Saturday, September 02, 2006

Week 11

Okay—lots of pics, I know…But he was just so cute! Week 11 was a very important one for Kylan. On Sunday August 27th, he was baptized. But before we talk about that day we should go back and talk about the days prior.

On Friday we hadn’t noticed much improvement with Kylan’s meds. The doc had us go and have his insides examined just to make sure everything was fine. They had him drink Barium and through an x-ray machine we got to watch it go down. It was pretty cool to see the liquid go down his esophagus to his tummy and intestines. Everything turned out good though. The only thing the doc noticed was that he tends to get milk up his nose.

The doc has since given us a new rx that we will start him on soon. But he actually has been spitting up less which is good.

Kylan’s godparents arrived on Saturday and got to meet him for the first time. I think they learned a lot about small babies, though we were unable to coax them into changing any diapers. Perhaps, next time.

Kylan appears to be very fascinated with Uncle Adam. In fact, there were several times Uncle Adam got Kylan to quiet down. Aunt Liz got to see how wobbly babies are. (And why we sometimes compare Kylan to a Weeble Wobble.) This was amusing. By the time she left, she had several sturdy baby holds down. I think she is about ready to handle some of her own.

On Sunday we all squished in the car for the long drive to Madison. Rob and I do not have a home church in Milwaukee (we attend a couple of different churches). We liked the idea of having the pastor that married us, baptize Kylan.

We got there early enough to get Kylan dressed (didn’t want to do that earlier in case he spit up or poo’ed) and topped off (fed) before the service. We talked to Pastor Jeff before the service and were bummed to find out that he was going to do the baptism at the end. Why were we bummed –you ask…well Kylan loves worship and singing. Not a problem. But when it comes to the sermon, Kylan gets bored. He wants you to stand up and hold him. And if you don’t, he screams. So sure enough, worship—not a problem. Then the sermon came and he started getting fussy –grandpa was holding him. We passed him a nuk. That helped, for a short amount of time. Then he was passed to me. Well he was doing okay until the pastor decided to use Kylan as a part of his sermon.

The pastor was talking about the big picture versus the small picture and how God needs us to not be intimidated by what lies ahead, because God knows how everything will work out. Well then the pastor said that Kylan does not realize that God was going to use him to reach 300,000 people in his life. And if he did he would be very scared. At this point Kylan began to scream. So it was somewhat humorous.

Anyways the baptism went well. Kylan did not even cry when water was poured on his head. He just gave a baffled type of look.
Afterwards we went out for brunch and celebrated. Kylan being the great guy he is, picked up the check and we drove home. Not too much humor or adventure for Kylan this week, but by Monday he had discovered his thumb, and now appears to be an avid thumb sucker when he can find it. We’re so proud. Well that’s all for this week…My baby boy is almost three months old… I can’t believe it. He is such a big boy…To quote Pastor Jeff “He’s a tank!”

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