Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Birthday Party

Ky's b'day went very well. Uncle Adam and Aunt Liz actually drove from Indy on Saturday and were able to spend a lot of prebirthday time with him. He had a great time with them and they helped prepare all the birthday stuff including make the cake. Thank you so much for all your help Liz and Adam! It would not have gone nearly as smoothly without your help.
In honor of Kylan we made a banana cake (banana being his favorite food.) And what loves bananas--monkeys of course--thus inspired the monkey cake with yummy chocolate cream cheese icing. Thus also inspired the Curious George birthday outfit. It was a monkey of a time!We also made a mini cake with whipped cream for Kylan ( a little healthier and a little more fun for him to eat.)
The day of his party Kylan was awesome! He did great. WE were a bit concerned with the large crowd of people coming over, but he took it all in stride. So let's get to the good part--the cake!
So we sang happy b'day-Ky just seemed a bit mystified by the ritual chanting. Then we placed him in his chair with the big cake in front of him. He slowly poked at it and played with the frosting. He did not seem to understand that it was food. Eventually somebody stepped in and helped by giving him a fingerfull of frosting. Then Ky was like--"Hey this is good!" and hopped to it. (the pics above pretty much tell this story.) He even shared some cake with Dad and cousin Devan. (We've raised such a fine boy!)
Ky was pretty good with opening presents on his own--though slow. Good thing Devan was there to help him out He got some pretty neat things like clothes, a pool and accessories, bath toys, a hammer/ball set, and a talking bear.
We gave Ky a bubble lawn mower the next day as a present. He loved it..well until he realized that it would not support his weight--thus the crying baby on the ground. He has since learned not to put all his weight on it--and once again loves it. (I had to put these pics in because they are hilarious and just show his personality. He gets really mad and throws tantrums when things don't work the way he wants them to.)
Alas, my baby is one--and now officially a toddler. I like this age. He interacts and does so much more with us now. Did I mention that Kylan can say please..well not really, but we taught him to ask instead of cry for things he wants. So now if he sees something that he wants he points at it and says "BA". And if you ask him to say please, he will say "BA". OOOhh a couple more milestones to quickly add--
Ky will grab your/his mouth/nose if you ask him --where is Mama's/Ky's Nose/mouth? (He is so smart.)
He has also officially learned to stand up on his own without grabbing on to anything. Before he would always crawl to something and use it to stand up, but now he will stand up on his own.
And have I mentioned my little boy hugs! I know I have, but I just have to reiterate...he will run up to you, wrap his arms around your legs and go "AHHHH" and look up at you with the biggest smile. Gotta love this little guy.
More to come soon!

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