Sunday, August 09, 2009

Breakfast on the farm, a birthday & Father's day

A beautiful smile for a yummy breakfast at the farm!

and a kookier smile....

He's a cow...eating ice cream...

chasing the chickens

checking out the baby chicks



So happy to be at COLD STONE!

Ky's salute to MJ

Just taking a bath

Big bro helping

Making his own sandwich...yeah I don't know about all the bread pieces or the PB smear on his cheek--it was his sandwich after all...

Sleeping with Nana

My baby can crawl!

Yes my baby is now on the move! Shortly after Ky's birthday, Alaina finally put two and two together and started moving her tush! And boy does she crawl. It is a little weird for us, since Ky never liked crawling. With this new crawling thing, Alaina puts everything she finds on the floor in her mouth--string, lint, small pieces of paper, pebbles...YUCK! Yeah---we are definitely ready for her to walk.

Also, we are back to baby proofing and realizing what isn't so baby proof. All in all we are glad that she is moving, but also find it ironic that she chooses to become mobile right before our camping trip. We will have to see how that goes...
So the weekend before my birthday we went to an event called breakfast on the farm. It was pretty cool. We went to a local farm, ate a farm breakfast, got to check out the animals and taste samples of various stuff including ice cream. Ky had fun. He got his face painted like a cow--MOO!
For the middle of June, it was a very chilly day as well as wet and rainy--but we made the best of it. Ky definitely liked the cows the best. They have the longest tongues--and boy was it funny watching them lick up the straw.

And of course there were goats--Ky's obsession-- or "Doats" as he calls them. The poor chickens he chased--but actually I just think he gave them a great work out. By the time we went home the kids were exhausted and took a pretty good nap on our drive to Milwaukee. Depending on the location of the next "breakfast on the farm" I think we will be going again. It definitely was worth it!

So off we went to Milwaukee to celebrate Devan's b'day, mine, Jordan's graduation, and Pop's Father's day. Once again it was cold and I was surprised to see the teens swimming--but then again-I shouldn't really be that surprised.
I can hardly believe that Jordan has graduated middle school and will be starting high School. I still remember when I first met him and how he used to crawl into my lap. The cute little boy has definitely turned into a handsome young man. *SIGH* The time goes by so fast.

Well you can see how tired I was from the morning since I have NO pics of the graduating boy. Bad Jess! I slacked. I have the pic of Alaina and Grandpa--and then a couple of pics that have pretty much no focus--I definitely was not at the top of my photography game. Ah well....Cut me some slack...

The next day, Rob arranged for a babysitter for the kids and made me a special dinner at home for my birthday--it was Very Romantic..and Very Yummy! We ate steak and potatoes, Caesar salad, and for dessert freshly baked cookies with homemade ice cream! mmmmm...Yeah I was stuffed! What a great birthday.....and for my birthday present--a NEW DIGITAL CAMERA---you know, because I don't take enough pics....
I don't have the camera yet---but I will soon---It took me a long time to decide what I when I catch up with my blog in mid-August or so you should see some higher quality pics....
On my actual birthday itself we went to Cold Stone (of course) and enjoyed some delicious ice cream. Alaina was ecstatic to be there. We walked on State St and went into some fun stores--I was pretty excited to find the Michael Jackson coat for Ky to try on. Not to mention he made the cool little hand moves. Hee Hee...that's my boy.
Father's day was the following Sunday--and as you can see I slacked to take pics once again. I served Rob his Grandma Herbst's famous Apple Pancakes for breakfast (which he loves---btw--I will be putting this recipe up soon). We went to church and then of course celebrated with ice cream--boy if you were just now getting to know me in this blog--you probably would realize by now that my family has an obsession with ice cream--probably driven mostly by me. Ky, of course, made a card for Dad as well. And Dad's Father's day present was an hour long massage gift certificate--something every Dad deserves.
So the other pics are hodge podge pics. We started giving Alaina baths in the kitchen sink---it is just so much easier to do it there than in her little tub or in our big bath tub. She fits in it so perfectly and really has a lot of fun. Ky also likes helping to wash her.
Nana & Grandma Jan visited the day before Father's day. We had a nice day with them at the Farmer's market and then walking State St and of course a stop for ice cream at the Chocolate Shoppe! Yum! You probably notice the clips in Alaina's hair. It is getting long now, and when it is hot it is just a sweaty mess, so now I hold it back with clips. By July, I actually started putting it in pig tails! (So cute!) It also is getting curl in it and is turning red. I have had a lot of people comment on the color of her hair. I still think she will turn fully blonde like Ky, but we will have to wait and see. For now it is a strawberry blonde--and so beautiful!
Whew--another blog entry done and LOTS more to blog entry will be our vacation! See I am catching up! Tootles!

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