Wednesday, June 06, 2007

prebirthday blog

It's June 6th. The night I went into the hospital. I just tucked the wee one to bed. His bedtime story tonight was of the day he was born. Can you believe that my little guy is turning one!? Rob says, "Can you believe we have been parents for a year?!" Wow!
So--these pics are from Memorial day weekend. We spent Sunday with Nana and Grandma Jan. Ky was able to persuade G'ma Jan to go down the slide. I think she was a bit scared. (By the way did I mention in the last blog that Ky has just learned how to go down the slide on his own? He figured out that he has to scoot his butt.) After the slide, he then went on the merry go round a bit and the tried out a canoe ride. Unfortunately he didn't get very far--since it was anchored to the ground. Ky loves the park, we go at least once a week---often two to three times.
On Monday--we went to a chocolate festival in Burlington WI. We were rather excited however quickly disappointed once we arrived. It was basically a lousy excuse for a carnival. There was only one tent with chocolate--and even some of that was disappointing. We paid for free samples--and went to a cheesecake place that served us a marshmallow dipped in Hershey's syrup--talk about unreal. Anyway they did have a finger painting tent with chocolate pudding--so we took Ky. He loved putting his fingers in the pudding--but did not understand the whole "painting"part. Then when Dad tried to show him (and took the pudding away to do that) --Ky had a meltdown. The picture above shows him in one of his tantrums. Yes an in action tantrum. He is a boy that knows what he wants and will cry when he doesn't get it.
After the tantrum we left. No point in dealing with that any further.
The other pics are of Ky at his table eating. Dad was very impressed by Ky's maturity and wanted some pics. Ever since we started working at the Y--I have always placed Ky at the table for snack time. It is so funny--because at the Y his eyes just peer over the table. If I haven't mentioned this before--Ky is food motivated. He will not move if he has food in front of him. Therefore I never have to worry about him falling out of a chair. So he has been sitting in big chairs at snack time for 2.5 months now.
Well I need to head to bed. Tomorrow is the BIG day. Rob took the morning off and we are taking Kylan for his first trip to the zoo. It should be a lot of fun. The big birthday party is Sunday--I will update with birthday pics shortly after that.

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