Sunday, September 21, 2008

I want to pee in the volcano!

So--Ky has discovered the urinal. And he LOVES it!

Except he calls it the volcano. Pretty funny. He also gets mad when I can't take him to the urinal (like in church, or at the zoo.) I try to explain to him that only daddy can take him--but he doesn't get it. Oh well.

So we are ENTIRELY potty trained! Yeah! No more BM issues! And he hasn't even wet his pull-up at night or during naptime. AMAZING at his age! In fact he wakes up at night and asks to go.

Let's cross our fingers and hope that he keeps this up even when the baby comes. We tried to have some discussions with him, preparing him for a baby that wears diapers vs. him being the big boy. We will see. I just purchased the DVD "Potty Power" online. The library made me return it--and well I guess I bragged about it TOO much because it is gone. Someone else has got it now. I figure this DVD is a great investment not just to keep Ky potty trained, but also for the next one. BTW--I would like to mention that this video is very annoying to the adult--but at least it is short.

So no baby yet. And just an FYI--assuming I have time (which I most likely will) I will update my blog when the big day comes. Otherwise, I am growing more uncomfortable by the day AND the contractions have been pretty constant for 9 days now--just not growing in intensity or regularity. My last appointment (last Weds) had me at less than 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Take that for what you want since some women can go from 0 cm to in labor in hours. Right now the numbers mean very little to me. I am still in refusal to be induced or C-sectioned, and at my last visit I saw the nurse and nothing was said and no pressure was put on me (thank goodness.) My next appointment is tomorrow. I see the female doc. We will see what she says...but I am sticking to my guns--don't say anything about induction or c-section until I am close to 42 weeks. I want to go about this the natural way--and I will fight to get it!

Otherwise I have to say I am ready--yet no nesting desires or such which makes me think I have at least a few days yet. Right now I am trying to get quality time in with my boy--lots of snuggles and special trips like the zoo or the park. Things will definitely be changing soon. This is just a short entry to inform everyone who is asking---no baby yet...and yes I will call/email/update the blog when it happens--I find it especially funny that close family keep calling and asking if we have had the baby yet. I told Rob that next time we should tell them--"oh the baby---yeah --he/she was born weeks ago." Until the next blog--which will hopefully be THE blog everyone is waiting for.

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