Friday, May 18, 2007

I could not have asked for a better kid!

Kylan is the best. He is turning more and more into a person every day. He is really loving and will run up to you to give and receive hugs (as well as kisses.) The other day ky was taking turns running from me and daddy to give hugs (all on his own accord.)

We have figured out that Kylan is calling Rob "mama." He is having a difficult time with those d's. It was so funny--the other day Rob came home from work and Kylan began clapping his hands and saying "mama".

Kylan is maturing in other ways too--he now throws tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants--this is something we are trying to stop now--we'll see how that goes. He also gets upset if you are eating something different then him. (Sometimes he gets upset when you are eating the same thing as him.) He is also beginning to insist on feeding himself. This is tricky. He doesn't have the coordination yet to use a spoon, but he tries. We would be bad parents if we discouraged his desire to feed himself.

Ky got his first skinned knee (I forgot to take a picture.) He was running on the driveway (wearing shorts) and he tripped. We knew it was bound to happen--but it was so sad when it actually did. Kylan also now has a sixth tooth (four on the top, two on the bottom.)

So for mother's day we surprised grandma Irvin and went to Indiana for a very very short visit. My Uncle also is battling cancer and so it was important to go see him as well. Kylan got to meet his great grandmother Hammond for the first time. He walked around the house and showed everyone what a big boy he was. He also spent some time rearranging Grandma's kitchen cabinets. He had a great time seeing Uncle Joel and future Aunt Jamie's new house. It is beautiful. He also watched his uncles play marbles (something mama used to play with Uncle Joel way back in the day.) For Mother's day the four siblings (Me, Joel, Jeff, and John) cooked a wonderful meal. We had a great time! Too bad it was so short. Ky also had a wonderful time sporting around disposable diapers (something he rarely wears.) Doesn't he have the cutest little chubby thighs?
The next weekend we went to the farmer's market for the first time this year. It takes place around the capital. After we bought yummy stuff, we sat in the grass and ate. Ky had a lot of fun walking around and checking out the capital. We also took him into the capital building where he got to drink out of a marble water fountain. Talk about fancy.
Well next blog entry will be either the first b'day one or the "Ky's most embarassing moments" entry. I can't believe he is almost a whole year old!