may be bored when he gets to school. Time will tell. We are still moving very close to reading. I have been getting him Rebus books at the library--these are books with pictures inserted in the sentences for some of the words. It really helps him follow along--and he is very excited when he gets to help read. Ky is a very bright boy and loves any opportunity to learn. I am a very blessed mother.

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