Monday, July 07, 2008

Birthday, Father's Day, Strawberry Picking, and a Wedding...

This is the pre-camping blog...The next blog will be very long by the way.

Rob and I decided to celebrate my b'day and Father's day together (he had class on my b'day --plus it was just nice to have a relaxing day together.) So we of course got Icecream at Cold Stone! YUM! BTW--if you don't know you can go to their website and sign up for their birthday club and you get FREE icecream on your birthday! And I LOVE icecream--right now fruity ice cream with this baby. Rob then made me a delicious dinner. It was a sandwich made with french bread, roasted pepper italian dressing, smoked fresh mozerella, pepperoni, and breaded eggplant and red roasted peppers. It was divine! Just what this baby mama needed. I don't remember too much else about that day except that I was excited for our future camping trip, it was a relaxing day, and I ate well!

On my birthday--Rob gave me the bestest present. First of all, I woke up to freshly baked banana bread (and yes he still went to work on time!) and then he hid little candies all throughout the house. What a GREAT day. All day long I was coming across these candies. How exciting! This is every pregnant woman's dream....

Friday we went strawberry picking. It was very sad strawberry picking though. The rains had really minimized the crops and the berries were small. We didn't pick much--and I just froze what I had. No jam this year. I hoping to pick enough raspberries this year and make raspberry jam in place of my normal strawberry. Ky did good picking strawberries for himself. I think he actually picked 3-4 berries and put them in the box to take home. The rest went into his mouth. He was in heaven. I think he most enjoyed the tractor ride back to the car though. I got him to run to catch the tractor so I didn't have to walk back with all the berries. Afterwards we had a very disappointing experience at DQ. It is rare when I take Ky out to eat--and we went to DQ really because I wanted icecream--but of course "healthy"food--I really should use a different word---lunch food first. Well they screwed up my order--and just made things difficult for me. Not to mention Ky was very hungry and irritable. So we left without icecream. That has never happened before. I think this may have been the first time I ever ate DQ food as well--I don't think I will do that again.
Saturday was a fun day. We went to Danny and Maureen's wedding. This was one of the most unique weddings we have been too. VERY ORIGINAL! We were greeted by a bag pipist who played until the wedding began. The wedding colors were green and pink---the groom had a brown suit with green tie--it looked really good together. The bride had a beautiful pink and ivory dress. It was very nice. During the candle lighting, they put up pictures of them growing up. It was neat how many similar type childhood pics they had. Very cool! I am sorry I didn't get any nice pics of them to put on the blog. (The best one I had I posted--you can kind of see the bride's dress.) After the wedding the bride and groom departed in a horse drawn carriage--which Ky enjoyed petting.
The reception was in a tent in the groom's parents' backyard. The temp was perfect. And Ky loved running around. We had a very nice time and got a 4 pack of Bailey's as we departed! Yum! (for Robby that is) Ky had fun dancing with Jessica (from lifegroup) and eating lots of chocolate and very unhealthy things--and honestly so did I. This baby has not given me many healthy cravings!
That's all for now. I am working on the next blog--but it will be VERY long since it is our vacation. I may have to split it up into 2 entries! Keep cool!

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