Sunday, September 10, 2006

Week 12

Well, my baby boy just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I swear the shorts in the above pics fit him fine in the morning, and then by dinnertime his pudge was sticking out. But don't worry we found a way to let the pudge be free. There goes another pair of shorts.

So Kylan has switched meds for his reflux. He started a downward trend and began waking up every 2 hours again on Zantac. So now the doc has him on something that starts with the letter "O". Thank goodness for health insurance, because the stuff runs $150 per bottle, and the bottle will last only a month. He seems to be doing better though again.

On Labor day, we took our nephews Jordan and Devan to a Brewer's game--Kylan's second game. The nephews had a good time. Jordan shared his baseball glove with Kylan --which was very cute. It will be neat to see how their relationship develops in the future as cousins. Kylan was good at the game again and really appeared to enjoy it...except for eating time. When Kylan was eating, if the crowd cheered, Kylan would begin crying. It was really funny. He needed it to be quiet so he could concentrate on eating. So we took pics of the boys in front of the field and the foul post.

Just to address the other pics above...yes we were really sleeping when we were awakened to a flash. And no we do not let our child watch tv. That is posed--but boy is it funny. I'm not sure about the crying one. Kylan started, so I thought I would join him.

WEll that's all for this week...Not much more to add.

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