Sunday, July 13, 2008

A day in the life of...

Us of course!

Ok---I had to make this blog entry because this morning was just crazy--and all too often I have these crazy days and I really just need to write it down so I can laugh about it later....

So in my next blog entry I will talk about potty training---but not so much now, but you need to know for the basis of this story Ky has been doing some potty training and has been doing VERY well.

So this morning (it's Sunday), Rob and I wake up to Ky. Ky is nicely playing in his crib. I pull Rob closer to me and tell him that we should take advantage of laying in bed a little longer, because with 2 kids that is not going to happen for a while again. However, shortly after I state that baby #2 pummels my bladder forcing me to get up. So we go to get Kylan out of bed, just to discover he has peed through. ARGH! We pull him out strip him down and his crib down. I put new sheets on. The cloth diapers are downstairs. I figure--the boy just went, we should be good for a few minutes until we take him downstairs, let's brush our teeth and get dressed. (Today we have church.)

So I tell Ky--tell me if you need to go pee pee! And I let him run around naked for the time being while Rob and I get dressed. I put on a white shirt (yeah--you know where I am going) and a nice skirt. Next thing I hear is Ky yelling "I peed on Dora." I run into his room to discover him standing on a stack of books--and sure enough Dora was on top. Now--not only did he pee on Dora, but he managed to pee on about 7 other books. The carpet was actually pretty dry--until I picked up the books of course. Did I mention he hit 2 library books? Oh yeah--remember this next time your child is picking out library books!

So we cleaned off the books and the carpet and headed downstairs for breakfast, where Ky made the usual mess. Nothing worse than normal. However, when I went to pick my boy up from the table he starts rubbing his face on my shirt. I'm not thinking. I am just thinking he is being affectionate, UNTIL he wipes his snotty nose on my face and yes---across my mouth. Yeah--now I am mad. Did I mention I am on heavy dose of steroids from all that poison ivy. Mood swings. I snapped. I got angry, I yelled, and then I cried. I have snot down my shirt and across my face. Oh parenting.....

So I sit on the couch and recooperate after this ordeal--and after I spend some time cleaning my face and trying to wipe snot off my shirt. If you are a parent you probably understand why I am not changing my shirt. If you are not a parent---wait until you have kids, then you will know...

So our plan was to run to the store prior to church, so we really needed to get going. Well of course after my meltdown--we are late, but we figure maybe we can be fast enough anyway.

So we head to the store picking up a wide variety of stuff, when my shoe breaks. Yes the top of my shoe literally comes apart from the bottom of my shoe.---and it is a shoe with a heel. There is no way I can walk around like this. So I head to the shoe section--where I look at every shoe in the world--and they are ALL ugly. Have I mentioned that I have been having a shoe shopping problem for the last 4 months. I hate all shoes except the worn out pieces of crap I have. Why can't anyone design a shoe for me? Do you just sense my hormones. I am pregnant and on steroids--this is a very big deal to me. I eventually find one pair of shoes I like--but of course they don't have my size. AHHHH!!!! What is wrong with this world! Ky is now pulling boxes of shoes off the shelf. Then he buckles his leg into the cart buckle and now we are super later for church--did I mention we still have to buy dog food AND it appears Ky has just peed through his diaper!? Say what!? AGAIN?! AHHHH!!!

Okay--so we settle on some attractive black duct tape and head out to the car with our purchases. You know the rest. I spend time taping my shoe together while Rob gets the dog food. Of course please realize that these shoes have buckles, so all the shoe trying on and off has been killer on me since I can barely reach my feet now. So my shoes are in my lap as I try to fix them--and yes black crap from my shoes gets all over my white shirt.

And that is how I got to church this morning---Hormonal, preggo, on steroids, with a dirty, snotty white shirt, and duct taped shoes.

Just another day in the life.....

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