Monday, July 23, 2007

4th of July/Noah's Ark

Fourth of July was a good time. We attempted to go to the beach, but that failed (no dogs allowed in the beach area.) So instead we came back to the house and let Ky run around his pool. And yes--he was naked. He had a bad diaper rash so we gave him "air time". And yes we have many more naked photos to show all his girlfriends when he gets older.

That night we went or again attempted to go to the park Rob and I got married at. They were setting off fireworks there. Due to a large crowd of people, we were unable to get there, but found a nearby church. We sat there and Kylan enjoyed watching his first firework's show. (Last fourth of July he could only see 6" in front of him.) For the most part Ky enjoyed the fireworks. After a while he did get bored though and preferred to run around and play with Dad's face.

The next weekend we had a cookout with Mark, our godson Aidan and Gianna. Ky had lots of fun playing with Aidan and Gianna in the pool. We put the slide in--and the kids really enjoyed going down and splashing in the water. They also enjoyed eating raspberries off the bushes. (It was hard to get them to stop.) It was a hot day, but the kids enjoyed themselves—and we enjoyed ourselves when Ky fell asleep after his hard day of playing.

On Monday, Grandpa and Uncle Ryan came over to watch the All Star game. They also spent the night. Mom escaped to have some time to herself while the boys enjoyed eating, drinking, and watching the game—and watching Kylan display his hammering talents and musical abilities. He also played many many MANY games of peek-a-boo.

The next morning Ky was up bright and early –yet Grandpa and Uncle Ryan continued sleeping. I was impressed. They slept through Bear’s barking and Ky’s screaming. It wasn’t until the zucchini bread was done baking that they finally aroused.

Speaking of zucchini—my garden is doing fabulous this year. The spinach is gone (we ate it all and then it went to seed), but we still have lettuce and now we are picking tons of zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, green beans, and peppers. My tomatoes are just now starting to turn red. YUM YUM. Oh yeah and some of my peas survived the bunnies. And I didn’t even mention the watermelon. I was in doubt when rob wanted to buy watermelon plants, but right now we have 3 softball sized watermelons with lots of other little ones.

Back to the Schnake adventures.

So on Friday Lisa brought over Jordan and Devan to stay with us for the weekend. We were taking them to Noah’s ark for birthday presents. Right before they arrived though Rob and I and Ky were out in the backyard working and then Ky started screaming. Rob ran over to him and saw a bumble bee in Ky’s hand (He must have tried to pick it up.) So Robby got it out and squished it (the carcass is pictured above.) We then took Ky in the house and had him play in some ice water. The bee stung his thumb and his whole hand swelled up. We made a baking soda bandage for him –which he chewed off—but it seemed to help. The next day he was as good as new.

Before Lisa left, Ky got to play with his cousin Dominic who is sitting up now. (Babies grow so fast!)

The next morning we were off to Noah’s ark after a filling breakfast of homemade blueberry/raspberry/chocolate chip pancakes and a quick run to the farmer’s market. Ky went on his first two water rides—Dark Thunder and Congo Bongo. He liked them for the most part. He didn’t like the fact that the water was cold in Congo Bongo and Dark Thunder caught him by surprise at the end when it dumped water on his fast—however he was all smiles for the journeys down the slide. (Sorry no pics—didn’t want to get the digital wet.)

The rest of us took turns going on other rides. Devan was a little intimidated by the big rides, so Rob and I took turns going with Jordan while Devan and KY played in the water playgrounds. Ky particularly liked the playground where water would randomly shoot out of spouts in the ground. When the water would disappear he would put his head over the hole looking for the water—then –of course—the water would come out and spray him in his face. We all thought it was funny—however—Ky was surprised every time.

We ended up leaving the park early. The temperature was getting too cold—and we didn’t want to get wet and even colder. Where is the heat when you need it?

The next morning, Ky crawled on his cousins to wake them up. Jordan got up quickly, however Devan took a lot more work. That boy can sleep through anything. We then hopped in the car back to Milwaukee—to return the boys, drop Ky off at Nana’s and G’ma Jan’s, and to head off to a Brewer game. The Brewer game was good—but way too hot.

Alrighty so milestones for Kylan—

He now says Nana, banana, and night night—but it is hard to tell which one he is saying.
He will ask for the name of things and then sometimes attempt to repeat what you just said.
He climbs—I have been having to get him off the tops of tables lately—and fences—yeah he tries, but doesn’t get very far.
He runs—boy does he run
In swimming class he now kicks his feet and blows bubbles.
He LOVES the phone and vacuum. He puts the phone almost behind his head and says “hi” over and over and over…and then he dials numbers and does it again. He also pushes his FP toy around me when I vacuum. At the Y he pushes the play vacuums everywhere. (He is going to make a good housekeeper someday.)
He is beginning to understand the concept of picking up toys…I said beginning—It doesn’t mean he will always do it.

Well I think that is it for now…stay tuned to the next blog entry—Ky The ring bearer!—yes tux and all

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