Friday, August 01, 2008

A Hot End to July

Alright--I have to start off with my Menard's story. So I go to Menards, all by myself--this is rare--I usually have Ky. I am excited--me & a tool store, life doesn't get better. I checked out the freezers and found the perfect chest freezer, I looked at some hardware, picked out my paint color for a rocking chair I was refinishing and then went off to find some new clothesline. Well of course they don't have clothesline by laundry stuff--so I had to get help. The guy takes me to the battery section (clothesline with batteries? how do these stock people decide this?) The guy gives me clothesline. Then he looks me up and down and notices I am preggo. He then says "You aren't using bugspray with DEET are you?" "Uh--yeah--how else am I going to protect myself from the hordes of mosquitoes?" (Remember the Wisconsin floods--the mosquitoes are horrible!) He then informs me that I am putting toxins into my unborn baby's body and endangering his/her life. He then takes me to the bug spray section and gives me a can with Picardin in it instead of DEET. So I take the can, purchase the bug spray, clothesline, paint and leave the store. I then come home and blow up at my husband about absolutely nothing and start balling. This guy at Menard's scared the crap out of me. I have been using bug spray almost daily since June. It has been a necessity. And now he tells me I am hurting my baby. The child I am working so hard to take care of, the one I am worrying about 24/7, the unknown...yadda yadda. I then hit the computer and find out that there has been no bad repercussions found with using DEET. In fact, it is recommended since you put your child at risk if you were to get West Nile or one of the other mosquito spread viruses. I also later had this confirmed by my doctor. So here are my thoughts. If you aren't a doctor, or have first hand knowledge of pregnancy (meaning you are a midwife, nurse or have recently been pregnant) don't talk to me about how to care for my unborn child. Do you not know the day to day stress I am already under just making sure I am eating a proper diet, drinking enough, feeling the baby move enough, staying away from any toxic fumes/chemicals, etc....Yeah leave me alone. That is that---you had to be there for my breakdown to really understand how this man really ruined my day. I think the stress he caused me was greater harm for my baby then 50 cans of DEET bugspray.
On a brighter note--baby #2 is doing great. Heart rate is good every time I go in. Growth is right on. I have gained about 25 lbs. The doc thinks this one will weigh within a 1/2 pound of Ky--which would be nice. Ky was 7 lb 2 oz--however, I am not sure I can really trust his estimate--how would he know this far out?! My stomach is getting tighter, the belly button is popping out and yeah I am getting more uncomfortable, but am sticking it out. The heat has been really bad on me. I have been sticking inside in the AC on the hot and humid ones--and there was a lot in the end of July. Poor Ky probably wanted out more---but he is doing well--I think he kind of understands.
So lets see--the pics. The first pic is a picture of a sling I made for the new baby. Dad thought it would be good to check the weight capacity with Ky. Yup--it passed--and I think Ky enjoyed the sling! The one in the top pic is a fleece one ( a nice warm one.) I am also making a ring sling of lighter material for warmer days (I will post a pic of that when I get it done.) Lately I have been thinking that I should start posting pics of a lot of the things I do--crafts I may try to do that more often. That means I really need to post pics of Ky and new baby's room.
The pics below that are of the All Star game. G'pa, Jordan, Devan, and Ryan came to watch the game with us (or I should say Rob). Ky was very excited. He sat with the boys and ate snacks, played with G'pa, and even suckered G'pa into tucking him in for the night. A good time was had by all--especially for me who worked on sewing curtains for the new baby's room and making bread.
The bottom pics are of a pool party I had at my house with my playgroup. We had a blast---well I did. I got to sit and not chase my son around! It was a warm day, the kids ate outside (so the mess stayed outside) and us moms had a good time chatting. The bottom pic is a good one. Check out the mess of toys! What kid would not have had fun with all that good stuff to play with! I am planning on having another pool extravaganza soon! And kudos to all the ladies in my playgroup--you guys really make these play dates enjoyable. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of you--and appreciate all the advice and things I have learned from you.
So I am keeping this blog shorter....I am so behind on blogs! I hope I catch up before the new one comes. We are under 6 weeks now. 3 weeks from this time Ky was born--that really puts things into perspective--but like I have said I think I will be going full term with this one. Hey--I was right about Ky, I think I will be right about this one. Have a good one! I will blog again very Very soon!

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