Saturday, September 30, 2006

week 14 cont'd

We took advantage of the nice weekend to do a lot of things with Kylan. First we visited Uncle Tom and Aunt Sue and family at their home in Waconda. Kylan drove. He's a natural. This was the first time Kylan got to meet his Great Uncle Tom & Aunt Sue. He also got to meet his great great aunt? Joyce and her daughter Kris & family. We had a very nice time. Kylan got to go on Uncle Tom's pontoon boat and also received his first mosquito bite. He also tried to steal daddy's beer. He is much more curious now about things that we have. For the most part he did very well. He is getting better about being around lots of new people.

On Sunday, we went apple picking. Kylan loves apples. (We often will let him taste what we are eating. Sometimes he likes it sometimes he doesn't)...but as far as apples go, the kid loves them. We picked two bushels and plan to make apple butter as long as Kylan will give us the time. He has been quite the little attention-seeker lately. By the way, dad almost fell off the tractor trying to take our picture.

After apple picking, we had one more goal for Kylan. To put his feet in the sand. We had yet to take him to the beach, mostly because at his young age you are supposed to keep him out of the sun and also because we never seemed to have the time. So we ended up going pretty late in the day. And rain showers were in the area. Nana and Bear went with us. I don't think Kylan really got the full experience. He seemed to like it at first, but then got a bit upset. Perhaps becuase the wind picked up or the sprinkles began. Who knows?

Well, the trip back to the car from the beach was a lot of fun. The sky opened up and poured. So Kylan got to experience his first rain. Nana held him tight and kept him pretty safe under the umbrella. Kylan was clutching her so tightly. It was very cute.

Well, I am a bit behind in my posts and I am very tired...Kylan has been very demanding lately... I will explain it all in the next post. Hopefully this one was comprehendable.

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