Saturday, April 24, 2010

Alaina's 18 month pics

I took Alaina to get her 18 month pictures today. I should probably start off by saying, today was not a good day. We woke up to Kylan yelling at Bear over nothing. He woke up the WHOLE house. UGH! I told him to be quiet and then he started yelling "WHY?" Yeah. We were all crabs then, because once Alaina is up, everyone is up.

Rainy Day, bleh, tired kids, bleh, Alaina wanted to be held and eat, bleh, I was trying to make breakfast. It was not the smoothest of mornings.

Anyway, I got Alaina all gussied up and she looked good and was quite the happy girl. We get there and check in, she is as happy as a clam. They take us into the room, and we could not get her to stay still. Then she threw a tantrum. She pulled her hair clip out, laid on the floor, and cried. And what did the photographer do, snap pics. She took a total of 6.

Surprisingly, she actually got one decent pic of Alaina. I ordered the package of it. However, I really wanted a picture of all of her (this is a close-up.) She was in this cute little dress. I might go back and try again. But here is a link (I hope it works for you) and you can look at these pathetic pictures. I really like the close up of her sobbing. Perfect!

Click on this link and type "Jessica Schnake" for customer name. Then click on view images.  Enjoy!

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