Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Big ONE!

On Birthday morning, Ky was greeted by mom and dad with a birthday song. He seemed pretty please about that--especially since dad was able to take the morning off of work. We then got ourselves ready to head to the zoo. Before the trip, we turned his carseat around--so he faces forward. It was funny putting him in. It was clear that he knew something was different--but wasn't quite sure what it was right away.

The Madison zoo is very cool. We had a fun time (except for all the kids on field trips) looking at all the animals. Ky especially enjoyed the animals that moved. If they didn't move, he wasn't very interested. I think his favorite animals were the Bears. The bears were pacing, and one even decided to take a dip in the pool. The only thing Kylan did not like so much was the big fish. We had him walking on the ground by the aquariums and when he saw the giant fish he ran to daddy's arms and insisted on being picked up.
After the zoo, we decided to give Ella's Deli a second try (See feb blog entry). They have a lot of neat gadgets and games to keep kids occupied so we thought it would be fun for Kylan. Plus we figured there shouldn't be too much of a lunch rush. We were right, there were not many people there---however we still waited 45 min to get our food. And we ordered simple items that do not need to be cooked, just merely assembled and heated. Yeah--I don't think we will be returnng anytime soon. We ordered a kid's meal for Kylan--that was too small for him. He ate it--then ate part of mine and Rob's food. Prior to arriving, we had considered getting some ice cream for the b'day boy--but dad had to get to work, and I think we were all a little irritated by the experience.

After Ky's mid day nap he spent his time playing in the driveway. We grilled and ate outside--which he loves. He loves to see other people walking--the neighbor kids playing--and cars driving.

Oh-yeah and there was a brief visit to the doctor. (Ky remind me to tell you about this later--I won't put it here--that way I can save you the embarrassment of everyone knowing.)

All in all it was a very nice day. Stay tuned for the next blog--Ky's first b'day party!

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