Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wrap up of the past year

So, while I have really fallen behind on my blogging--I actually have still been recording tid bits of dfferent funny stories with the kids.  Here are some of those funny stories as well as some milestones. (As well as pics from Talia at 2 weeks old)

Ky continues to amaze us with his vocabulary.  Rob was comparing Scott Walker to a weasel (I know--not the most mature comment, but we were venting some anger.)  Anyway, Ky overheard us and said "Isn't that redundant?"  Very funny--not mature and totally the wrong thing to teach our child--but still INCREDIBLE use of vocabulary.

Kylan has really been getting into baseball this year.  At one game the umpire made a bad call and the audience booed.  Nana explained to him that the crowd was not happy with his call.  Ky then said "So when people are unhappy they act like ghosts?"

Ky wanted to put "poems" in his CD player.  It took me FOREVER to figure out what he wanted.  Turns out he wanted to plug headphones in!

Ky's reading skills continue to improve.  Driving past restuarants in our area, Ky says "When are we going to go to WHOOOOOO -ters?"  (Hooters)  It was so funny how he pronounced it.
Alaina is ALWAYS singing.  ALWAYS.  And she makes up the most crazy and OBNOXIOUS songs.  It is hilarious.  If I haven't already uploaded video, I will soon!

Dancing is her other thing.  She loves to dance like a princess.  She isn't very graceful but is ADORABLE to watch!

Talia loves kisses.  This girl is a kissing fiend.  If she isn't receiving them she is giving them.  It is SO cute.  You can see her face just light up when she is getting kissed.

Alaina response for "yes"  or uh-huh is "huh-huh".  You really have to hear this to find it amusing. 

Talia first laughed when she was in the bathtub at 10 weeks at Alaina.  Yeah!  Baby giggles!

At 5 months, we began to notice when Talia was feeling left out.  One day, I was chasing Ky & Alaina around the living room and Rob was standing there holding her.  She then began to cry.  Rob figured out that she wanted to participate so began running with her around the room and she became VERY happy.  Since then, we have noticed that if she doesn't feel involved she will cry.  This includes when her brother and sister leave the room and are playing elsewhere. 

Talia was slow to sit up on her own.  (Probably because of all the holding we did--and the fact that my boppy was in such poor shape I tossed it.)  By 6 months she was finally able to sit up well enough without support.
At 7 months Talia crawls backwards REALLY well.  She has yet to figure out how to move forward though.

Alaina is such a girly girl.  She loves her princess and she insists that all stories should end "And they lived happily ever after" with the prince and princess getting married of course.  A few weeks before Christmas we went to storytime at the library and the them was "princes & princesses".  Let me tell you--Alaina was OVERJOYED!  until we got to the story The Paper Bag Princess.  Let's just say the princess is too smart to marry the prince and walks off in her paper bag dress.  Well--Alaina was not having any of that.  She insisted to the librarian that "the prince and princess DID get married and they lived happily ever after AND the princess got back her beautiful dress."  I was thankful that the librarian complied and let Alaina have her fantasy ending, otherwise it would have been a rough day for her. 

On Christmas Eve Talia made some movement forward.  Since then we have noticed periodic forward movements.  Soon she will be on the move!
Continuing with Ky and his reading skills...This Christmas we have a piano and some Christmas Song Books.  Ky bangs on the piano and sings along.  His pronunciations are HILARIOUS.  "HO HO the Whistletoe" and "Have a HOLY JOELY Christmas" (instead of Holly Jolly) and of course in Silent Night he sings about the "Round 'yon VIRGIN"  pronouncing the "guh" for the g.

A few days after Christmas Alaina was telling me how her prince came to see her.  I said "Really!  Did he bring you anything?"  She said, "Yes, My prince brought me flowers and a treat for not pooping in my tights!"

When Kylan was 4 and very upset with us, he used to tell us "You're breaking my heart!"  When he used this tactic with tears, it was very moving!  (i.e. "Kylan you already had a piece of cake, you don't need anymore."  sniffle, sniffle, "You're breaking my heart!"

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