Thursday, October 12, 2006

week 16

My little man is getting bigger and bigger every day. Kylan now will pick things up with his hands and study them. He also rolls over fairly often when he is on his tummy--though never on purpose. He has rolled over from his back, but he has yet to repeat it. He often rolls to his side though in effort to pick up a toy. At this point we have also let Kylan drink from a glass and taste lots of different big people foods. He loves it! Especially drinking from a glass. Sometimes he will get upset if you pull it away. Now when we eat or drink he ogles are food/glass. Sitting with him at dinner has also become quite a chore, since now he tries to grab things on the table.

October 1st, Nanna had "Welcome To The World" party for Kylan. He got to meet a lot of important peopl in her and Robby's life. It was a fun party and Kylan loved all the attention.

Downsides (did I mention this in my last post?), we are still working to get Kylan to sleep better at night. I dream of the day I can sleep 6 hours straight without him waking up. Or only getting up with him once at night. He is just not a very good sleeper. Also--I know I mentioned this in my last blog, but I have to reiterate Kylan's need for attention. If I leave the room for a minute, he cries. If I am in the room and not focused on him or next to him, he cries. I love my boy--but he needs more independence. I am hoping this phase passes quickly.

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