Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Belated Birthday's, July 4, + U. Joel & A. Jamie

First things first---

So the Saturday of vacation, I noticed a rash beginning on my arm. I thought nothing of it. With this pregnancy, I have had a number of weird things happen--so I blamed it on pregnancy. On Sunday (the day in Mequon), I began itching on my neck--so of course I began scratching. By Monday--my neck was covered in the rash, then I began breaking out on my legs. Monday night I went to bed with the knowledge that I had picked up poison ivy.

15 years ago my mother and I were clearing shrubs and brush from our house, when I was sprayed in the face with a plant that turned out to be poison oak. My mom got it all over her legs. I was out of school for a week because my face was so badly covered. My mom went to to the doctor multiple times and was put on cortisone shots. We were both highly allergic to it. From that point on, I have always been careful to not touch plants I don't know and to stay on trails, etc...

So where did I pick up the poison ivy--Bear of course. I did not know that you can get poison ivy if you pet your pet who has been in it. Now according to my timeline of the breakout--Bear must have picked up the poison ivy while he was in the kennel. I had paid a bit extra for them to take him on "Nature Walks." Well I won't make that mistake again.

So a few fun facts about poison ivy--kids under 6 normally don't get it because it is an allergy that has to be developed over time. This also means that not all adults are allergic to poison ivy. Rob did not get it and nor has he ever had it. 80% of the adult population will react to it, while 20% will not be bothered.

So after a sleepless night on Monday (if you have ever had poison ivy you KNOW how terrible the itching is) I went in to the doctor. That and the poison ivy was continuing to spread--now it was appearing on my stomach. At night I was sleeping with ice on my neck just to numb the itching. I bought so many over the counter stuff.....Anyway, so the doc wanted to put my on methylprednisone a mild steroid. Well I wasn't taking anything until I talked to my OB. My OB said the steroid was fine, in fact it is the one that they give premature babies to develop their lungs. Well I was on that steroid for 5 days and then continued to break out in a rash. The next week I went to urgent care. The doc there said I was having a systemic reaction to the poison ivy where my body was just not able to recuperate from it. He said I needed some serious steroids and prescribed me on a 21 day dose of prednisone. So once again--before I took this I was going to get my OB's approval.

So the side effects of prednisone--you can't sleep, it makes you hungry, and it makes you moody...yeah all the same side effects of pregnancy. I really didn't notice a difference with sleeplessness and hunger. I am up most nights anyways between being hungry, uncomfortable or itchy with poison ivy. However I did and have felt more on edge with the steroid in me. Yesterday was my last day of the drug--thank goodness! And my poison ivy is mostly gone. I just have patches of skin where you can see the remnants of the rash. I am just glad it is all gone. So that is my poison ivy story...

Now on to diabetes...so I failed my gestational diabetes test. However, I am pretty sure I failed it due to the prednisone which increases your sugar levels. The doc still asked me to come in for the 3 hour test (more thorough test) where I had blood drawn four times and I fasted for 15 hours and I wasn't allowed to leave the clinic during that time and I had Kylan with me. Let's just say I was not a happy camper. To prepare for this I adjusted the time of steroid so my system would be as clear of it as possible. I was starving. I was dizzy. I was nauseous. I was afraid that I would vomit the special nasty soda up, but I made it. And I have to say Ky was an angel. We went from floor to floor and he would play nicely. I read Goodnight Moon at least 10 times to him. Rob was awesome too. He came at the end of my test and brought me food! I was so hungry. So I passed that test--yeah! However, now they are concerned that my blood is too thin--because I bruised badly and the bleeding wouldn't stop if they just put a bandaid on it. So now I have a doc appointment tomorrow where I will bring that up. Boy this pregnancy just gets more and more complicated....

Pregnancy--so right now I am 32 weeks and am enjoying watching the baby move in my tummy. I remember being pregnant with Ky and coming home from school and sitting on the couch with my shirt pulled up and just watching him move. I don't have as much time for that now--but I do love to look down and watch the baby go. So much fun! Hiccups are becoming a daily thing now as well. Ky was a big hiccupper. I am hoping that with the steroids and all this baby doesn't come out much bigger than Ky--but I had a friend tell me--hey maybe this kid will help come out on its own and you won't have to do as much work.--so that is a bonus thought. The belly button has become a factor for me comparing to Ky's size. My belly button (or Beebo as Ky would call it) is starting to pop out. It never did with Ky. I am hoping I am carrying a bit differently and that is why---but honestly I have no clue. Feels about the same to me.

Alright--a couple of Ky updates. He always talks in full sentences now. And everyday there are new words in his vocabulary. He can spell his name and is doing well with letter identification. He loves to play in the water and always asks about swim class. He likes to pick up traits about people and use them to talk about them. For example, he may say--"Baby Lauren says grrrr." or "Jordan likes to play basketball." He recently discovered he has two nipples (is there a better word for this?) and now he says "I have 2 nipples just like Daddy." Potty training was going really well for a few days--but now we have backed off. Hopefully we can get back at it soon! He was going in his potty like a big boy and everything. He even went all by himself without telling us--but now he has lost interest. ARGH! Oh yeah--and that top pic of Ky and Pooh---I was making dinner in the kitchen when I hear Ky say "Ok Pooh now you sit here while I read you a story" and then he started reading to Pooh. It was too cute!
This is going to be a long blog...okay Mequon.
The last day of our vacation--sunday--we went to celebrate all the June B'days with the family. So we celebrated Ky-2, Devan - 10, Me - 30, A. Barb-Unknown, and Father's day. Ky had a great time playing with his cousin Dominic. They played b'ball & the piano together. It was very cute. They also enjoyed eating cake--of course. Ky got more presents--which he was excited about. In fact he kept saying that he wanted to open presents. I guess we are now officially at that age.

Fourth of July we went to our neighbors house for a potluck. The kids had a great time with all the pools set up. That night we went to see fireworks at Monona Park. Ky was so excited. He loves fireworks. He couldn't wait. He kept asking "where's the fireworks". When the fireworks were going he was clapping his hands and laughing and then at the end he had a meltdown. He was sad that they were done. He wanted more. Dad and I, however, were ready for bed.

A couple days after that U. Joel and A. Jamie came to visit. They got here during Ky's nap, so he was very shy when he woke up--but warmed up really quickly when he discovered they had presents for him. The best present was a book where you put your face in the pictures. KY loves that book--and loved making the same faces as U. Joel & A. Jamie. Ky had a really good time with them (and I think they enjoyed him too.) They played in Ky's house (which is good since I can't fit with my big old belly anymore), they read books, they played with trains. Ky did really well and even let us adults get a couple of games in. I, of course, won SkipBo again...

The next day we got up and made a yummy breakfast and then headed to the zoo. Ky loves the zoo---and it is really awesome that the Madison zoo is free. His favorite part is feeding the goats--however on this trip the giraffes were very entertaining. They actually seemed interested in the people. U. Joel and Ky then started a game of "Wait For Me" where they would both take off running and yelling "Wait for me". It was very entertaining to watch.

By the time we got home--Ky was out. However, our day was not over since we were going to the Brewer game that night. Ky woke up just before we left. It was actually funny--we put KY's Brewer hat on his head and U. Joel picked him up wearing his White Sox hat. Ky knocked U. Joel's hat off his head and put his Brewer's hat on him. Ky did not like U. Joel disrespecting the Brewers. We headed out to the game and got caught in more traffic than we thought we would get into. However we did alright on timing. We stopped at Gille's, a local custard shop, to get burgers and food and then headed off to the game. We made it during the first inning and realized we had pretty bad seats. They were freebie tix--but we have never had freebie tix that high up--we were the second to last row--but hey like I said they were free. The Brewer's lost the game quite miserably (first loss we have attended this year.) We even left a bit early so we could get home sooner. U. Joel & Jamie went straight home that night and Ky was sad. He kept asking about them. Hopefully we will see them again soon. We had a really great time! I love reconnecting with my brother as an adult and getting to know his beautiful wife better. I know if I lived at home we would be good friends. But alas--Wisconsin is my calling! :)

Okay this blog is way too long and I have so many more entries to catch up on. Stay tuned....

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