Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Let's Get Crafty!

Gotta love these rare moments!

Sleep sacks I made! So EASY and inexpensive!

The latest round of baby shoes.

Aunt Janice loves Alaina's hair! (So do I, I love when she comes out of the bath and it is all curly!)

Helping put the candles on Aunt Linda's cake--BTW this cake was awesome---mmmmm...

And another fun cake--spice cake!
Waiting to sing Happy Birthday.
Alaina & Ky both wore their Packer outfits in honor of A. Linda

Lots of candles to blow out!

Peeking over the counter to help make pancakes!
She really wants to be a big kid like Ky.

Homemade finger paints.

She did pretty well for her first time.

Ky had a blast!

Ky's gift for Samaritan's purse
The weather has turned! Finally! And now I am stuck inside more which means inside activities. Ky's curriculum this past month has been with the body and we have been working ont the five senses. For the sense "Touch" we made finger paint! And edible finger paint--good for Alaina too! At one point I added salt to some of his finger paint so he could get a better idea of rough vs. smooth. It went over very well. Here are some great recipes for finger paint. I used the corn starch and water one, and am storing them in baby food jars for futher use.
I also made some (I should say finished--because I started them back in April) more baby shoes. These are too fun to make! And I explored making sleep sacks--which are so easy! And cheap. I think each sleep sack I made was around $4.00. I also made them extra big so the babies had room to grow. I had a lot of friends with new babies this year, so I really got to try out some of my sewing skills. Here is a link to the sleep sack pattern.

The weekend before Thanksgiving we drove to Arlington Heights to visit Rob's grandpa and Aunts & Uncle. It was Aunt Linda's 50th birthday--and what a great celebration it was. As usual, Aunt Janice made this splendid meal--Hey I got to eat squash soup out of Turkey--which was rounded out by one of the most fabulous chocolate cakes I have ever had. And yes, those are chocolate covered--brandy soaked cherries on top! WOW! We had a wonderful time and enjoyed watching Linda blow out the candles and eat her piece of cake. We were also introduced to the family tradition that the birthday person can not talk until their cake is eaten. This was fun as we all tried to get her to talk--but Linda was an old pro and did not budge.
The last picture is of Ky holding his box for Samaritan's purse. Every year for the last 4 years Rob and I have made a box per the number of kids we have. (So now we are doing 2). The box is for kids in impoverished countries. They contain toys and personal products (i.e. toothbrush, soap) as well as an introduction to Jesus and his ultimate gift for them. This year was the first year Ky was really able to get involved making the box for another 3 year old boy. I took him to the store and Ky personally picked out several toys as well as fun toothbrushes/toothpaste/soap and candy. I am not sure how much he understands of the whole concept, but he knew that he was picking out items for another boy his age. If you haven't done this before, I highly suggest looking into it. Here is their website, and I have found that most churches are also involved in the campaign.
I don't hae a lot of fun stories for this blog...but Ky told me the other day that he doesn't play with knives because they sharpen his fingers. :)
Ky choked on some water and said, "I swallowed it down my wrong throat"
I also took Ky back to the eye doctor expecting to get him glasses. The doc told me that Ky's vision actually got a little better--so we get to hold off until next year! YEAH! Alaina and glasses right now are not a good thing, so this is such a blessing! Thank you God!
Oh yeah--and I can't forget. The most disgusting thing happened EVER as a parent the other day. It was with Ky and Bear. Yeah...I am not going to put this on the blog---but Ky when you are bigger, I will be happy to tell you what happened. Just ask--and it was only the result of something you did....It had more to do with the dog...
And...I almost forgot! Ky has his very first imaginary best friend. His name is Bobby. And let's just say Bobby can be very naughty. Ky has had to put him on a lot of time outs. But we are glad that Ky has a new friend.

1 comment:

Julie said...

thanks for the links to finger paints and other projects!