Wednesday, March 06, 2013

February 2013

Did you know that Feb 2nd was not only Grandma Debi's Birthday...

but also National....
Icecream for Breakfast Day!
 Alaina's version of John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt (i don't know why it won't post.)

Talia always sits in Aunt Julie's lap for stories....not so much mine...

Finally a lost tooth...we waited 6 years and 8 months for this occasion.
Madison Train Show with Grandpa

 And of course Uncle Ryan
 This video wasn't nearly as funny as we hoped it would be...

The kids fixed Wendy's hair...Isn't she beautiful!!!

Alaina ice skating for the first time
Yup...I think she likes it.
She didn't really need this. 
 Video of her with the aid
Video of her excited about fish and skating without the aid
piece of hair Alaina cut
Our snow lady
Talia eating the snow lady's mouth
Poor Snow Lady 
 Video of the kids eating the snow lady's mouth
 Seriously...the cutest video ever....Kids are singing together.
Honestly, I think this was the best February ever.  We had several nice snow storms which made for good playing outside because it was accompanied by nice weather. I also think that I am just anxious to have a good farming/gardening season so I am happy to see things back to normal.  Almost all of my frozen veggies are gone, so that's a little depressing.  I am about ready to get back to the gardening groove.

So Feb 2nd was a Saturday and we kept the "National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day" a surprise for the kids.  Boy were they happy!  And every bit was eaten.  It was also a nice break from Rob and my "no sugar" diet that we went on for January.  That diet sucked...we were just wanting to cleanse our body from all the Christmas crap we ate...instead we ended up eating other unhealthy stuff like chips and crackers and stuff...not so good.  Feb 2nd was an especially good day for the kiddos because Nana came and watched Ky play b'ball and then took the kids to Milwaukee for the weekend.  Julie then came Saturday night and watched Talia which meant Rob and I got to go out for dinner.  *Happy Dance* 

We went to Olive Garden for dinner--and really all I wanted was the salad.  mmmmm....It was a nice time for us to reconnect and it was a preview to our later February date of our annual chocolate and wine fest that we enjoy going to.  (We had already set up babysitting with Nana for that.)  And of course that date was a wonderful time too...good food, good drink and the BEST company! :) 

That following Monday I registered Alaina for 4K.  This was hard for me.  I still haven't decided if I am going to send her or not.  But the more I think about it and watch Alaina, the more I think it might be a good idea.  Ky got a lot more one on one with schoolwork than Alaina has--and while I have worked with  her, I have not done the creative lessons & units that I had done with Ky.  I have worked more with the reading, writing and math basics.  I have figured that I would do themed units next school year because Talia would be more receptive to that at an older age.  I also know that naptimes at our house are a struggle since Alaina does not take naps.  It becomes a "keep Alaina quiet" time.  Alaina is very theatrical and imaginative, so this can be hard. 

Anyway--I registered her for the afternoon session--thinking that would resolve naptime issues.  The teacher was very nice, however, I felt she was a bit pushy at telling me I needed to let go of my child and send her.  I am her mom, only I can make that decision.  And if she doesn't go, it will not hurt her.  Ky is doing fabulous at school and he did not attend a formal preschool.  Anyway--it will all work out, and I have lots of time to think about it. *think*think* think*...

Alaina began ballet again this month.  She loves it...though she may not admit it.  She is kind of funny where she will tell you she doesn't want to go and then when we get there she runs to class and doesn't look back.  She loves dancing and learning the new moves.  (And then she tries to teach me! :) ) 

Ky had his annual eye appointment this month.  We saw a new doc because his has moved onto bigger and better places.  The new doc was quite hurried with him, but he delivered only good news.  Ky's vision has strangely continued to improve.  He no longer needs to be seen by the eye doc, but can have his pediatrician check his vision annually.  It is VERY rare for this to happen in kids and he said he didn't know why Ky's vision has continued to improve.  I said "maybe prayer works afterall."  He didn't answer me (or even look at me).  Oh well--I guess we just continue to believe and thank God for the obvious healing that has taken place.  Ky still is mildly near-sighted with an astigmatism, but for now it is ALL GOOD!

That weekend Grandpa came with Uncle Ryan for the annual Madison Train Show.  They got to see Ky play basketball and Alaina swim.  We then had lunch at Manna Cafe (one of my favorites) and they headed off to the train show.  I went home with Talia and literally bummed while she slept (I don't get to do that often!) 

They all had fun at the train show.  Pictures are courtesy of Rob. The kids came back with train whistles (ugh!).  Luckily one of them was lost--phew! 

The next day we continued our church hunt--and I include this for all those church-goers out there.  If you attend a small church and you see new people--ESPECIALLY new people with kids.  Be friendly, don't stare, and help them get situated.  We got to this church early enough to get the kids to Sunday School--and while there were a few friendly smiles as we walked through the building.  No one helped to direct us on where the kids should go and then a teenager attempted to sell us something for his fundraiser...(you could almost see how eager he was for the "new" blood.)  Anyway--after an awkward service--we felt awkward since no one was helpful or especially welcoming (except one lady who brought our kids to us when Sunday school was over), we were happy to leave and we will not be attending that church again.  Talk about weird.  I don't think I have ever felt so "out of place" at a church service.

Wendy came over that night for dinner and the kids had a blast fixing her hair.  We love Wendy.  She has been such a great friend and support.  If you need someone to cheer you up--call Wendy.  She has been such a blessing to us.  Just her presence always changes my mood.  We had a great dinner and scheduled to meet up for "March Madness."  Gotta get working on my brackets soon!

On Monday, Alaina and I had a special date.  From one of our churches sermons in January, we were employing our new phrase "what can I do for you?" to help our family grow closer.  When I asked Alaina the week before she asked me to take her out for lunch.  So we scheduled a lunch date (of course Talia came along.)  I made a morning out of it by taking her to Animart to pet the animals and then to Saver's (50% off sale..couldn't pass that up and she gets to try on shoes) and then we were off to Dickey's--known for free ice cream and pickles. Unfortunately we got there at the lunch hour rush so things were a bit more hectic than I would have cared for.  I didn't realize they had a separate counter for sauces and so I ended up eating a plain chicken sandwich (I guess it WAS healthier...)  Alaina enjoyed herself and Talia--well she quieted down once I brought her an ice cream cone.  She has been getting into tantrum mode lately which just sucks.  Seriously, it grows old.  "OK, kid--get it out of your system.  I'm not giving in to you.  Finish your screaming and let's move on."  Of course if there is hitting and kicking involved I do enjoy picking her up and holding her away from me yelling "RUN TALIA RUN!"  --It's funny...really it is....but seriously, the third is just getting old at this point.

That's a lot for me--taking the girls to a restaurant on my own (not meeting any friends.)  I don't do it often, but I am glad I was able to fulfill a wish Alaina had.  I am definitely going to keep the "What can I do for you?" thing going...

Speaking of which, I realized that I don't play with Alaina a lot.  And well that is probably because she always wants to play princess, which really just is me changing her doll's clothes over and over...and my doll--well she doesn't even get to change clothes.  In fact she doesn't get to do much.  Anyway--Alaina is always asking me to play with her and I often put her off, just because I don't have fun with "princesses" and honestly I don't feel any closer to her afterwards--maybe she does if physical proximity has anything to do with it.  And let's be frank...I have my own agenda I need to complete. 

Anyway--my point of all this is that I have created the "Mommy Jar".  I had the kids come up with different ideas that they would like to do with me (things we do only at home and inside the house).  We put about 30 ideas in it (and princesses is NOT in there---I guess Alaina forgot--YEAH!)  The kids then pick one thing a day and we do it together.  This has worked out really well.  It makes sure that I actually take the time to play with them on their level and it is something different (once it is picked we remove it from the jar.)  The kids have really enjoyed the jar and even I look forward to it--after all I put some of my ideas in there too!  It has been REALLY working out nicely.  I do make exceptions to pulling from the mommy jar--for example on Sunday I took Ky & Laina ice skating for 2 hours.  We came back and they wanted to pick from the mommy jar--at that point I told them we already did a special activity--they can see if Daddy wants to do some thing--and we can pick again tomorrow.  Yeah for the mommy jar!

Okay--back on task...February...Kylan lost  his first and second tooth!  He has had one that has been loose on the bottom for almost a month and then out of the blue the one next to it came loose and fell out right away.  He was quite excited...and even more excited to get a $1 for it.  He asks about the tooth fairy and we usually change the subject or distract him.  He said he knows it is us.  We are just not confirming or denying it.  I don't think he really cares--he just thinks it is fun. 

The second tooth came out a week later--and that turned out to be a bloody mess.  We had been making jokes about pulling it.  Well, one night when Daddy was gone (of course) and I had already had a rough evening with the kids (of course), Kylan starts yelling to me from his bed that his tooth is almost out.  I went in his room and he was a bloody mess (on white sheets of course!)  I quickly shooed him to the bathroom.  He didn't realize he was bleeding he was just excited his tooth was falling out.  Once he saw the blood he started to panic, so I had to turn it into something funny. After we got all the blood cleaned up, I persuaded him to let me finish pulling it out.  It came out quite easily and I was relieved.  WHAT A MESS!  I don't remember tooth loss being such a gross thing!  Anyway--Ky was quite ecstatic. He is one of the last kids in his class to lose his first tooth.  (Heck--we know 4 year olds losing their teeth.)  And now he can join the others!

That week Ky's school had a winter dance.  The kids had a blast "dancing".  I signed up as a tattooist and gave kids lots of tattoos.  It was a good time.  The next day Ky had no school so we drove to the Rockford Children's Museum with Julie and her daughters.  The kids had a blast.  I love that place.  It is just so peaceful, big, clean, and NOT busy.  Julie's girls had a great time too.  In fact it was pretty late when we got back. 

That weekend I took Alaina ice skating for the first time.  She did really well...and considering I have only ice skated twice before, I did well too.  (Watch out Michelle Kwan--here I come!)  She had such a good time, it was hard to get her to leave.  She was fascinated with the idea that she was skating on top of fish and kept trying to look down to see if she could spot any.  If you watch one of her videos above you will hear her talking about the fish.  It's funny--because I actually wanted to go (my feet hurt), but she wanted to keep skating.  I am thinking maybe those ballet classes have helped her with her balance. :)

Oh...I almost forgot...I have a picture of Alaina's hair posted...yup she did it.  I knew it would happen eventually.  We know other kids who have cut their hair so I have had MANY talks with Alaina about NOT cutting her hair and how she could make it look really funny.  Well, one day I caught her snipping.  Luckily I caught her early and she only got one chunk--and it is in an area you don't notice.  We had another talk--but for some reason I don't think this will be the last time.  Ugh...let's hope it is...

That's all for February.  Until next month

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