Wednesday, September 03, 2008

State Fair, Brewers, Butterflies, & Mallards in 2 days!

Boy—you can almost feel the panic of the nearing summer through my blogs. We do SO much in a weekend—and this is normal for us. We love the warm weather! I alson think we are even feeling more pressured to have fun now because of the new baby. We know it will be much harder for us to get out—not to mention they are predicting a worse winter this year than last year. SCARY!

Dad had Friday off of work and we decided to spend the day in Milwaukee. As normal, we did not get on the road as quick as planned, however that was fine. We went to Miss Katy’s Diner in Milwaukee for lunch (we did want to try it for breakfast—but like I said, slow start.) I have been wanting to try Miss Katy’s diner for a while. It was on the Food Network Channel and Rachel Ray had given it good ratings—plus the donuts were supposed to be over the top. And hey—who doesn’t like donuts!? We got there and had our brunch—but no donuts---they were done for the day. ARGH! The food was pretty good—but nothing I would return for. It was interesting that we got seated at the table where THE Bell Ambulance commercial was filmed—talk about exciting! At the end of the meal we started smelling something extreme and soon discovered it was our son—yeah—he went everywhere. We took him out to the car and changed him and wiped him down with wipes in the grass. The flies were swarming. It was nasty. Good thing I brought an extra change of clothes.

So here is the point where I need to mention that Ky has been holding his pottying. He will go 3-6 hours without doing anything—then go in his diaper and NO diaper can contain it. We have switched from cloth to disposable with no luck-in fact cloth is better because we at least have the rubber pants as a way to hold it in a little longer. So we knew that we needed to potty train him soon.

After that nasty change—we stopped at Kmart to buy the next size up diaper—hoping that that might get us through the day…Perhaps larger meant extra absorption (no we actually discovered larger meant easier to come out of the diaper!)

We then went to the State Fair. Grandma Debi had gotten us free tix and we knew Ky would love petting the animals. We battled the traffic, got parking and went in only to discover they no longer let you pet the animals. BUMMER! I guess 2 years ago a bunch of people got sick at the fair and they decided it was because people pet the animals, didn’t wash their hands and then ate food (gross!) And now those people ruined it for the rest of us—oh well.

It was fun—though I wasn’t really wanting to be on my feet for long. They were starting to swell and I was starting to cramp. I like the pic of Ky with the pig. It reminded me of when we took Ky to fair when he was 6 weeks or so—we also took a pic of him with the pig. Ahhh…the memories. Well at some point Ky started to get crabby too (see pic of him in the stroller) so I think we were all ready to call the fair quits. I am glad we had free tix, otherwise this journey would have been a waste of money.

After the fair, we met up with a good friend of ours (and our favorite realtor) Andrea. It was good to see her again and catch up on our lives. Ky slept through most of this visit which was good—he was then refreshed enough for the Brewer game which was to follow.

So we grabbed a quick bite to eat at Copp’s—a favorite burger and custard place—where I got sick (yes even this late in the pregnancy I am still getting sick) and then were off to the game.

The Brewer’s of course won—they win every time we attend a game this season—except when my brother went with us that one time and wore the forbidden SOX hat.

We went home exhausted and then got up the next day for the Farmer’s Market and Blooming Butterflies at Olbrich Garden with Nana & G’ma Jan. IT was another hot one—and I have to say I have not enjoyed hot days with this pregnancy. (Today the high was 61 degrees and it was perfect for me!) It was nice to be at the farmer’s market though—and to buy some goodies. We then went to Lazy Jane’s for lunch—a very nice and kid friendly local café. And then we were off to Olbrich Garden’s which had a special butterfly exhibit.

Ky was funny with the butterflies. He seemed scared of them at first and then quickly quickly warmed up to the idea of having these little critters fly around him. Next year when we go, I think we will go earlier in the morning on a less busy day. They say that the butterflies are more active then. It seemed like we saw a lot of the same types of butterflies. After that we walked through the outdoor gardens and let Ky play for a bit. The outdoor gardens are free and fabulous. They are a great place to take kids and just let them roam and explore. We found turtles basking in the sun—and one turtle actually appeared to be stuck. His body was in such as way that he couldn’t push himself off of the log and into the water. It was funny to watch him for a while. I guess having your home on your back isn’t always a positive feature.

The last pic is of us taking Ky to a Mallard’s game. After the gardens we put Ky down for a very VERY short nap. We had plans to see a Mallards game that night with some friends, so all too soon we had to wake him up. We dressed him at the game and he was a good sport. A bit clingy—but hey he was tired. And I think Ky thought it was all worth it once they did fireworks at the end of the game. So that was our busy weekend. Just wait—we got another busy one yet…I think the Michigan weekend is next blog—and I am trying to get caught up before the new one comes. It is helpful when I am awake between 3 and 5 most mornings. I am sure I will be caught up in less than a week.
Less than 3 weeks to go!

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