Sunday, September 17, 2006

Week 13

Kylan attended his 3rd Brewer's game. He went for Grandpa's birthday. He was a little crabby for this game though and did not appear to enjoy it as much as the others. This week was also a cold week, which sucked. When we would go for walks we would have to bundle Kylan up--which he did not like. The biggest thing to happen for Kylan this week is his drool problem. The boy drools everywhere and all the time. He is a nonstop faucet. We think that perhaps he is beginning to teethe--though it would be really early for that if he is. He has been a bit more crabby than usual and he has been gumming things. We will have to wait and see.

I am starting to think that Kylan has a social personality. He likes toys..but only briefly. He would much rather look at people--including himself. I think he likes to try to get people to compliment him. He will lock eyes and then give a smile and wait for a response. I have to say...once he gets eyes locked with a stranger he always succeeds. It is funny to be walking with him and hear strangers say "oh--he is so cute!"

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