Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Mother's Day - Take 3! And Ryan's graduation...

I guess 3rd time is a charm!

So two Saturdays ago--we left EARLY in the morning to get to Ryan's graduation. Yes, the last of the little brothers was graduating high school. It was sad--I mean a happy occasion--but sad to see how quick the years had gone by. I still remember little Ryan and what an affectionate kid! And let me say he has turned into a very handsome and mature, yet sincere young man. I only teared up briefly as they promenaded into the gym (remember pregnancy hormones--I cry every day!) It was a very long commencement, but worth the moment of watching Ry walk across that stage with a dignified smile--and yes I have it on video camera. There goes my brother! Ry graduated with a very high GPA --somewhere around a 3.9, he played football, rugby, baseball, even did some track I believe as well as was apart of the National Honors Society. This fall he will be heading off to Concordia Mequon pursuing a degree in pharmacy. So if you need any advice on your prescriptions in a few years--you will know who to call. With his chatty, friendly, and genuine personality, I know he will have a very loyal customer following. There is no doubt that he will be someone that many of his customers go to for encouragement.

So pics above are from Ry's graduation. Ky and Dominic played with stickers through part of the ceremony. We really should have pulled them out early. Stickers = happy babies....And yes that is my husband with the short hair. He had been talking about getting it cut really short and now he did it. I prefer it longer, but everyone needs a change of pace from time to time.

Following the graduation, we were off to Pops and Debi's for a brief Mother's day celebratory, prior to their departure for the weekend. Ky enjoyed counting potatoes with grandpa and reading books with G'ma Debi. Then we were off to spend the afternoon with Nana & G'ma Jan. At this point, I was starved--the new little one was starting to make me nauseous--so we made a quick trip to Beans & Barley for lunch--and what a yummy lunch. They always serve good stuff! I had the veggie hummus pita pocket & the black bean burrito (NO--I did not eat 2 meals! You think I am a big or something! Shame on you! Rob and I split our meals in half! You shouldn't make such assumptions---just because i am pregnant does not mean I am a pig. For goodness sake!...okay that was fun...) One of the pics up there is of Ky eating a lemon at the restaurant...hey you gotta try everything at least once...and he enjoyed it! After that we had a jaunty walk back to Nana & G'ma Jan's. We gave Nana her gift and then Jan pulled out her accordion. This was hilarious. Ky had been begging to push buttons all day. So she got her accordion out and said--"Okay push one of these buttons." So Ky pushes and the accordion just blares a note at him. It made him jump so high! And then he ran to Nana out of fright! It was very funny! Oh---silly boy....He then warmed up to the accordion and him and G'ma Jan jammed to some music. What a fun day!

The last pic is of Ky and his girlfriend Morgan. He talks about her ALL the time. She is a bit younger than him, but age appropriate. They are very cute together.
So--I am not sure I have a whole lot more to add right now. The next blog entry will be in regards to Ky's surgery (getting the tubes in.) He just had ear infection #5 in 5 months--so the tubes are a good thing at this point.
Baby #2 is doing fabulous. Very active--especially loves sugar and fruit which makes my cravings horrid. At least Ky was a healthier craving pregnancy. 24 weeks now and am really enjoying preparing for his/her arrival. Until next post....

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