Saturday, October 07, 2006

week 15

I know....I am behind in my blogs. The last few weeks have been hectic with house hunting and Kylan. Kylan has been going through a "Spoiled" phase. People have to be paying attention to him. He will not play with his toys by himself, but he will play if you play with him. He has also been very demanding with being held. I have gotten to the point where I will just let him cry for a while. He is really wearing me out. Hopefully he will get through this phase quickly. I love my child and I love holding him, but I also like to have time to get dressed, take a shower, eat, etc... Sleeping also has not been going so well. He has been taking 20 minute naps. This leaves him more grumpy. At night he was going back to a 2-3 hour schedule--where he was getting up that often. We started giving him formula at night, but that only helped for about 3 days. Since then has worked back up to sleeping 4 - 5 hours for the first sleep and then 2 hours after that. I am so used to being up with him so often, that one night when he slept 5 1/2 hours straight, I woke up several times. My body isn't used to sleeping that long.

So for week 15, Kylan went to his last baseball game of the season. He didn't really enjoy it though like he did the other games. He was a bit grumpy and slept some. The next day we travelled up to Shawano for a weekend get away.

We had a nice time. Dad got Kylan to laugh out loud a few times. Up to this point Kylan has merely shreiked when he is happy. We also tried to get a family portrait done. But Kylan was not very cooperative. The photographer lady was waving too many toys in his face. I think it was driving him nuts--I know it was driving me nuts.

Anyways we only made it through 3 of 7 poses. Perhaps when he is a bit older it will work better.

That's all for week 15....

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