Wednesday, July 04, 2007

First Camping Trip

Kylan's first camping trip went really well. He really enjoyed himself. We went to Devil's Lake and camped for 2 nights (we didn't want to go for too long--just in case Kylan didn't do so well.)
We arrived early Friday and immediately set up camp. Ky enjoyed walking around the site, attempting to open the car door, and picking up sticks (and of course attempting to eat them.) After we set up camp we went on our first official hike to a waterfall. (There is a picture of it above--Ky and Rob are standing in front of it--it's just a little too dark to see.) It was a beautiful walk. The gorges, bluffs, and cliffs are really pretty. Bear was with us as well--and we sort of accidentally took him on this trail which he was not allowed. (We know better now--and won't do it again.)
Friday night we ate hamburgers cooked over the campfire and vegetables. YUM! Thank goodness for the portable high chair Karen got us--it kept Kylan coralled away from the fire and made it much more convenient for him to eat. (We have used that chair more times than I thought we ever would.)
That night Kylan went to bed very easily (we were surprised.) We brought along the pack n' play and he was out within minutes (I guess it was a bit too much trail walking for him.) Rob and I then got to enjoy S'mores! Too bad for Kylan--maybe next year.
The next mornind we were up early (or I should say Kylan was up early) and ready to go. Ky was very excited to discover he was sleeping in the same "room" as us. And anxiously yelled "mama mama" when he awoke. That sort of forced us to get up. We let Ky run around in his pj's and sandals. He was stylin'.
We soon discovered that the fuel arm to our coleman stove was missing. This really bummed us out. We had brought pancake mix and sausages for breakfast.--and there was no way we were going to attemp to cook pancakes over the fire. So very VERY sadly breakfast was the small amount of cereal we had brought along with a dabble of pancake batter. IT didn't bother Ky much. He liked the batter and ate graham crackers with milk.
So we once again were trail bound and walked up some pretty steep stone steps to the top of the bluffs around Devil's Lake. They journey wore Kylan out. He was asleep by the time we reached the top and didn't spend much time enjoying the view. On our way back to camp we stopped and let Bear swim a bit. It had been a while since he had been able to swim. (Our house in Milwaukee was next to a park with ponds--so Bear used to swim a lot.)
We then decided that it was beach time and took Bear and Ky out for the journey. Ky had fun walking across the sandbar to an island, and we spent most of our time hanging out there. Bear attempted to fetch stones that we threw in the water and Ky ran in and out of the water and played in the sand. He is definitely an outdoors boy.
That night we drove into town and stopped at a store and bought donuts for breakfast. We figured we couldn't survive another morning on pancake batter. Ky once again went down really well and in fact slept until 8 am. What a nice kid.

The next morning Dad tried to take Kylan to the water fountain to get water. Kylan, however, decided he did not want to walk with dad and fought the hand holding until Dad lost the grip--then Ky fell on his head. He then had two nice bruise/scrapes to show for not obeying. We hoped he learned a lesson--but we doubt he did.
So Sunday morning we went on some more hikes (shorter ones) and also hung out at the beach before we left. Ky was very excited. You can see him above happily taking his dirty diaper with him to the beach (to of course be thrown in a trash can.)
When we got home Dad installed the new dishwasher (don't make me tell you about the old one--I may get very angry--however we do have a brand new sealed in the box dishwasher if anyone is interested--$200 obo) and mom went to work creating a new playhouse for Kylan from the box. He loves it. He loves going in and out and popping his head out the windows. What fun! Hopefully it lasts for a while. (BTW--if anyone has any large boxes they would like to donate to make Kylantown, let me know.)
One big thing that Rob and I learned from this camping adventure is that we are TOO old to sleep on the ground anymore. Air mattresses here we come. We also now know that Ky will do just fine on camping trips. WE do have one more trip coming up in August--but perhaps next year we will try to plan a whole week.
Okay --beyond camping--a few milestones ...
Ky loves to play peek-a-boo. He will place both hands over his eyes and the "surprise" you by revealing his face.
Ky has big feet. He outgrew the shoes I bought him for my brothers wedding. Right now he is in 5's but they are almost too small. I gotta go buy some size 6.
He is really attempting to talk more. Now he tries to say "mail" and I think he is working on "nana". I am not sure if he says it on purpose or not--we will have to see next time he sees her.

Okay--Jessica Sidenote

So today I am going to work and I am at a stop light and who is ahead of me--the guy who rearended me. So I am thinking to myself that either his parents didn't receive the letter or they don't care. (I am really hoping he still isn't driving with a suspended license.) Anyway--I notice he has no rearview mirror--another ticketable offense--so he has no idea I am behind him. So the light turns green and he takes off. He is obviously late to work --again and is swerving in and out of traffic to get ahead. I however purposely slow down in hopes to lose him and keep him away from me and Kylan. So I get to the intersection where he hit me and there he is sitting at the light--I had to get behind him. I keep a good 10 - 15 feet between our cars, I have no desire to be near him. He then adjusts his side mirror so he can look at his face (girl to impress??) and so for the first time I get a good chance to see his face. Anyway, he adjusts the mirror back and suddenly has a very confused look on his face, he adjusts the mirror again. This is when I realize he has recognized my car. (YES THIS IS A VERY LONG LIGHT.) He turns around in his seat and looks at me. I politely (and forcefully) smile and wave as I say some very nasty thoughts in my head. He almost embarassingly waves back and quickly turns around and shakes his head. The light turns green and he is gone. So just so everyone knows--this guy most likely with a suspended license is still driving and driving crazy. Don't we all feel safe. I guess you have to seriously injure or kill someone before the law is enforced. Happy thoughts people!
Sorry bad way to end the blog entry--scroll back up and look at the pics. It will make you feel happy again.

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