Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Secret part two

These last two months have just been dragging by.

You know I realize now that I didn't really blog much of my pregnancy with Ky. So with this baby I am going to try to blog more of the pregnancy...

I still have yet to have a day where my stomach has felt like itself. It is really quite freaky. I have to be careful because if I get too hungry I really start to feel sick--but then at the same time I don't want to overeat. I have missed or left events multiple times the past two months because I have felt so ill. I even called Rob to come home early one day from work because the nausea just came on me so quickly and strongly. 3 More weeks and they say I should be better!

Ky has also managed to pass the flu on to me twice this winter. And yes I got the flu shot and so did he. I am tired and blah!!! Let me just say--that I may get sick but I rarely get SICK! In the last decade of my life I have kneeled before the porcelin once--but let me clarify that was not due to an illness. This winter I have kneeled more times than I would care to say.

I apologize for all the friends and family that I have been short with or have just not been myself around. My emails, blog entries, and phone calls have really fallen behind. They of course have no clue what I am going through. I keep telling myself 3 more weeks...At the same time it is hard to believe that I am at week 10.

I realized the other day I have not taken one picture of Kylan so far this month. I don't know how to do the next normal blog entry. oh well. Nothing has been on track this month.

Well emotions are kicking in now. I am becoming explosive at times and short tempered. Ky and I did not get along so well today. It doesn't help when both of us are tired and cranky and Dad is gone all day due to work and classes. (Ky is getting over an ear infection.) I put him to bed early. I couldn't take it anymore. Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully all will be better.

Oh yeah---8 week appointment. So it appeared that after I gained weight, I lost it all by week 8--go figure. Nothing specatular happened at the appointment. I was told not to play soccer though--and I was also told to try to shove things down even when I feel bad. I have had a lot of dizzy spells and the nurse told me it is because of my calorie decrease. So since then I have been shoving down more foods--and I have to say I feel less dizzy and the nausea is a little better. I think I have also gained a little weight back.

next day...

Rob and I went to the baby's first ultrasound. Little Jessicob was standing on his/her head. It was very cute. The baby then waved one of it's tiny hands at us. A whopping 3.4 cm long--mostly head--this baby is going to be as smart as Ky. Amazing. The little heart was beating so fast. 160 beats a minute. This is when it really starts to sink in and you want to tell people. Ahh....I will post a picture in the reveal blog. Congrats me--I'm a mommy again. Right now I can not think of a more incredible purpose.

BTW--a little side note. I had to drink 32 ounces of water before this appointment and boy did I have to go. In fact the ultrasound lady made me go because my bladder was so big it was hard to see the baby in the uterus. She said--only pee about a cup though! Yeah--you try to control it when you have to go so bad.

That's all for now...

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